Store opened up and like 12 people came out of nowhere lol. Was first in line though


Obsidians down, these down, I need royals now :lol:
I ordered 1/28 and just got them today. I would send them back, but I used a 15% off coupon and don’t they’d give it back to me to reorder. If you look at the red pair, the suede toe shape looks way better the. Leather

similar timeline for me. ordered 3 pairs 1/31, 2 are coming today, 1 tomorrow.
this x1000!

I worked at a retail level that a lot of corporate Nike’s folks come by. While a ton of my coworkers were asking for the hot shoe of the min, I was there having conversations, discussing culture, and asking about the work they do. Let’s just say after I graduated, a lot of the same people were open to helping me get my foot in the door in begining my career in addition to getting a couple pairs

Long story short: you can ask for a pair of shoes, then ask for the next release, then the next, and so on. Eventually, people will see you as the cat that just asks for the plug. Create meaningful reciprocal relationships with people and they’ll look out for you
my man.
Nothing at all related to retail. Brand/business strategy and I’ve never used it for shoes. Bigger than Nike/adi too, Apple, McD, BMW... all sorts of categories.

I may get intel and discuss the logistics of a release but I’m not foolish enough to tarnish my reputation for a pair of shoes.

The pairs I acquire on the ground come from building personal relationships. That simple. Be interested, show passion, and be the first to give without looking to receive. Always comes back around.
I'm going to sound like an old fart here, but kids these days are so used to buying everything on their phone that the concept of going in store and shooting the **** with the staff for an hour is lost on them. My local is like my barber shop. I can't go there and be in and out in 10 minutes. My wife laughs every time I say I'll be in and out bc she knows I'll sit and kick it for a long time with them. They are friends, not just a "plug." They know me so they know if I ask for a favor it's bc the shoe is going straight to foot, not being resold for profit.

Sort of related: I was texting with the guy at my local on Monday night about something completely unrelated to shoes. I mentioned I needed help on Animals and he said he had me. Cool. Yesterday morning I got a text from him asking if he could borrow some of my AM1's to do an Air Max display in store for Air Max Day. They'll all be under the glass cases that they normally use to showcase upcoming releases so I'm not worried about anything happening to them. Still, that's my babies though. No way I was going to tell him no though. Doing something like that, above and beyond what a store manager has to do, makes him look good within the company so I'm all for helping him. He's a good kid and I want to help him shine.
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