This secondary is embarrassing. None of these dudes know how to turn and play the ball. They either maul guys and get called for PI or get burnt deep. Same **** every year with this group.
This secondary is embarrassing. None of these dudes know how to turn and play the ball. They either maul guys and get called for PI or get burnt deep. Same **** every year with this group.
This secondary is embarrassing. None of these dudes know how to turn and play the ball. They either maul guys and get called for PI or get burnt deep. Same **** every year with this group.
This secondary is embarrassing. None of these dudes know how to turn and play the ball. They either maul guys and get called for PI or get burnt deep. Same **** every year with this group.
This secondary is embarrassing. None of these dudes know how to turn and play the ball. They either maul guys and get called for PI or get burnt deep. Same **** every year with this group.
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i can't believe the secondary kept leaving him open down the field.
 it was so obvious that's what the Seahawks were going for. 
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Secondary is terrible. It was a bad call on braylon td as he clearly pushed off but it doesnt matter since they wouldve thrown the same thing again and got a td. thats how poor our secondary is.

brady with two bad pics. We cannot turn over the ball there. One hoping balls to receivers? smh
run game was terrible.
Offense completely stagnant second half. Giving our d a lead to defend is pretty much saying we are going to take an L. I know i wasnt the only one on the last drive saying yes they scored now we get the ball back with some time left.

Frankly we just have to be better.
^ great defense that gives up 475? We complaining about how bad our offense was and we get 475 on them. Imagine if we werent one hopping balls.
Our secondary is crap i due agree but we are creating so many takeaways but only coming away with 3 points and sometimes 0. We need to start capitalizing.
Secondary is terrible. It was a bad call on braylon td as he clearly pushed off but it doesnt matter since they wouldve thrown the same thing again and got a td. thats how poor our secondary is.

brady with two bad pics. We cannot turn over the ball there. One hoping balls to receivers? smh
run game was terrible.
Offense completely stagnant second half. Giving our d a lead to defend is pretty much saying we are going to take an L. I know i wasnt the only one on the last drive saying yes they scored now we get the ball back with some time left.

Frankly we just have to be better.
Same here. I was legitimately elated when they scored so quick.


That's pretty ******g sad when you think about it.

Not to take anything away from Seattle's defense but
^ great defense that gives up 475? We complaining about how bad our offense was and we get 475 on them. Imagine if we werent one hopping balls.
Our secondary is crap i due agree but we are creating so many takeaways but only coming away with 3 points and sometimes 0. We need to start capitalizing.

Tom will be the first to say he did not play up to his standards.
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that's a BAD loss, guys. we completely pissed ourselves after their punter botched that punt right before the half. from there on, we completely crumbled.

brady: the majority of this loss has to be on my dude, here. the first INT was a ridiculous decision to throw the ball. no idea what he's doing. the second INT, i think a LITTLE blame is on wes for not getting his hands on that (i believe it went right through his hands), but again, poor throw that was high and harder than need be. you just wish wes could at least gotten a hand on it to deflect it (if not catch it). the intentional ground wasn't bad because it was intentional grounding, it was bad because it was caused by brady not managing the clock well at the end of the half. if he leaves himself more time, he doesnt need to get rid of it quickly and likely doesn't ground the ball. brady NEEDS to be better. and that itself has been the issue the last few years. if brady is off, we lose. he has no room for bad games.

defense: awful. this secondary is going the other way. it's being lit up by russell wilsons, joe flaccos, and kevin kolbs. how a receiver gets 5 yards behind you while you're playing PREVENT defense is beyond me. the front seven has made their plays, although a little more consistent pass rush would be nice. but the issue is the secondary. it's horrendous. and their shortcoming forces the offense to be perfect. how many times do teams that we play have WRs that are SO wide open. that said, we know they're going to bad week in and week out. doesn't matter who we play, the passing yards and scores will be given up.

coaching: mcdaniels needs to find that timing between when to run and when to throw. he needs to realize that when teams know we're gonna run it, we're not going to be able to. that's not how we're going to win games when it's going to take 30 points to win a game every week. belichick...fix the ******g secondary man. do something. use them differently. this pseudo prevent defense sucks.

bottomline...offense, defense, and coaching all need to be better in the 4th quarter. we need to fix our ability to close out games. it's killed us for the last 4-5 years now.

on to the jets...no more bad losses. MUST beat the teams that we're supposed to beat from here on out.
i blame it on the defense you can't expect Brady to bail them out every time the other team scores a TD. Brady gave them a huge lead even with some mistakes it should have been enough to win, the D needs to close the games not Brady. 

it's to the point where Brady has to score so much that the other team just doesn't have enough time to catch up. 
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^ i'm with you on most of that, man. but the mistakes brady made weren't the ones he typically makes (missing a throw here or there). he brain farted more than once, which is why i feel like it's on him a bit more than the defense. the defense in no way gets a pass, but brady just put the game a bit too much in the defense's hands, which fair or not, is why i blame him.
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i think brady mightve gotten a mild concussion on that big hit there. 3rd quarter was it? he was slow to get up with his head down a little. i ddint like it. not good.  hes taken quite a few big  hits over the years  so i wouldnt be suprised if hes had a few on the low low. SMH

yeah bad pathetic awful 2nd half.  like i said, were going only as far as a our young sometimes very simple-minded defense takes us.  on some plays they swarm and are smart and sound (im thinking their turnovers), yet are bone headed on others (PI's, getting beat, general inability to stop those 4th quarter drives it seems).

brady seemed to be taking way too many chances on sunday.  forcing things. maybe he's not trusting his line?  he's had to adjust and make some incredible moves as his pocket collapsed around him there.  

i hope they get things turned around and i dont see it comming from suprise position moves (ala edelman/woodhead playing defense). 
^ great defense that gives up 475? We complaining about how bad our offense was and we get 475 on them. Imagine if we werent one hopping balls.
Our secondary is crap i due agree but we are creating so many takeaways but only coming away with 3 points and sometimes 0. We need to start capitalizing.

The Patriots haven't been able to get that 1st DOWN under pressure. I think it started w/ the Super Bowl, and maybe that was a protocol to get better. We've seen Brady and Co do a 3 and out far too many times in the past few weeks, which gave the opponent an opportunity to score !

I would rather see the Pats do all the right things at crunch time and win, than to see them blow out someone like the Bills game. Winning tight games will help the team execute during the big ones.
^ it's because we can't run when the other team KNOWS we're going to run

we can run when the other team has 5 or 6 DBs on the field. we can run out of our no huddle. but when it comes time to line up and run a team over to end a game...no happening. and given that we try and run at least twice on a set of downs in that situation, it makes it tough. gotta just do what works and throw.
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Everyone making good points. All i can say is its just not time to panic. Yes Brady takes alot of blame and he gets it because he sets a high standard for himself. The defense also has to play better however. Remember afc championship brady didnt play well either but the defense was able to step up. This is sort of like last year boys. Defense played later towards the end of the season. Lets not panic but as deadset said, no more bad losses to teams we should beat. We need to close out close games bc the fact of the matter is, all over sb wins have been by 3 pts. Games are going to be tight and we need to find a way to close out.

Unfortunately for us untill out db's get better its throw it 60yds down the field for the other team. Either a pi call or a completion. In some cases both smfh.
I know we are a team not known for spending big for players but we need some vet cb's. Get brent grimes next year, tracey porter someone. Its ridiculous how bad these guys look.

fyi i feel myself panicking typing this while im telling my fellow pats fans dont panic. LOL

Big game sunday! lets get it boys

like you almost have the feeling that sanchez (yes, mark ******g sanchez) is going to light us up for 300 yards and 3 scores...that's not a good feeling at all man :lol:

i'm looking to the offense to hang 35 plus on the board though
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mcdaniels is taking this balanced offense thing too far. he gets a two score lead and starts running on first and second down without fail. putting us in OBVIOUS passing situations on third down. what the **** is wrong with you? be balanced, but mix it up. you're driving our lambo like a god damn smart car, dip****. we're going to lose this game unless you open it up.
Get Josh all the ******g way outta here with those last few playcalls. It's SO damn obvious when they're gonna run a screen SMH.
This game is infuriating the **** outta me. I don't care if we're up...if we were facing a competent QB, the score would be much differently right now.

Look at our shxtball DB's mannnnnn.
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SMH do the Pats suck now ? Like is it over ? Are we no longer the best team in the L ? This is terrible. 3rd down defense is atrocious. Offense is atrocious. Playcalling. Everything sucks.

:smh: :smh: :smh:
patriots defensive player screws up, again :lol:

we deserved to lose this game. so much ******g fail tonight
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