The Official Anime & Manga Thread Vol: 三

Great intro. I'm looking forward to the full OP. :pimp:

Side note, I have a big urge to start reading the manga. I might have to do that.
^there was one thing that I noticed while watching the first episode.
This whole series takes place in the past or appears to take place in the past (within the show's universe). I am basing this solely on the episode title screen where it says in a corner, "To those of you, 2000 years from now". And also, it feels like someone was reading a story of sorts.
Also, I'm sure we haven't seen the last of that giant in the end, hopefully.

I noticed that it seemed to be a flsshback ep.
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Suisei no Gargantia
Didn't get my interest right away, like Psycho-Pass did, but then again, Madoka was a chore until episode 3 :lol: :lol: . I'm already suspicious of the robot since it's an Urobuchi project and it seems like he likes to have any non human entity such as Kyubey and the Sibyl system as the neutral immoral conflicts. :lol:

My first thought is that he definitely got transported back in time through that wormhole, maybe even to right before Earth gets wiped out in his future.

“What she just said relates to reproducing with your mother, as well as fresh excrement.”
This line KILLED me. :rofl:
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Who do you guys want Kyousuke to end up with? I favored minami for a long time and still kinda do but i'm leaning a lot towards Kuroneko.

I read somewhere that,
The true path is for him is to date Ayase but i don't know how true that is.
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an anybody recommend me some good comedies

-Lucky star

-B Gata H Kei

-Azumanga Daioh

-School Rumble


-Tamako Market

All hilarious although B Gata H Kei is romantic same with school rumble but its hilarious imo.

If you don't mind romance:


B Gata H Kei

Love Hina

Kimi ni Todoke


I Don't have many friends
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Who do you guys want Kyousuke to end up with? I favored minami for a long time and still kinda do but i'm leaning a lot towards Kuroneko.

I read somewhere that,
The true path is for him to date Ayase but i don't know how true that is.
Kuroneko all the way. I don't even have a tiny bit of want in my body to see Minami end up with him. :rofl:
Pet Girl Sakura
Episode 14 now, Mashiro's increasingly growing on me now with all the tiny bits of emotion starting to show through on her face like when she feels bad that Sorata's sad. But goddamnit I'm still team Nanami. Everytime she gains traction, boom, Mashiro. Why can't you just let my girl be great?! >: :frown: :frown: :frown:

This damn show. Feels be everywhere. :lol: :lol:

Episode 22. I nearly punted my laptop. >: :lol: :lol: I almost don't even want to finish the last to episodes. :rofl:

Annnnd finished. :pimp: :pimp: The show kicked into overdrive at like episode 17 and beyond. Some really good emotional moments in there. That graduation episode was :pimp:.

The girl I root for never wins these shows. (Toradora, Clannad) :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: It's not looking good for Kuroneko at all.

Days of Dash is a goddamn addicting ending song. So glad it's the last thing I heard in the series.
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Pet Girl Sakura
Episode 14 now, Mashiro's increasingly growing on me now with all the tiny bits of emotion starting to show through on her face like when she feels bad that Sorata's sad. But goddamnit I'm still team Nanami. Everytime she gains traction, boom, Mashiro. Why can't you just let my girl be great?! >: :frown: :frown: :frown:

This damn show. Feels be everywhere. :lol: :lol:

Episode 22. I nearly punted my laptop. >: :lol: :lol: I almost don't even want to finish the last to episodes. :rofl:

Annnnd finished. :pimp: :pimp: The show kicked into overdrive at like episode 17 and beyond. Some really good emotional moments in there. That graduation episode was :pimp:.

The girl I root for never wins these shows. (Toradora, Clannad) :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: It's not looking good for Kuroneko at all.

Days of Dash is a goddamn addicting ending song. So glad it's the last thing I heard in the series.

:lol: Show was great. Hoping for season 2 badly. But come on man. ITS ALWAYS TEAMSHIINA!!!

Also i find this song very addicting(i listen to it like 2-3 times a day lol)-

Same with Love Live! Start Dash song lol Listen to it once and you're screwed-

The 3 girl version of the song is just as addicting-

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Suisei no Gargantia Episode 2
I really feel like this is going to turn into a Dances with Wolves/Last Samurai kind of story with Red learning to love these Earth people and will help fight the other space people. His laser is :wow: :wow: I feel like they're going to get mad at him for killing people so easily though. This is a post apocalyptic world. They might be the type who are trying to keep humanity together and keep enemies as prisoners rather than going closer to extinction.
For those interested, The One Piece x Toriko x Dragonball Z crossover episode is out. :lol:

Man, the hype in that episode was insane. Scouters would have exploded left and right. :lol:
If it wasn't for Mr. Satan being all powerful and fearless, Goku would have beat the devil fruit out of Luffy and beat Toriko as well. :lol:
I couldn't stop smiling and laughing this whole episode. :lol: :smokin
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