The official DC Animated movies thread

The art leaves a bit to be desired but I dug the story of Justice Society WWII. It at least followed the art style of the Superman movie and it seemed like the same Superman.

Nice twist of it not being the past but Earth-1 or 2 or w/e.

Liked how they found a different way to parallel Flashpoint :lol: Went from a WWII setting to Aquaman being Major attacking NYC and fighting WW.

Even nicer touch with the golden age Superman.

They wasted a lot of time fighting Aquaman when they could've just took out the guy mind controlling him.

Joint was okay though. I'll check the next one involving these characters. Just hope the Batman movie is dope.
Been on a Batman binge lately

I've been watching Batman Beyond and just watched Under the Red Hood for the first time, which I thought was really good
Just bought it off Amazon and got it yesterday. Hopefully will check it out tonight.
just saw long holloween last night. movie felt kinda deep to me, hated the twist at the end but to me this is one of the best Batman animated movies. kinda had a Redhood vibe to it.

it make no damn sense why big budget films go directly to hbo max but these animated films takes forever to get there

should be there first day
That's why I keep finding elsewhere to watch them. Annoying but they're slow to adjust it seems.
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