The Official Netflix Thread Tho: Recommend Streaming Movies

Watching that movie and thinking about encounters I’ve had over the years, I’m glad I didn’t end up like that.

I thought my ex-gfs roommate in NYC who said she met a dude at a bar, slept over at his apartment, peed in his bed then stole a $20 off his nightstand for the cab ride home before he woke up was the worst case scenario for strange yambs but after watching that movie I realize it could be WAY worse :lol:
I’ve heard worst lol.... heard lol
The REAL tragedy of the story is Louis. Bruh was just a black man trying to be a loyal employee and friend and ended up getting recklessly killed and his body will be disposed of like nothing happened :smh:

He was extra gullible ..... nobody ain’t entering my house ....dude dropped them off and they came right back 😂
The part that made me most angry is they didn’t even extort my dude for a large sum of money or steal some of his wife’s work. Just ****** up his whole **** (house, marriage, reputation) and all they have to show for it is a story and a dog (Monkey was the second biggest loser behind Louis |l )
I’ve had a really hard time finishing episode 1 of Warrior. I always start it and fall asleep of change the Show.
I have a pretty bad cough right now so I copped some Syrup. About to take more than recommended and see if I can get through episode 1 and enjoy it.
Watched the Hotel Cecil doc, and it wasn't very good. Then watched the Night Stalker doc, and that one was terrific.
Finished mr Robot and going on to Penny Dreadful. I see it’s a short series. Was the story finished or ended prematurely? Or just got worse?
Watched The Sinner S3

That joint was a major drop in quality from the previous seasons. Whomever is the writer that suggested the change in format, fire them.
Watched The Sinner S3

That joint was a major drop in quality from the previous seasons. Whomever is the writer that suggested the change in format, fire them.
I was disappointed in S2 so I didn’t even want to go to S3 yet. Had to put it on the back burner to get it out my mind. S1 was on point and had my girl Jessica Biel too :pimp:
Anyone peeped Slasher? I’ve been binging it lately. Liked S1. S2 was meh but this S3 is looking :pimp: So many good storylines
The Invisible Guest 6.8/8

Watched last night, great twist at the end. Be prepared to follow along with subtitles as its in Spanish.
Man, I watched the joint “Get In”. After that and Knock Knock, I’m not ever having over the crib or telling a soul where I live :lol: It was in French so had to do the subtitle thing but man....those boys were wild :wow:
Holy **** - I Care A Lot 2/8 for me. Premise was there, Rosamund stellar acting, and overall had a strong start, but then it just got worse and worse.

As soon as Marla somehow escaped from the car at the bottom of the lake I was DONE. From there, it just got more laughable. All of it.

- How the hell did Marla escape death, find her way to a gas station, yet somehow remember the license plate number? :rofl:
- You're telling me Fran would have been alive as well in her scenario?
- Marla & Roman becoming partners? Wtf....
Just peeped this. First 90min were great then it went off the rails so fast. I was about ready to give this 7.8/8

Went from S4 GoT level to S8 GoT level in a blink of an eye :smh:

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