The NY Times Made Ninjahood's Argument for Him (Since We Disagree With "His Point")

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

I'm not a human being, I'm an earthling yo that's a different culture

Originally Posted by Snapple Apple

Race is a social construct. It relies mainly on the color of your skin and other physical attributes.

We tend to see Mariah Carey (a mixed woman) as white while viewing Barack Obama as black. This is due to their physical appearance.

Technically, Ninjahood is a Black Dominican.

I say people stop getting so upset about these man made social constructs used to divide and control people. As more and more people engage in interracial relationships, more people will be born that defy racial categories. I think America needs to re-invent the race wheel to include a broader makeup of people. Not everything is simply black or white anymore....and it really has never been (except to those Europeans).
Originally Posted by MonStar1

Originally Posted by AKA LONGSTROKE

Originally Posted by MonStar1

You gotta be joking right?

You are so hyped up you won't realize that same example you used was similar to mine.  I've BEEN admitted to people of the same color having racist attitudes.  My whole point is EXACTLY what you said at the end.  The "whites only" sign is going apply to them too correct?

So my question is WHY are you so pressed to make a West Indian person say "I'm black" if they don't want to?  Who is it hurting? They just sound dumb if they don't believe it and will find out sooner or later if they live in the real world.  

And you STILL haven't given me an example in the real world of a person being "black" only when its convenient. 

So stop posting Ali pics and trying to be "beat" somebody and actually listen and have a conversation.  That's the problem with alot of NTers ya'll wanna battle instead of talk then start putting words in peoples mouths. 
Perhaps if you tried reading without your eyes closed, you may have seen it. Here's what you may have missed,
red mpls wrote:
Originally Posted by AKA LONGSTROKE

I have no problem admitting that I have seen the Whites only signs in the south, then encountering many West Indians who'll suggest that they are not Black, as they see being Black as being a part of a doomed culture. I understand their position, but also telling them that if it were NOT for Black American culture, they would be subject to those White Only signs as well.
It's the same with Dominicans and other Latins as well. You don't have a problem with tossing around the N Word, slinging it as if you own it, being Black when it is cool, when it isconvenient. However, when the time comes for you to stand up against bigotry, even that that is within your own culture, you emphatically state that it does not exist.

How quaint.

For example, Ninjahood has a SN that contains a colloquialism for the "n-word" while he rejects his Blackness and African heritage with near-totality.


He understood it, so what happened to you? Are you being smart when it's convenient? That's not going to get you too far in the real world, buddy.
NH thinks Dominicans are some type of advanced, or improved black people. I still remember his, "we got all of black men's strengths and none of their weaknesses" comment, or the constant comparison of 1 over the other like, "they told me not to wear my hair like this because it was too black," or the hilarious women thread comments about how Heights Domincan girls are better because they are easier and wear cheaper clothes and take less time to get ready. Super Producer straight owned him in that thread.

It is beating a dead horse though
Originally Posted by Scientific Method

NH thinks Dominicans are some type of advanced, or improved black people. I still remember his, "we got all of black men's strengths and none of their weaknesses" comment, or the constant comparison of 1 over the other like, "they told me not to wear my hair like this because it was too black," or the hilarious women thread comments about how Heights Domincan girls are better because they are easier and wear cheaper clothes and take less time to get ready. Super Producer straight owned him in that thread.

It is beating a dead horse though

wait, homie really said that?
It was in a thread a LONG time ago. I doubt I could find it. It was this NTer who used to always chastize him on this vary topic who either doesn't post anymore or more likely has another screen name now
Originally Posted by Scientific Method

NH thinks Dominicans are some type of advanced, or improved black people. I still remember his, "we got all of black men's strengths and none of their weaknesses" comment, or the constant comparison of 1 over the other like, "they told me not to wear my hair like this because it was too black," or the hilarious women thread comments about how Heights Domincan girls are better because they are easier and wear cheaper clothes and take less time to get ready. Super Producer straight owned him in that thread.

It is beating a dead horse though
I'm not going to even lie, but I remember reading this. 

I can't find it for the life of me though.
Originally Posted by sillyputty

Originally Posted by Scientific Method

NH thinks Dominicans are some type of advanced, or improved black people. I still remember his, "we got all of black men's strengths and none of their weaknesses" comment, or the constant comparison of 1 over the other like, "they told me not to wear my hair like this because it was too black," or the hilarious women thread comments about how Heights Domincan girls are better because they are easier and wear cheaper clothes and take less time to get ready. Super Producer straight owned him in that thread.

It is beating a dead horse though
I'm not going to even lie, but I remember reading this. 

I can't find it for the life of me though.
He basically takes being black when its convenient to him. Dominican girls love black dudes so all that means nothing. If he was tryna be real he'd just admit hes afro dominican. I don't date dudes so ninja can be waht he wants. Dominican chicks know they part african and they embrace being with REAL african dudes. They love black men cause they represent what they are.

NH clearly has never left da heights except to go to DR. As a result, he doesn't think much and its not his fault. No point of trying to convince somebody of what they truely are, when they won't accept it. Its just self hate he has.
So we puttin words in my mouth now?

Im hispanic, end of da day, I have zero connection to w/e african roots you

Claim "I'm denyin"...only thing we have in commom is da American culture

We all share as a medium. Once I step out this website, I speak fluent spanish

To my moms who was born in DR. I told cats a million times that hispanic blood

Is tri-racial in general, so I ain't claiming one thing over another when doesn't accurately

Portray who I am.. da article FAVORS MY PERSPECTIVE so ya need to fall back, is in dis era of political

Correctness cats will side with me cuz is a bunch of ya gettin straight up disrespectful tryin to impose ur view on me.
unless any of u guys are anthropologists you guys can't say this person has this or that background.
You seem to read what you want. Nobody said you weren't hispanic. They just stated the obvious from your pictures that you have african heritage. Nobody needs you to claim anything if its already obvious. Its as obivious as a light skin african american stating that they have both african and european heritage. Thats all that was said. Nobody imposing nothing on you. Your not special. Just a dude who says "Da" and lives in "da heights". You take what is said how you want. You are what you are, and you have to live with it. Hopefully if you have kids. you teach them the right things. That is all. Not giving this shun attention no mooore
Originally Posted by Scientific Method

NH thinks Dominicans are some type of advanced, or improved black people. I still remember his, "we got all of black men's strengths and none of their weaknesses" comment, or the constant comparison of 1 over the other like, "they told me not to wear my hair like this because it was too black," or the hilarious women thread comments about how Heights Domincan girls are better because they are easier and wear cheaper clothes and take less time to get ready. Super Producer straight owned him in that thread.

It is beating a dead horse though
These threads are getting old and played out . I find it corny that the mods find it cool to go in on Hispanic people. Yet if i were to say something nutty towards black or Asians i would get the axe.

Ninjahood is HISPANIC at the end of the day , nothing else to talk about . Dude comes from a good well rounded educated family .

On the cool this whole argument is getting old and played out . Yall would not say no wild type stuff like this in the heights or yall would get washed....

There culture is not African at all, Its Hispanic from the food they eat , to the music the listen to , and finally the native tounge....

This thread rubs me the wrong way cause i have Dominican family , and i really dont like what yall trying to get at.

Oh and Dagrandesoda Dominican girls dont like black guys for the record. I have maybe seen 1 in my life. They stick to Hispanic or lightskin white boys such as my self.
Originally Posted by polorico

These threads are getting old and played out . I find it corny that the mods find it cool to go in on Hispanic people. Yet if i were to say something nutty towards black or Asians i would get the axe.

Ninjahood is HISPANIC at the end of the day , nothing else to talk about . Dude comes from a good well rounded educated family .

On the cool this whole argument is getting old and played out . Yall would not say no wild type stuff like this in the heights or yall would get washed....

There culture is not African at all, Its Hispanic from the food they eat , to the music the listen to , and finally the native tounge....

This thread rubs me the wrong way cause i have Dominican family , and i really dont like what yall trying to get at.

Oh and Dagrandesoda Dominican girls dont like black guys for the record. I have maybe seen 1 in my life. They stick to Hispanic or lightskin white boys such as my self.


It just keeps getting better and better!!!!! The pure stupidity is just flat out amazing!
Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by Bandit Country

I realize it's a Friday night and I shouldn't care, but how exactly has he struggled to make this point? He's seemed pretty lucid in his other posts on the topic. It's the black NTers that can't get over it.

ThunderChunk69 wrote:

Ninjahood always made his point.

y'all just never cared to look at it from any other point of view 
i "struggle" to find where i didn't make my point abundantly clear that i dont categorize myself as a black man, but rather a hispanic/latino Nako XL.

da problem is da US government and its citizens imposing what group of others should feel like what they should be labeled.

i told ya for ever that Hispanics identify ethnically/culturally rather then skin color..instead of taking that for its word ya accused me of "running away from my blackness"

i guarantee that da next census will have "hispanic" as its own category when its all said and done...

how did people challenge you on that? i never refer to myself as a black american. fam is haitian and i grew up haitian(culturally speaking), so that is how identify myself. obv this is a point of personal identity and you can't change what american society labels you as. personal identity however, at the end of the day, is what's important.
When it boils down to it, da article sides with me, & da cenesus wants

To cater to da growing number of individuals who aren't dumping our status

To fit da opinions ya tryin to impose...
Originally Posted by ninjahood

When it boils down to it, da article sides with me, & da cenesus wants

To cater to da growing number of individuals who aren't dumping our status

To fit da opinions ya tryin to impose...

First question, did you watch the documentary? How did you feel about it?
Two, how are factual events shaping your country and its identity, an opinion?
Originally Posted by ninjahood

When it boils down to it, da article sides with me, & da cenesus wants

To cater to da growing number of individuals who aren't dumping our status

To fit da opinions ya tryin to impose...

The thing is it's a fact that you are indeed black. It's not an opinion, it's just a fact. Just like it's a fact that you're Hispanic. Just like it's a fact that you're Dominican. None of these things will ever make the other not true.

I agree though, people are getting a little too personal with it.
Yall computer guys is corny....

So because your skin is dark it makes you black ? if your light skin with blonde hair your white ?

It makes no sense at all. You guys keep pushing that button and yet the mods just sit back like everything is good. Its getting pretty corny and played out......
Originally Posted by polorico

Yall computer guys is corny....

So because your skin is dark it makes you black ? if your light skin with blonde hair your white ?

It makes no sense at all. You guys keep pushing that button and yet the mods just sit back like everything is good. Its getting pretty corny and played out......

Originally Posted by AKA LONGSTROKE

Originally Posted by polorico

These threads are getting old and played out . I find it corny that the mods find it cool to go in on Hispanic people. Yet if i were to say something nutty towards black or Asians i would get the axe.

Ninjahood is HISPANIC at the end of the day , nothing else to talk about . Dude comes from a good well rounded educated family .

On the cool this whole argument is getting old and played out . Yall would not say no wild type stuff like this in the heights or yall would get washed....

There culture is not African at all, Its Hispanic from the food they eat , to the music the listen to , and finally the native tounge....

This thread rubs me the wrong way cause i have Dominican family , and i really dont like what yall trying to get at.

Oh and Dagrandesoda Dominican girls dont like black guys for the record. I have maybe seen 1 in my life. They stick to Hispanic or lightskin white boys such as my self.


It just keeps getting better and better!!!!! The pure stupidity is just flat out amazing!


Stuff like this is why I love this site so much, so much comedy
So if your from spain , like some people in my family who are light skin with red hair but know perfect spanish

your white ???

im done with this debate..... I guess everyone in the world needs to start going by what skin color they are , Yellow,Black,Brown,white it no longer matters what country your
ancestors came from or what language you speak..

And Very few Dominican girls mess with black guys . Thats a fact go to the hoods or DR and see for your self.

Yall live in a false small bubble , You the type of kids on the train with the Ipod on not wanting any type of problems or conversation with other people.

NT is the outlet for alot of herbs to live a fake life ,or act a certain way because they dont not do that in public.

So now dudes just talking grimmey bout DR folks
your a corn ball...... Yall would want to chop my head off if i went in on black people.
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