The Official Anime & Manga Thread Vol: 三


I've never hated a character so duckin much[emoji]128545[/emoji][emoji]128545[/emoji][emoji]128545[/emoji][emoji]128545[/emoji]
AND IF YOU WANT TO BE DOWN WITH MAYURI THEN ...... YOU TOO[emoji]128545[/emoji][emoji]128545[/emoji]
But he actually showed a human emotion towards Nemu though. :lol:
The only time the words "bleach" and "fire" should be in the same sentence are if we're talking about burning copies or Kubo getting dropped.
Stopped watching/reading Bleach after Aizen. Nothing i've heard from anyone has given me reason to regret that decision.
Mayuri's having trouble now.

It's also interesting that the left arm declared itself a Quincy. Does that mean that the Soul King is both a Shinigami and a Quincy? Does that also mean that only a hybrid can take his place (like Ichigo
) ?
It's also interesting that Nemu has an actual name. I wonder if she was an actual person that Mayuri experimented on, like someone important to him. She can also be the 7th clone of someone named Nemuri. I want to know about her now.

I also saw that this chapter marks the 14th year of serialization. How many of those have been on the "final Arc"?
Let's be honest, i think we all know the end game is for Ichigo to take the crown as the aforementioned Soul King.
I mean he is literally everything under the sun, the only problem i have is this leads me to believe that Kubo is dismantling and killing off the old guard(Gotei 13) to make way for the new class.

I theorize that both Quincies and the old Soul Society were of corruption and some betrayed or double crossed each other to gain power which lead to the first invasion.

So this also leads me to Uryu becoming the new leader of the Quincies to reconcile some of the wrong doings(example his mother) and to shine the truth amongst whatever quincy is left standing.

Now where both of there fathers fit into this and Urahara and Aizen fall i dont know but somebodies death is going to cause something of a crazy domino.

Which leads me to the a-hole that is MAYURI.

I can see the next chapter as a back story to Nemu.

Either it was his daughter or lover(as theorized on Bleach Asylum) that could have spun him out of control into the lovable **** he is.

Sure i would feel empathy as any serious derailment to your life could lead you into darkness but i truly HATE this character. Never in anime history have i hated a character so much and wish for his downfall. I've hated him since the first time he was introduced but i do enjoy this fight in the sense that it gives information on the soul kings right and left arm, for that i give kudos to Kubo.
Finally, a few more chapters of Knights of Sidonia have been released. :lol: :pimp:
Things got depressing real quick. :frown:
The episode is out already? Since I'm always broke and low on money the thing I look forward most to on weekends are new episodes of Gate. That's just sad.
every friday on NWanime, along with Shokugeki no Souma and Prison School. :lol:
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Thanks, repped.

Itami about to grab on that booty like he's in an r. kelly video. :evil:

Everyone getting wasted was hilarious. I wonder if that blonde knight is just waiting to give up her yambs. Seems like there could be a few hookups in that group.
^ Your imagination gets way too vivid about these anime yambs, my G :lol:

Gate is getting interesting. :lol:

Those dudes are about to kick in the door and save Itami from his inner struggle :lol:

His ex-wife seems right up his alley. Sounds like she's still in his pocket in more than one way too.

Gakkou Gurashi seems set to become a lot more interesting as well depending on how things advance after this past episode's reveal.
This weeks ep of Charlotte was pretty interesting. Granted it's not tredding new territory but it's like the show finally got its "conflict". Instead of having monster of the week episodes
I got tired of Rokkas cliffhangers about this seventh brave so I decided to read some light novel spoilers. I'm not going to actually spoil anything here but
if you don't like this " who is the traitor stuff", sucks for you because that's what this series actually is. Just finding the traitor

Having said that it's still interesting. Just not what I thought the series was
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I got tired of Rokkas cliffhangers about this seventh brave so I decided to read some light novel spoilers. I'm not going to actually spoil anything here but
if you don't like this " who is the traitor stuff", sucks for you because that's what this series actually is. Just finding the traitor

Having said that it's still interesting. Just not what I thought the series was

Son, are you serious? :stoneface:

I was thinking that they've been dragging this out for an odd amount of time given the fact that there are much more important things to do afterward.

I think I'm just going to do the same and maybe call it a day on this series because the 'one step forward, one step back' affair that this show is on a weekly basis is wearing on my nerves.

Agreed on Charlotte being interesting this week though. It feels a little late to expand the story this much, but I strongly prefer this to what it felt like the series was on track to be a few weeks ago.
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I got tired of Rokkas cliffhangers about this seventh brave so I decided to read some light novel spoilers. I'm not going to actually spoil anything here but
if you don't like this " who is the traitor stuff", sucks for you because that's what this series actually is. Just finding the traitor

Having said that it's still interesting. Just not what I thought the series was
I did the same thing a while ago. :lol:
Once the traitor is actually found, it becomes obvious how that person was the traitor though. It made sense for me at least.
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