The Official Off-Season NBA Thread

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Correction, his brother was the ASSISTANT to the guy running the parking garage

He just cost himself his minority ownership with the Warriors.

1.The NBA is in bed with China and as a owner, the league probably warned them to sidestep questions pertaining to it unless they trying to f up their bag.

2.He has a point. Many people don't care. It's performance activism. Him admitting that he doesn't really care is unfortunate, but at least he's keeping it a buck.

city is a **** hole. Crime is up. More cops? I guess. But he’s doing it all in the wrong ways. Not an easy job for anyone.

He's in a tough position. But crime is up significantly. Women and children getting shot, old people getting attacked. Innocent being terrorized etc. He inherited this mess from Deblasio who never addressed these issues when they started under his watch. Big business and investors want the city to be "safe" for the transplants and he has the backing of them, so he's going to come down hard. Especially with the most recent events (lady pushed to her death in the train. 19 year old shot in Harlem. The mom killed in the corner store etc.).
I need numbers that show a correlation between more cops & less crime

Wish I had the answer bro. Maybe place more cops in the subways? No reason why there shouldn’t be a cop on most stops during certain hours.

Homeless committing crimes now too, so there’s that. My citizen app is blowing up every hour. It’s alot more unprovoked innocent crime, not the gang related or neighborhood related we had in the past.
The city is a **** hole. Crime is up. More cops? I guess. But he’s doing it all in the wrong ways. Not an easy job for anyone.
City isn’t a **** hole. It’s an amazing city. Crime is up… yeah from 20 years of crime rates that are among the lowest of all major metropolitan centers in the world.

Yeah there is crime, of course, and there are mentally ill and homeless people here, there have always been my entire life I lived here except when Bloomberg was taking people off the streets and putting them in jail. This is a metro area of 20 million people, there’s going to be some of that.

There’s no way anyone who actually lives in NYC proper and goes outside is calling this city a ****hole… I’m sorry
Wish I had the answer bro. Maybe place more cops in the subways? No reason why there shouldn’t be a cop on most stops during certain hours.

Homeless committing crimes now too, so there’s that. My citizen app is blowing up every hour. It’s alot more unprovoked innocent crime, not the gang related or neighborhood related we had in the past.
I'm not built like that to download an app for local crime. Don't want that energy in my life. But I do follow certain local IG accounts that report accidents/crimes etc.
City isn’t a **** hole. It’s an amazing city. Crime is up… yeah from 20 years of crime rates that are among the lowest of all major metropolitan centers in the world.

Yeah there is crime, of course, and there are mentally ill and homeless people here, there have always been my entire life I lived here except when Bloomberg was taking people off the streets and putting them in jail. This is a metro area of 20 million people, there’s going to be some of that.

There’s no way anyone who actually lives in NYC proper and goes outside is calling this city a ****hole… I’m sorry

Call it mentally ill or ignorance, attacks are now on the elderly and women. People who have been in this city way longer than any of us. That wasnt the case before.

Whats that gotta do with living proper? If someones grandma gets punched in the face by some 17 year old you gonna tell her she wasn't living proper? Come on.

Or the lady that just got pushed to her death in front of the train at 9:30am. She wasn't moving proper either?

I lived here for 30 years. The city is the still the greatest city in the world, but it's also a **** hole, especially during the pandemic.
JT Thor took off his warm ups only to be sent back to the bench. That's gotta be deflating.
I'm not built like that to download an app for local crime. Don't want that energy in my life. But I do follow certain local IG accounts that report accidents/crimes etc.

Man only reason I downloaded it was because I was at my grandmas for a bbq and there was full out shootout outside. **** was reported on Citizen app within 2 minutes, way before any cops came.

Its not good for your health though for sure. Deleted that **** recently too.
Thank you 49ers because these damn Hawks stress me tf out. We bout to lose at home again on MLK day in MLK’s town.
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