The NY Times Made Ninjahood's Argument for Him (Since We Disagree With "His Point")

Originally Posted by AKA LONGSTROKE

ThunderChunk69 wrote:changed)
but you guys are just pointing fingers to feel blacker/prouder of yourselves and it's borderline bullying when it gets to the 15th thread in 12 months 

There it is. I see you. I am sure that anyone with the ability to deduce can see you as well.
You're afraid, and I don't blame you. Move to the North Pole, didn't you hear? We don't like cold weather.

I don't know what you mean
I just find it funny that these threads keep going,

everyone tip toeing past comments like these
Originally Posted by enlightendespot

Originally Posted by ThunderChunk69

Originally Posted by Dagrandesoda

He has
. Constantly states he is hispanic and not black. He says he aint a "brother" ain't african

that's what I mean. he never denied having African roots 

you guys just need examples to make you feel better about yourselves.

it doesn't make you any "blacker" to prove others of "denying their blackness"

1) you keep picking on the same people, and it's getting annoying

2) you guys fail to realize that different cultures, view things differently (including definitions)

3) personal identity, is just that, personal
Son, our main problem isn't dude saying he is Hispanic rather than Black. Thats fine. He can call himself whatever he wants.

And yes, grudgingly, Ninja has admitted to having African roots. Took about 10 threads but even him saying that is beyond the point.
I'm just saying

make a thread about Jamaicans "denying their blackness" and see how successful it is 
Originally Posted by MonStar1

Originally Posted by AKA LONGSTROKE

Originally Posted by MonStar1

Why can't West Indians be "West Indians"?  We know they are "black" and they know it but if you expect people to ignore the customs and culture that makes them different than a normal american black then you are asking for a bit much.  You want them all to be like "I'm black just like you." but thats not really true.

While I see your agenda about people disassociating with black for negative reasons, but I feel like only a SMALL % of people do that.  The others are just embracing their own culture that makes them different.
Culturally they are West Indian. There is nothing wrong with having pride in your culture, just as northerners possessing pride in theirs versus the southern way of life.
The problem lies when people decide when they are Black, becoming Black when it is convenient.

When is it convenient?  In a convo just to piss you off?  Let them say whatever.

I'm not sure WHERE, WHEN, and HOW people can be black when its convenient in a real world situation

Would you argue with Uncle Rukus or just let him think he's really white?
What I've underlined and highlighted, is exactly the problem. Just because you cannot grasp the notion, does not mean that it is not possible
Do you read? If so, read up on the history of race in New Orleans. The people who consider themselves Creole, and the racial breakdown of who was entitled to what in that society. 

With West Indian culture, Marcus Garvey addressed this wonderfully. His attempts were to eliminate this sort of bigotry between African Americans and West Indians.

Are you aware of that?
Originally Posted by AKA LONGSTROKE

Originally Posted by MonStar1

Originally Posted by AKA LONGSTROKE

Culturally they are West Indian. There is nothing wrong with having pride in your culture, just as northerners possessing pride in theirs versus the southern way of life.
The problem lies when people decide when they are Black, becoming Black when it is convenient.

When is it convenient?  In a convo just to piss you off?  Let them say whatever.

I'm not sure WHERE, WHEN, and HOW people can be black when its convenient in a real world situation

Would you argue with Uncle Rukus or just let him think he's really white?
What I've underlined and highlighted, is exactly the problem. Just because you cannot grasp the notion, doe not mean that it is not possible
Do you read? If so, read up on the history of race in New Orleans. The people who consider themselves Creole, and the racial breakdown of who was entitled to what in that society. 

With West Indian culture, Marcus Garvey addressed this wonderfully. His attempts were to eliminate this sort of bigotry between African Americans and West Indians.

Are you aware of that?

Don't bring Creole into this.  Where are these people getting real world "passes" when they don't admit to being "black"?  If Lil Wayne, Bob Marley, and Wale go apply for a job they are all black men with dreads.  period.  If Bob wants to say hes West Indian then so what.  Its not getting him anywhere.  It's not "convenient".  If Wale has parents from somewhere in Africa so what.  The point is let people claim their culture and if they don't like other blacks and think they are different its no different than a white man being racist.  Not everybody is gonna like you.

If Don Imus don't like me cuz I'm american black.  And some West Indian guy doesnt like me cuz i'm american black.  whats the difference?  Hes a racist.  I'm not gonna cry about it.  They both think their cultures are superior nothing I can do about that. 
Originally Posted by AKA LONGSTROKE

I wonder how many "Pro black" threads would be around if you couldn't point fingers at others that are "less black" 

some of you guys are probably pro black trolls, don't pop up anywhere truly positive.

I'm all for being proud, but a majority of these threads are just finger-pointing at "lesser blacks" to make yourselves feel better
Originally Posted by sillyputty

Originally Posted by AKA LONGSTROKE

Originally Posted by MonStar1

Why can't West Indians be "West Indians"?  We know they are "black" and they know it but if you expect people to ignore the customs and culture that makes them different than a normal american black then you are asking for a bit much.  You want them all to be like "I'm black just like you." but thats not really true.

While I see your agenda about people disassociating with black for negative reasons, but I feel like only a SMALL % of people do that.  The others are just embracing their own culture that makes them different.
Culturally they are West Indian. There is nothing wrong with having pride in your culture, just as northerners possessing pride in theirs versus the southern way of life.
The problem lies when people decide when they are Black, becoming Black when it is convenient.

Dude probably doesn't know any jamaicans to be honest. 

My parents are jamaican and are proudly west indian. Jamaicans are culturally diverse, and surprisingly there isn't as much outright black vs. white racism there. The major issue is class, but thats everywhere. 

My parents didn't really embrace being "black" as much as they had to before they came to this country. 
It seems that people really cannot separate culture from racial identity. Obviously, one should be able to embrace their culture, having pride in the good things that present to the world. However, the way the system is set up, denying your connection to the rest of the world, especially your connection to those that are oppressed due to the color of their skin, you are somewhat rewarded by embracing your culture.
The game is that Black people have never contributed anything to this world. All images of success are always White, and then being closer white, means that you are actually entitled to the assumption that you are indeed successful, then a contributor to society as a whole.

People who are obviously Black, have nothing else to grasp other than their culture. While suggesting that their culture is what separates them from the Black people who were slaves, those who are still living from the hand and at foot of their so called former oppressors, they lay claim to being the harder workers, the less lazy of their kin in skin.

It's downright hilarious, then sad at the same time. 
i have native american, Spanish, and african roots. i dont consider myself white, or black. Im latino.

South american is a racial mix never before seen. We have elements of Europeans, Africans, and Native americans. We cant just claim one.
Originally Posted by JD214

Originally Posted by 0cks

Cats just don't want to be associated with Africa if they can get away with it... I have never seen a caucasian deny any European roots, there's nothing to be "ashamed" of, but you have real life trolls like 

Definitely agree with this,

Same thing with Mexicans, most of us/them claim that we/they don't have Spansh roots, but we/they do,

Spain is the Motherland. (sort of)

Everyone swears  they're Aztec
Originally Posted by jhova718

i have native american, Spanish, and african roots. i dont consider myself white, or black. Im latino.

South american is a racial mix never before seen. We have elements of Europeans, Africans, and Native americans. We cant just claim one.
they don't care,
they hate everyone that's a mix unless they bow down and serve their pure black agenda.

they probably hate mixes more than pure whites, because at least "they know where they stand"
Originally Posted by MonStar1

Originally Posted by AKA LONGSTROKE

Originally Posted by MonStar1

When is it convenient?  In a convo just to piss you off?  Let them say whatever.

I'm not sure WHERE, WHEN, and HOW people can be black when its convenient in a real world situation

Would you argue with Uncle Rukus or just let him think he's really white?
What I've underlined and highlighted, is exactly the problem. Just because you cannot grasp the notion, doe not mean that it is not possible
Do you read? If so, read up on the history of race in New Orleans. The people who consider themselves Creole, and the racial breakdown of who was entitled to what in that society. 

With West Indian culture, Marcus Garvey addressed this wonderfully. His attempts were to eliminate this sort of bigotry between African Americans and West Indians.

Are you aware of that?

Don't bring Creole into this.  Where are these people getting real world "passes" when they don't admit to being "black"?  If Lil Wayne, Bob Marley, and Wale go apply for a job they are all black men with dreads.  period.  If Bob wants to say hes West Indian then so what.  Its not getting him anywhere.  It's not "convenient".  If Wale has parents from somewhere in Africa so what.  The point is let people claim their culture and if they don't like other blacks and think they are different its no different than a white man being racist.  Not everybody is gonna like you.

If Don Imus don't like me cuz I'm american black.  And some West Indian guy doesnt like me cuz i'm american black.  whats the difference?  Hes a racist.  I'm not gonna cry about it.  They both think their cultures are superior nothing I can do about that. 
Young man, I suggest that you open a book and then read it for once in your life. If you cannot do that, there are audio books available as well.
ThunderChunk69 wrote:

I wonder how many "Pro black" threads would be around if you couldn't point fingers at others that are "less black" 

some of you guys are probably pro black trolls, don't pop up anywhere truly positive.
I'm all for being proud, but a majority of these threads are just finger-pointing at "lesser blacks" to make yourselves feel better
There it is again, extra bolded for those who didn't see him the first time.
Like I suggested, the North Pole may be the place for you.
Longstroke do you have any other examples other than Creole situation? Clearly im not going to read that book in time to discuss in this instead of dodging the question you should answer it.

Where are people reaping the benefits of being black when its convenient?
Originally Posted by AKA LONGSTROKE

ThunderChunk69 wrote:

I wonder how many "Pro black" threads would be around if you couldn't point fingers at others that are "less black" 

some of you guys are probably pro black trolls, don't pop up anywhere truly positive.
I'm all for being proud, but a majority of these threads are just finger-pointing at "lesser blacks" to make yourselves feel better
There it is again, extra bolded for those who didn't see him the first time.
why dont yall get off ninjahood's ______

Im Hispanic and Italian. I dont look at skin tone/color.

If your Latino your Latino
Originally Posted by Nako XL

This goes to all of you (myself included) who always ridicule him whenever he says most Latinos identify with culture more than race.

That said, even after this thread is over and locked, ten bucks says he still won't be able to tell the difference between the two (color and nationality.) 

That said, even though he might have no idea what he's saying -- and the point he makes isn't the one he intended to make -- studies show he makes a valid argument.

Key points are bolded.

[h1]For Many Latinos, Racial Identity Is More Culture Than Color[/h1]

Monica Almeida/The New York Times

“Believe me, I am not a confused person. I know who I am, but I don't necessarily fit the categories well," said Erica Lubliner, a medical school graduate of Mexican and Jewish heritage.
[h6]By MIREYA NAVARRO[/h6]Every decade, the Census Bureau spends billions of dollars and deploys hundreds of thousands of workers to get an accurate portrait of the American population. Among the questions on the census form is one about race, with 15 choices, including “some other race.

 Spaniards raped a bunch of Africans, produced "Latinos" "Hispanics" (whatever you guys call yourselves) and you guys run back to that $#+#, quick to claim it instead of your original roots: AFRICA. All of this is quite funny though, "Hispanics" like many "African-Americans (and carribean people alike)" are confused as to who they are and are ashamed to claim their original Nation. Remember, you have to go BACK to the source. I think when people think of Africa though, all they conjure up is kids with flies on them, cows with their rib cages showing, or tribes with sticks poking out of their bodies. But if the right research was done, it'd be clear that people who occupy that entire region (past and present) come in all different colors and cultures.. even before the Arab and Roman Invaders. Which makes Africa (and the tightly accompanying areas) more beautiful than any other part of the globe. 

- We escaped persecution in North/East Africa

- Migrated to West Africa

- Captured and shipped across the Atlantic

- Landed in various parts of the "West Indies" / "Carribean"

-Were stripped of everything we knew, given new identities to take on etc

- The ones who were beaten into total ignorance and buffoonery were sent to America 

The key is to dig deeper. 
I remember Ninjahood giving the example of how groups align themselves in jails and he was right, dark skin Dominicans aren't taking sides with African-Americans in an American jail... This really makes alot of sense because my military friends tell me about when abroad racism/descrimination amongst Americans is virtually eliminated... So say if they got beef with a German off the base, their fellow white American soldier will hold them down and not side with the German just because they look alike...

Obviously here in America dark Dominicans don't need to address the discrimination that happens at home because they are all equal status wise in a foreign country... I think that's why Ninjahood only identifies with his culture and maybe he would feel differently if he was born, raised and living in the DR
Originally Posted by Patrick Bateman

 Spaniards raped a bunch of Africans, produced "Latinos" "Hispanics" (whatever you guys call yourselves) and you guys run back to that $#+#, quick to claim it instead of your original roots: AFRICA. All of this is quite funny though, "Hispanics" like many "African-Americans (and carribean people alike)" are confused as to who they are and are ashamed to claim their original Nation. Remember, you have to go BACK to the source. I think when people think of Africa though, all they conjure up is kids with flies on them, cows with their rib cages showing, or tribes with sticks poking out of their bodies. But if the right research was done, it'd be clear that people who occupy that entire region (past and present) come in all different colors and cultures.. even before the Arab and Roman Invaders. Which makes Africa (and the tightly accompanying areas) more beautiful than any other part of the globe. 

- We escaped persecution in North/East Africa

- Migrated to West Africa

- Captured and shipped across the Atlantic

- Landed in various parts of the "West Indies" / "Carribean"

-Were stripped of everything we knew, given new identities to take on etc

- The ones who were beaten into total ignorance and buffoonery were sent to America 

The key is to dig deeper. 


Hope you feel better now. 
Spaniards raped a bunch of Africans, produced "Latinos" "Hispanics" (whatever you guys call yourselves) and you guys run back to that $#+#, quick to claim it instead of your original roots: AFRICA.

Don't mean to throw logic in to the equation, but if spaniards raped africans and the end result is a group we call latino, wouldn't their original roots be considered spanish AND african? Not just african?
When you are the product of rape you usually don't rep your father that raped your moms... unless your father socially will elevate you more than your maternal side can then... yeah I guess then you would...
Originally Posted by 0cks

I remember Ninjahood giving the example of how groups align themselves in jails and he was right, dark skin Dominicans aren't taking sides with African-Americans in an American jail... This really makes alot of sense 
this is true.
but these are poor, uneducated felons you're using for your examples 

that's like writing a book report using worldstarhiphop.
Originally Posted by MonStar1

Originally Posted by Patrick Bateman

 Spaniards raped a bunch of Africans, produced "Latinos" "Hispanics" (whatever you guys call yourselves) and you guys run back to that $#+#, quick to claim it instead of your original roots: AFRICA. All of this is quite funny though, "Hispanics" like many "African-Americans (and carribean people alike)" are confused as to who they are and are ashamed to claim their original Nation. Remember, you have to go BACK to the source. I think when people think of Africa though, all they conjure up is kids with flies on them, cows with their rib cages showing, or tribes with sticks poking out of their bodies. But if the right research was done, it'd be clear that people who occupy that entire region (past and present) come in all different colors and cultures.. even before the Arab and Roman Invaders. Which makes Africa (and the tightly accompanying areas) more beautiful than any other part of the globe. 

- We escaped persecution in North/East Africa

- Migrated to West Africa

- Captured and shipped across the Atlantic

- Landed in various parts of the "West Indies" / "Carribean"

-Were stripped of everything we knew, given new identities to take on etc

- The ones who were beaten into total ignorance and buffoonery were sent to America 

The key is to dig deeper. 


Hope you feel better now. 
I don't wake up everyday scratching my head asking myself "Am I cuban?" "Am I dominican?" "am I puerto rican?" "am I haitian?" "am I guatemalan?" "am this that or the third?" Look how separated they have us. Without love and unity amongst us melanated people, we will always continue to do damage to one another. There's a reason all of the carribean is trashed and in shambles.. We can't even produce for ourselves and build, instead dudes rather focus on "who's light and who's dark" "who's latino and who's black" .. Divide and conquer has to be one of the releast things ever said. Gave you these fake identities and now we go around killing each other because "(s)he's different from me". 

Originally Posted by 0cks

When you are the product of rape you usually don't rep your father that raped your moms... unless your father socially will elevate you more than your maternal side can then... yeah I guess then you would... 
The first part of this is more to what I was getting at.. but not only that, you were given the basic components and nutrients of life through an African body... More than anything, you're African. As for the second part of this post... hmmm, now that's something to think about. 
Originally Posted by 0cks

When you are the product of rape you usually don't rep your father that raped your moms... unless your father socially will elevate you more than your maternal side can then... yeah I guess then you would...

So you are saying that "ancestry" is subjective. Because this particular lineage was a result of rape. But you don't "rep your father that raped your moms". Even though it happened, and that is what you are. Oh ok. I see where this is going.
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