The Official Mac Thread (Docs, Themes, Apps, Etc.)

FileSalvage 6.1.5

FileSalvage 6.1.5 - data recovery: recover trashed files from drives, sd / flash cards, CD/DVDs...
FileSalvage is an extremely powerful Macintosh application for exploring and recovering deleted files from a drive or volume. FileSalvage is designed to restore files that have:

* been accidentally deleted.
* become unreadable due to media faults.
* been stored on a drive before it was re-initialized/formatted.

Use FileSalvage to recover your lost files, iTunes libraries, iPhoto collections, and to rescue data that has been lost.
Built for your OS X 10.5 Leopard, 10.4 Tiger, or 10.3.9 Panther Mac.

The Rest Of The Story:

just bought a new dell monitor
but im going to hook up my xbox to it, run my MBP just off my cinema display (bye bye dual displays
) to make room...unless i get another desk =p
Originally Posted by KneeNoh

Thanks Doc,
sure.... hopefully you find some software thats worth purchasing.... links are provided to the developer's site just for that purpose....

can u see what i did there??
anybody do anything new to the comps?? new pick ups.... cool new apps.... any news from apple regarding mac or OSX.... cmon guys.... lets keet it moving.. anyipod news?
I'm a PC /runs while you throw rocks ... but I'm (literally) dusting off a Mac Mini at work that has been dormant for the purpose of doing some video.Now tell me if I'm criminally insane before I endeavor on this mission.

Current specs: 1.83 ghz Intel Core Duo, 1.25 GB 667 mhz RAM, 75 GB Hard Drive.

What I'm thinking about doing is maxing out the RAM (not sure what that max is, but I'm hoping it's at least 2 GB), getting an external 750 GB HDand purchasing either Final Cut Express 4 or iLife 09 (because iMovie 6 that is on there will not recognize AVCHD files that our camcorder outputs). The wholething should probably run me around $300-350.

Does anyone see a hole in my plan? Is there something I'm missing? Keep in mind, this Mac Mini would be used ONLY for video, nothing else. I'mbasically knocking everything else off the machine. I really appreciate any help from the Apple vets on this one.

UPDATE: I believe this is the model we've got, so it looks likeit's expandable to 2 GB.
Originally Posted by daprescription

Is there a program I could use to increase the volume on my macbook? Can't hear %+%#.
i know u said program..... but have u thought about coppin some external speakers.... that might be your best bet. domt wanna F up your speakerson ur laptop
Originally Posted by daprescription

Thanks man. Didn't really increase the sound, probably going to end up buying speakers

if i come across anything i will post it up
I never knew if Speakers were covered under warranty Mac's;

I went to the Apple Store today and they said that RAM is gonn cost me 200, any where to find them cheaper. 2x2, is what i need.
Originally Posted by Retroisback2008

I never knew if Speakers were covered under warranty Mac's;

I went to the Apple Store today and they said that RAM is gonn cost me 200, any where to find them cheaper. 2x2, is what i need.

Try edit: nevermind dude above me posted a deal
i got a problem right now everytime i go to put a pic in a folder or the trash it takes 5 seconds to do so, why is this guys?
Originally Posted by Retroisback2008

I never knew if Speakers were covered under warranty Mac's;

I went to the Apple Store today and they said that RAM is gonn cost me 200, any where to find them cheaper. 2x2, is what i need.

they are, i had mine replaced twice on my older macbook pro, they sounded way too low. it never changed, so i must be going deaf or im asking way too much fromlaptop speakers. the ones on the unibody macbook pro are a little louder, but i just have it set up with a logitech ipod dock whenever im watching a movie onit.. or i just use my headphones.
Is getting a used iMac off ebay worth it? Im thinking about getting a used one for about $400-$600.
Originally Posted by bussinessilicitos

Whats the best program for using windows on Macbooks, i need it for my zune.

Parallels is rated the best VM software out for Mac. I used it for a quick minute, no problems at all..
Can anyone give some advice, i want to buy a ibook g4, for 400, but do you guys think it'd be able to take care of a average students need? i would get amacbook, but i only need a laptop for school stuff....any help would be appreciated.

oh and i will be getting OS X
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