To address the latest accusations...
"" is the account that handles all the paypal transactions for the store. It belongs to my friend and neighbor Ryan, who is also a NTer. We use this account because we have a debit card for it that allows us to withdraw the money instantly without a 3-5 day waiting period, and in return, pay the customers for their merchandise that has been sold.
You were correct that I was contacted by your friend about buying my Takashis, however he wanted me to register and make a new ISS account in order to complete the transaction. It did not seem worth it to me to do all this because I also had a local buyer interested, who actually bought the shoes on Monday (exactly as I said) and picked them up from my store. I would always rather do a local transaction for immediate cash than a long distance transaction. Self-explanatory.
In regards to ISS, I was not banned for being a fraud, because at the time I was banned I had +13 feedback. I was banned (along with my girlfriend) because we had identical IP addresses, meaning that we both had active accounts created from the same computer and I did not know that was against ISS's rules.
From beginning to end...I made an agreement with your girlfriend on ISS for the Safari AM1s and once she sent payment, I realized that she had not provided a shipping address. I immediately contacted her for this information, and waited a few days for her response. I mailed the shoes out shortly after via UPS. I did not hear anything from your girlfriend for a few days, so I assumed everything was fine.
After hearing her complaint some weeks later, I began my own investigation to find out what happened to the shoes. I found out only a few days ago that due to a mistake on the shipping address, the shoes were labeled "return to sender". UPS proceeded to return the shoes to my Delaware apartment, WHICH I NO LONGER LIVE AT, but was the address that they had on file for me for the past 3 years as a frequent shipper.
After exhausting every possibility, I made some calls to Delaware and was informed that the package had been sitting there for 3 weeks, but they had no way of contacting me.
So, I apologize for all the drama. It was never my intention to scam you out of your shoes. I'm glad you got the payment back (which came out of my pocket, not the store's register), and I wish you the best.
I understand that although I've done thousands of transactions with many people in the DC/MD/VA and around the country, this one transaction could easily label me as a fraud. So at this time, I would now invite anyone who has had a negative transaction with me in the past to speak about it.
I believe the silence will speak for itself.
Have a good day NT.
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