The Movie Red Tails...Go support your people.

Originally Posted by doyung9

Originally Posted by AKA LONGSTROKE

Hollywood has always feared a strong black male personality on the screen. As an actor, they're letting Denzel hang for a minute, he's bankable. But he didn't get the nod until he played a Drug Dealer.

Won best Supporting in 1989 for Glory.

So did Butterfly McQueen.
Originally Posted by sillyputty

Originally Posted by Wr

Originally Posted by sillyputty

I'm not saying you wear his t-shirt to bed or anything, nor am I trying to call you out on anything.

I'm just saying that i've seen you reference his opinions and services SEVERAL times in a variety of threads...There is no denying this.

I wanted to know why you chose to quote him here and how those feelings aligned with your own.

And no, i'm not a complete fan of him. He comes across as somewhat close-minded, homophobic, and xenophobic...and he lied about his credentials. But that aside, I think he has some good points from time to time. 

I just think that as much as you reference him, it would be no problem for you to say why you chose that review in general. I think its a fair question.

I'm just curious. I appreciate new perspectives and want to make sure i'm not missing something, especially as much as you refer to his material.
How many times have you posted the same stuff over and over tho? How many threads have you posted Krauss " A universe from nothing" video?
Posting one video (of many) to answer a question as to "where does all this stuff come from and whats the current scientific understanding on the "big bang?"" is different from
"Umar Johnson says this, that, and the other" about being black and opinions on the stuff.

One is supported with testable and verifable evidence that attempts to be objective, the other is merely a pundit sharing his thoughts on society and culture.

And its cool if you think Umar is the basis of black thought etc, in the community, but I just want to know what it is that he particularly aligns with.

Because unlike Lawrence Krauss, the information Krauss presents can be presented by anyone. Krauss is merely a vehicle to the information...scientific data that will exists whether or not Krauss is the one clicking powerpoint slides or not. Umar however has a stance thats unique to Umar. 

I only ask because I think DC usually has some really valid stuff to say and offers a lot through his posts from time to time. 

Again, its about perspective and gaining it, so don't think i'm trying to "pull people's cards" etc, but I honestly found it interesting that as of late, Umar Johnson, as controversial as he is, constantly gets referred to by the same names.

I'm trying to see if i'm missing something.

Originally Posted by AKA LONGSTROKE

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

And I don't knock Tyler Perry's movies unless he is doing that damn Drag Routine Madea. Other than that, I have no issue with him at all. His movies are fine I guess.

I think that we all know that Hollywood is okay with Black movies that,
have black people killing each other,

have black people selling drugs,

have black people, mainly black women, hailing Jesus at the end of a movie,

having light skinned blacks as heroes,

having darker skinned blacks looking as buffoons,

and with Tyler Perry, he gives you all of it within one movie.

Here's the thing, my man Don Cheadle has been sitting on a script for a movie about MILES DAVIS for years!

Miles was notorious for telling White people about themselves in their faces, and then living on his own terms.

They made Ray, because Ray Charles never made white people feel uncomfortable, but Miles?


All I am going to say is this, I hope that at least I get to see the movie made in MY lifetime, even an independent version.

Hollywood has always fears a strong black male personality on the screen. As an actor, they're letting Denzel hang for a minute, he's bankable. But he didn't get the nod until he played a Drug Dealer.



Me too! I can't wait!
Originally Posted by doyung9

Originally Posted by AKA LONGSTROKE

Hollywood has always feared a strong black male personality on the screen. As an actor, they're letting Denzel hang for a minute, he's bankable. But he didn't get the nod until he played a Drug Dealer.

Won best Supporting in 1989 for Glory.

Still he was a second banana. And still these black actors shouldnt care about awards as much as putting out good quality movies and deliver great acting. Again trying to recieve praise and accolades from ppl who dont support you or care about the matter anyhow. So instead of striving for the impossible, how bout achieving the reachable.
Originally Posted by sillyputty

Originally Posted by Wr

Originally Posted by sillyputty

I'm not saying you wear his t-shirt to bed or anything, nor am I trying to call you out on anything.

I'm just saying that i've seen you reference his opinions and services SEVERAL times in a variety of threads...There is no denying this.

I wanted to know why you chose to quote him here and how those feelings aligned with your own.

And no, i'm not a complete fan of him. He comes across as somewhat close-minded, homophobic, and xenophobic...and he lied about his credentials. But that aside, I think he has some good points from time to time. 

I just think that as much as you reference him, it would be no problem for you to say why you chose that review in general. I think its a fair question.

I'm just curious. I appreciate new perspectives and want to make sure i'm not missing something, especially as much as you refer to his material.
How many times have you posted the same stuff over and over tho? How many threads have you posted Krauss " A universe from nothing" video?
Posting one video (of many) to answer a question as to "where does all this stuff come from and whats the current scientific understanding on the "big bang?"" is different from
"Umar Johnson says this, that, and the other" about being black and opinions on the stuff.

One is supported with testable and verifable evidence that attempts to be objective, the other is merely a pundit sharing his thoughts on society and culture.

And its cool if you think Umar is the basis of black thought etc, in the community, but I just want to know what it is that he particularly aligns with.

Because unlike Lawrence Krauss, the information Krauss presents can be presented by anyone. Krauss is merely a vehicle to the information...scientific data that will exists whether or not Krauss is the one clicking powerpoint slides or not. Umar however has a stance thats unique to Umar. 

I only ask because I think DC usually has some really valid stuff to say and offers a lot through his posts from time to time. 

Again, its about perspective and gaining it, so don't think i'm trying to "pull people's cards" etc, but I honestly found it interesting that as of late, Umar Johnson, as controversial as he is, constantly gets referred to by the same names.

I'm trying to see if i'm missing something.

Originally Posted by AKA LONGSTROKE

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

And I don't knock Tyler Perry's movies unless he is doing that damn Drag Routine Madea. Other than that, I have no issue with him at all. His movies are fine I guess.

I think that we all know that Hollywood is okay with Black movies that,
have black people killing each other,

have black people selling drugs,

have black people, mainly black women, hailing Jesus at the end of a movie,

having light skinned blacks as heroes,

having darker skinned blacks looking as buffoons,

and with Tyler Perry, he gives you all of it within one movie.

Here's the thing, my man Don Cheadle has been sitting on a script for a movie about MILES DAVIS for years!

Miles was notorious for telling White people about themselves in their faces, and then living on his own terms.

They made Ray, because Ray Charles never made white people feel uncomfortable, but Miles?


All I am going to say is this, I hope that at least I get to see the movie made in MY lifetime, even an independent version.

Hollywood has always fears a strong black male personality on the screen. As an actor, they're letting Denzel hang for a minute, he's bankable. But he didn't get the nod until he played a Drug Dealer.

That's just your opinion of Umar tho. Some people feel the same way about Krauss. No one is blameless and it goes both ways. 
And on Miles...

Man I just recently got up on him. He was truly that dude. Didn't know he grew up rich either. Even though he grew up in very racial times, his dad was a dentist owned a lot of land that he had grown up on. He didn't really grow up with that limited mindset blacks were conditioned to have at that time. It's said that he was often frowning and scowling on his album covers to compensate for being called pretty boy and growing up so privileged. very interesting guy. Especially how his music grows and changes throughout the time
Originally Posted by doyung9

Movie was bad.

Acting was bad.

Pacing was bad.

George Lucas should be ashamed of himself. I seriously doubt him finding funding had anything to do with the all black cast and more so that the people whom he let look at the script probably saw that the movie was wack.

Mind you, no, I am not black, African-American, etc. I am an Asian born, American citizen via adoption. But color shouldn't decide whether or not this movie is good. Like LDJ said, I fully expect there to be a consensus of black people who will say this was a good movie because of the cast and the message, but that's wrong. This movie was downright bad. They could have had an all-white cast with Tom Hanks playing the role Cuba had and Aaron Rodgers guest starring as the German and this movie still would have been wack.

This movie was about as serious as G.I. Joe the Rise of Cobra. There was zero character or plot development. Stuff just happened. No build up. No suspense. No connection to any of the characters or events.

I wanted more for and from this movie. But it was just bad.
Racist. Shame on you for not supporting this movie and telling others to go see it even if it is bad
I don't really mean this I'm just trying to go along with the other people who are so butt hurt because someone doesn't like this movie
Originally Posted by Wr

And on Miles...

Man I just recently got up on him. He was truly that dude. Didn't know he grew up rich either. Even though he grew up in very racial times, his dad was a dentist owned a lot of land that he had grown up on. He didn't really grow up with that limited mindset blacks were conditioned to have at that time. It's said that he was often frowning and scowling on his album covers to compensate for being called pretty boy and growing up so privileged. very interesting guy. Especially how his music grows and changes throughout the time

That may have been a part of it, but much of that posture had to do with him not wanting to please white people, making them feel comfortable as did Pops, Louis Armstrong.
Hollywood had a hard time getting behind X, The Autobiography of Malcolm X as well. News reports were predicting riots at theaters, with mobs of angry black folk supposedly wanting to kill YT after leaving the theaters.

It was great being a Black man back then. Hysterical! As there were white people being truly apologetic, as they sat next to you during that movie.

Not many people know about Miles, But if he were an influence today, and to be quite honest, he and those cats from back then were more gangsta' than any hip hop artist could dream of being even in this day and age, it may be too good of thing.

Miles was about his BUSINESS. Miles had money, his own money. He'd be dangerous to learn from, especially in this society of followers.

I hope that his movie gets made, and soon. However, Hollywood is having some serious issues with that.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by Peep Game

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

And I don't knock Tyler Perry's movies unless he is doing that damn Drag Routine Madea. Other than that, I have no issue with him at all. His movies are fine I guess.
I have to sort of disagree with you on this. The majority of his movies seem to be extremely interchangeable. You can swap out every character from every movie
and the plots are basically the same.
I never said his movies were good. 

I am just saying that the Blackface only really comes out with Madea and her foolishness. 
Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

I think what it is, that even though these movies depict a part of our history...its still our history in a subordinate position. I want to see films that capture our modern sentiments and continue the historical narrative based on history like Tuskegee.

The problem with these films is they are still in the box and lend credit to the dominate master narrative...

Thats why I expect the new Tarantino to be a lot more of what Im lookin for from black film.

 We need imagination, creativity, and a revisionist narrative that will help people understand our current social order more clearly.

But most of all we need the medium to be able to be creative and liberated from the dominant master narrative, and that's what the back story behind this film is all about.

The lameness of white Hollywood and the media continuing to carry on the same stereotypical stories which feature a white hero saving everybody
. When our media reinforces that type of thinking you see the psychological ramifications it has on the world. It is truly unfair for peoples who have been victims of European aggression, chauvinism, and jingoism. Then the average watcher, stuck in the American middle class cycle living pay check to pay check, of course has no qualms with the details behind these movies. He just wants to have a nice weekend, watch a couple explosions, and end the night with his chick. Politics as usual.

Thats what this is about...there is nothing to argue over...its clear as day...these people control everything and its not right.


A hero saving the hopeless, small minded and the desperate-very white indeed


These people control everything, I wish hypocrisy was truly a mortal sin
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by Deuce King

Like I said in the other thread, any and every black person needs to go see this movie. Some black people get it and some black people dont.

Can you explain what you mean? Get what? If someone decides they don't want to see it does that mean they don't get it? I am confused.

Meaning some black people get the importance of this movie and going to see it from a community standpoint and from the standpoint of Hollywood producing more movie like this one if they see that WE actually go out and support the product.  From the community standpoint we need/should start taking better care of ourselves and be more supportive of positive images of blacks on TV and on the movie screen.  From the Hollywood standpoint it would be nice to see movies such as this one and others that don't have negative stereotypes associated with black people in it.  In order to help get projects like this one and hopefully future projects off the ground like this is we have to purchase a ticket and support the CAUSE of having future movies with predominately black casts shown on the big screen.  To answer your question to me if a black person chooses not to see this film especially if they are a movie going type of person, nitpicks any and every little thing about this movie, and comes up with a ton of excuses not to see this movie , then to me they don't get it.   
For example.

Let's compare one element from Saving Private Ryan to Red Tails. Same war. Ensemble cast.

When Vin Diesel's character died EARLY in the film, I felt a bit of sadness. Why? Because in his bit of screen time leading to his death at about the 35-40 minute mark, they built his character enough that you knew

a) he loved Children, particularly his little sister/niece (can't remember which one).
b) he was killed trying to appease a crying child
c) we had to WATCH him die, watch him give his last request. it was real.

Meanwhile, Maurice dies in Red Tails. Can anyone, ANYONE tell me anything about Maurice?
Originally Posted by AKA LONGSTROKE

And on Miles...

Man I just recently got up on him. He was truly that dude. Didn't know he grew up rich either. Even though he grew up in very racial times, his dad was a dentist owned a lot of land that he had grown up on. He didn't really grow up with that limited mindset blacks were conditioned to have at that time. It's said that he was often frowning and scowling on his album covers to compensate for being called pretty boy and growing up so privileged. very interesting guy. Especially how his music grows and changes throughout the time

That may have been a part of it, but much of that posture had to do with him not wanting to please white people, making them feel comfortable as did Pops, Louis Armstrong.
Hollywood had a hard time getting behind X, The Autobiography of Malcolm X as well. News reports were predicting riots at theaters, with mobs of angry black folk supposedly wanting to kill YT after leaving the theaters.

It was great being a Black man back then. Hysterical! As there were white people being truly apologetic, as they sat next to you during that movie.

Not many people know about Miles, But if he were an influence today, and to be quite honest, he and those cats from back then were more gangsta' than any hip hop artist could dream of being even in this day and age, it may be too good of thing.

Miles was about his BUSINESS. Miles had money, his own money. He'd be dangerous to learn from, especially in this society of followers.

I hope that his movie gets made, and soon. However, Hollywood is having some serious issues with that.

Dude, you talk about not many people knowing Miles, but I've never seen you post in the Jazz thread...I posted about the Miles movie a minute ago here. There's actually two Miles movies currently in development. Cheadle's is about Miles in the 70s when he really wasn't playing much. George Tillman who directed Notorious also has one in development.

t's funny, I see a whole bunch of dudes talking about supporting this & that, but when I look in the music thread, I see threads about nipsey hussle, Common/Drake ruckus, tity boi getting multiple pages but when someone posts jazz or reggae, not one you bother to post. You guys would rather discuss whether or not Paul Patton has hips or Kobe's mistress...SMH at almost all of you...Most of you guys are as narrow minded as the ones you accuse of being narrow minded...

Stepping down from the soap box now...
Originally Posted by blackmagnus514

lmao @ black men who fiend for Paid in Full and Belly yet talk bad about this film.

Dudes clearly can't grasp the problem. Still trying to argue if the movie is good or not. Another crazy thing is why are cats not from the black community in here arguing why they aren't supporting the film. Like why are you in this thread going against the film just exit and don't worry about it. This doesn't concern you.
Originally Posted by Put em up

Originally Posted by blackmagnus514

lmao @ black men who fiend for Paid in Full and Belly yet talk bad about this film.

Dudes clearly can't grasp the problem. Still trying to argue if the movie is good or not. Another crazy thing is why are cats not from the black community in here arguing why they aren't supporting the film. Like why are you in this thread going against the film just exit and don't worry about it. This doesn't concern you.
doyung9 wrote:
Meanwhile, Maurice dies in Red Tails. Can anyone, ANYONE tell me anything about Maurice?

The cats in the movie didn't even really care that he died. Overall I thought the movie was eeeehh entertaining but the acting wasn't that good and there was some clunky dialogue.
Your the main one I'm talking to. If you don't like what's going on keep it moving why keep posting in here?
I dropped science on this in the other thread. 
I have immense issues with the portrayal of black men in Hollywood. Either you're some pet Negro or you gotta wear a dress to get on or you're some other janky role. A movie comes out with Black men as all black cast backed by a legend...this man brought us Star Wars. Giving younger brothas a chance to star without being in Denzel or Will or Tyler Perry's shadow. There's a LOT riding on this project. Hollywood is all about a dollar. Look at the early 90s when the Black consciousness was had Eddie playing an playboy advertising exec, now? You'd never see that! Watch if this flick even does remotely well, they're gonna jockride it and give it more power....but only to a certain degree because you dont want to have Black people waking up and messing up the money you could lose out on by doing more ****ish movies.

We have to start supporting what we want to see. Black women will go out and see Tyler Perry flicks and The Help; there's no excuse for Black men not to see this. The techno music is a huge cop out, ya'll watch movies with more messed up music in their commercials.. I'll be watching this and I'm really considering buying two tickets to this just because. The men they're portraying are heroes and war vets. "We" have been waiting for this movie for ages. I dont even care if the critics pan it, which I am almost so sure that will happen since it's not a movie like The Help or Blindside. Ya'll are worried about the cast, let them brothas build their resumes, obviously Tyler Perry aint writing these types of roles for them. It's curious enough that even a white producer had to say that Hollywood had problems with the movie. 

Ya'll keep on enjoy seeing Black men in lame roles. I'll be supporting this.

I'm not worried about the star power. Everyone ALWAYS complains about Black actors not having roles and how Tyler Perry is always looking for opps to give black actors roles. These guys can add this to their resume and possibly spark something special. I'm not worried at all about the cast. Ya'll forget that even Denzel and Will started somewhere. A film comes out with actors that dont have the Tyler Perry cosign and people are questioning the credibility of the cast.

Maybe I'm coming across strong, but it's only because I feel that this flick can start an undercurrent. Denzel got an Oscar for Training Day and Glory and Malcolm X were WAY stronger roles than that. It's bad enough the Black male image is assassinated by the same media who uses OUR music and pop cultural dictations to determine what's cool. To the point where it's been a chain of all our Black actors wearing dresses in movies and to where they got Dave Chappelle out of here (coincidentally, he's gone on record as saying he'd never wear a dress). It's obvious what the agenda is and if you have the power to demand something more, do so.
Originally Posted by Put em up

Your the main one I'm talking to. If you don't like what's going on keep it moving why keep posting in here?

  I'm not sure what you mean by "keep posting" as that was my first one. But techincally I supported the film since I went to see it, but I'm not going to lie about my opinion of it.
The problem is that they have thrown black people a bone with a movie that could have substance but seems like a black "Pearl Harbor."

They make it seem like they are doing us a favor just by allowing Blacks to have a movie, forcing us to eat whatever they cook up. Its deplorable.

They create these bland action movies that are no different than any other Hollywood recycle bin story and when they fail, blame it on the all black cast. They got us trapped no matter what, G.

I'd rather just give them my 9 dollars and not see the movie.
Originally Posted by blackmagnus514

lmao @ black men who fiend for Paid in Full and Belly yet talk bad about this film.

Because it isnt the about the subject of the story it is the content and quality of the story. Same with anything else, f the meaning or intent of something... its all about the product. To ppl who dont support this concept like yourself and put em up (not to take shots) I find it ironic and hypocritical you take this stand seeing the site in which your voicing your opinion on. NIKETALK in reference to NIKE... Think about it.

By your words lets use this example. A predominant black group like a black boys club goes out and do a car wash to raise money. You guys opinions suggest that despite you see them jacking up ppl cars, and doing a horrific job at washing the cars, you should donate and allow them to wash your car solely on the premise that they are doing this for a good cause, its kids doing something positive instead of selling dope etc.

What lesson and good are you really teaching? What values are you really instilling? That mediocracy, and poor work ethics and half-%@$ attempts are acceptable and we should settle for less so long as they meant well?

Id support and spend my money on paid in full if it was a excellent movie, hell id support new jack city if its a great movie. I will not support something like a movie about jimi hendrix or richard pryor if the movie is of b grade quality, poorly written, filmed horribly, and has cheesy/bad acting just so i can say hey im black, i support my ppl. Or to prove something to ppl of a different race, or seek approval/acceptance from other races.

I mean lets be real some ppl are putting WAAAAAAAAAAAAAY to much stock into entertainment and social media period. PPl acting like as if this movie or several movies of this nature is going trascend the racial divide in america, and/or going sway ppl with bias and/or prejudice mindsets. Its not like they make a stellar martin luther king movie, the racist cops that shoots the black kid in the back because he accidently thought his ipod was a handgun is going to be enlightened because of this movie. Its not like this movie is going to change the fact that in many instances black pilots who are equally qualified get paid less then their white counterparts.

How bout instead of expecting a movement like the black panthers to come from a movie about the black panthers, ppl get offa they arses and actually make a movement like the black panthers? Nah that would be too much, i mean ud half to get offa facebook and twitter, put down the 360 controller and actually stand for something. And thats too much like work, HUH.

Like i stated before ppl should judge this movie on its own merits and the quality of the acting, the cinematics, the plot and story line and the end results. Not oh its black, and it aint got shooting and killing.

This reminds me when ppl voted for Obama. Hell he couldve passed a bill saying blacks get paid 30% less and alot of black ppl wouldnt even know it and many had no idea his views and opinions about things in society, they wouldve just rode with him just to say we got a black president, and this will be a good look.

hell i saw so many ppl going out to vote and support Obama, and they didnt have an iota about his views and stands on issues. Couldnt even tell you something as basic as the 3 branches of govt. Couldnt name one bill of rights outside of right to bear arms if it saved their lives.

Support black ppl who are doing well in their field etc and making a good product etc... is one thing, but support black ppl just cause they black is another. And supporting any and everything regardless just cause they black isnt productive and positive at all its counter-productive if anything. Just like it should be expected to get decent and quality from other races, the same should be expected from your own race. Dont set a bar of excellent for everyone else, and lower the bar to mediocre for someone just cause you share the same skin tone.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

I think what it is, that even though these movies depict a part of our history...its still our history in a subordinate position. I want to see films that capture our modern sentiments and continue the historical narrative based on history like Tuskegee.

The problem with these films is they are still in the box and lend credit to the dominate master narrative...

Thats why I expect the new Tarantino to be a lot more of what Im lookin for from black film.

 We need imagination, creativity, and a revisionist narrative that will help people understand our current social order more clearly.

But most of all we need the medium to be able to be creative and liberated from the dominant master narrative, and that's what the back story behind this film is all about.

The lameness of white Hollywood and the media continuing to carry on the same stereotypical stories which feature a white hero saving everybody
. When our media reinforces that type of thinking you see the psychological ramifications it has on the world. It is truly unfair for peoples who have been victims of European aggression, chauvinism, and jingoism. Then the average watcher, stuck in the American middle class cycle living pay check to pay check, of course has no qualms with the details behind these movies. He just wants to have a nice weekend, watch a couple explosions, and end the night with his chick. Politics as usual.

Thats what this is about...there is nothing to argue over...its clear as day...these people control everything and its not right.


A hero saving the hopeless, small minded and the desperate-very white indeed


These people control everything, I wish hypocrisy was truly a mortal sin

Robbed ya'll suckas BLIND... 
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