The Official Mac Thread (Docs, Themes, Apps, Etc.)

Can anyone help me get the iPhone skin for my itunes? I've been looking for awhile and can't find it.
sorry to "Mac Jack" yeah i made that up

all thanks to this thread on NT.... PROPS

I was going to invest in an iMac in addition to my MBP for my GD business but I wanted to wait until I graduated next Spring to get one as a gift from my momto, I guess "start my life/career" with. Some of these setups are pretty nice. What do you all use your Macs for?
CWrite - Thanks, you'll be getting PM's from me in the future.
sometimes you have to click on the icon for it to change if the re-launching for the dock doesnt do it
^ apple command+shift+4

then drag the cursor to what you want to snap a screen shot of then a file will pop up on your desktop
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