"The Master" Jordan 12s To Release (2/27/2016)

Seen these for the first time in person today. Some chick was wearing them around at my job. Couldn't get a closer look but she had the right mind to wear some camo with em... These are gonna be nice during those summer nights.
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Standing on a line doesn't bother me.

If you're up for only one pair that is admirable. If you're looking to resell and need multiples it clearly doesn't make sense. I figure most people use resell channel to if not make money, at least make their personal pair not as expensive.
Ordering shoes online seems Streesful. :lol:

I stand in line I either get them or I don't. Not waiting 24 hours for a email. What if the email never comes? :nerd:
Ok. Most people purchased them to resell. That's why we don't see on foot pics....[/quote] I purchase to wear just waiting on Nike.
What...no flaws?

I got a couple on mine that that would prob make some of you go nuts but i don't really worry about them.

I think people were going crazy on the cements cuz they stand out more since its a white shoe
Ordering shoes online seems Streesful. :lol:

I stand in line I either get them or I don't. Not waiting 24 hours for a email. What if the email never comes? :nerd:

But if dont get em thats a waste of your time and gas no? Copping online saves u time and gas, u can do it in bed, in the bathroom, while watching tv, where ever in your comfortable house. Sometimes the weather aint too favorable neither to be waiting in line, bump that, online for me. I can go about my day and checkup on that shippng email every so often, it aint that serious.
Crazy to see certain sizes selling for $300 + on eBay. Lol at random kids in sneaker groups asking for the same price as well.

Gonna wear mine this week. Perfect for the rain, if it ever rains again in CA.
Ordering shoes online seems Streesful.

I stand in line I either get them or I don't. Not waiting 24 hours for a email. What if the email never comes?
Only thing stressful about copping online is when I forget to close out my "Thank you for order" or "Got 'em" screen and my wife walks by and sees it!! 
Aside from the lameness that is eflexing a gun...at least be realistic if you're gonna be corny as hell, they dropped yesterday and today is Sunday so it's impossible that you'd have gotten them from an online order.

"Try again. Fail again. Fail better."
Nobody has received a shipping email yet... I haven't even got my shipping emails for the 2 pair of white/blue high AF1's... Should be getting them all some time tomorrow
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