The Official FIFA Soccer 12 Thread: Available now!

Demo is straight. But this game is way harder. I feel like you actually have to know alot of skill moves to be really successful in this game. Defense is smarter/tougher. But the passing is a bit off to me. It looks great. def will be coppping.
Originally Posted by BoredONE1

Demo is straight. But this game is way harder. I feel like you actually have to know alot of skill moves to be really successful in this game. Defense is smarter/tougher. But the passing is a bit off to me. It looks great. def will be coppping.

I disagree with what you said about the passing.

Passing seems improved a bit since the overall game feels like there's just much more room to make passes. Again, if you're not a fan of the new Tactical Defense system, you can switch back to old defense in the Controller Settings. Just choose "Legacy Defense" rather than "Tactical Defense."

But truthfully, this Player Impact Engine is going to hurt this game. It's NBA Elite 11 all over again. I'm convinced EA is ******ed and actually don't even play the game to test it after they complete it.
defending is on a different level now.It's going to take sometime to get used to. I like the new camera view though.
played the demo last night. passing was at times off to me. meant the ball for one player and would go to another.

also the defending is much more realistic and requires skill. not easy so far lol. the presentation is much better FINALLY
Originally Posted by BoredONE1

Demo is straight. But this game is way harder. I feel like you actually have to know alot of skill moves to be really successful in this game. Defense is smarter/tougher. But the passing is a bit off to me. It looks great. def will be coppping.

nah on the skill move part just master that new scoop turn that move is piff 
i agree with the passing to me it keeps being a longer pass then i intend 
Originally Posted by BoredONE1

Demo is straight. But this game is way harder. I feel like you actually have to know alot of skill moves to be really successful in this game. Defense is smarter/tougher. But the passing is a bit off to me. It looks great. def will be coppping.
Passing might be off because your settings were probably off for Passing Power Assistance lol. Turn that one and see if it helps you. I prefer timing my own passes though, much more accurate this time around.
Oh and I knew that player impact engine was gonna cause so much stupidity once they released that whole "True Injuries" crap. Come on man, nobody complained about the way it was last year, you REALLY think by adding this, it's gonna make the game more authentic? Bring that out in a few more years when it's perfected.
Everything is set on assisted for passing and shooting. Make sure you change it so you can have more control.
I got the demo...started playing...

I see what people mean't about the need to be more accurate with your tackles...

I haven't played enough to deal with the stupidy of the player impact...

But I can see how I could get comfortable with the 11 i began to play a much slower style...taking my time instead of trying to worked a lot better...when I do that in 12 it seems to work well...
I really couldn't tell a change in the defending. It's still about positioning and timing (much like real life).

So far I'm pretty impressed.

But I still haven't the slightest idea how to kick pk's. Any help?
Yeah the passing has improved, it's a lot more accurate. I like the new defense system, it will take some time to learn but overall not bad. Can't wait.
playing my friend dribbling the ball out of my 18 yard box with Puyol closest defender is like 5 yards away out of no where Puyol does a dramatic flop fall, my friend picks up ball and scores to win. fifa better have this &**^% fixed for the real game
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