**The Official Ralph Lauren Polo Thread**

The new coupon looks like a photoshopped old coupon. That link activated my virus software. What site is that from? Why is the coupon split into 2 jpegs? The top half with the 50% and the bottom half with the new dates. **** is fishy as hell, I'd be interested to know if it works for anyone.

I don't think this coupon was ever valid. Someone figured out the coupon scanners or code readers and created this coupon. Just like they did with the employees discount code on the website.

Damn I think you're right. It does look photoshopped. Someone confirm it's legitimacy?
Figured it was ps'ed. :smh: Super unlike them to have extended it. I got the first email with the 50% so why wouldn't I get it the 2nd time
Figured it was BS. Never heard of as hefty a promotion as 50 percent being "extended". **** don't make sense.

The only way to check is if I or another employee were to check our promotion binder.

Here's a fun fact: the four digit coupon codes are needed for you to get a discount, but the computer will actually authorize any 4 digit number you throw in as a coupon code.

So I could put a 75 percent off transaction discount onto a purchase as a coupon and type 1234 and you'd get it.

It works for the transaction, but obviously asset protection monitors all discount activity. This is why we need to put in the proper codes because our ***** are on the line if it even LOOKS like we're hooking somebody up
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why y'all think it's not legit? the link is a legit RL link, it's not an imgur image that someone uploaded. 
fake or not i'm going after work n trying it out  f it

The link doesn't say ralph lauren anyhere, until you open it then it's mimicking their site layout and creating RL tabs on your browser, look at the web address though. That should be a red flag right there, why do you need to do all that to host a coupon jpeg? This is definitely not from any site affiliated with RL. As far as I am aware no instore coupons, outlets or otherwise, are hosted on the rl website. Regardless of the validity of the coupon, someone is fishing with that link up there. Be careful.
The link doesn't say ralph lauren anyhere, until you open it then it's mimicking their site layout and creating RL tabs on your browser, look at the web address though. That should be a red flag right there, why do you need to do all that to host a coupon jpeg? This is definitely not from any site affiliated with RL. As far as I am aware no instore coupons, outlets or otherwise, are hosted on the rl website. Regardless of the validity of the coupon, someone is fishing with that link up there. Be careful.

Yup that link is definitely fishy. In addition, why would a coupon say "extended"? I would assume a coupon just say through xxxx date
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^ Legit or not, the outlet will probably take it until it gets abused and flags are raised. And judging by the "I'm going ham" comments in here today, I see the abuse getting this coupon killed before the weekend if it is indeed an elaborate hoax. 

I'm pretty sure it's legit, but I'd use the coupon sooner than later. Just in case.
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Pretty sure the coupon is legit.

Look at the link? Now go to your email and find a recent Polo Outlet Coupon email and click through to the coupon page.  Notice the link in the address bar?

*edit for the lazy

Old 20

New 50
that's what i'm saying.. and a printable coupon doesn't need to have the store link in the URL, i have this link for a coupon to ***** sporting goods (took my email out):


doesnt say the store name anywhere. i'm going after work worse thing that can happen is they'll tell me the coupon aint valid and i'll just leave. 
Hmm hopefully folks in here keep us updated. I can't get there til Friday. Let's jus hope we can cook on Black Friday. That will surpass polo gate '13 in my eyes...
The plot thickens

Homie from the outlet thread posted this

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I don't know guys I got a feelings this coupon works. Clearly we had doubters this morning before homie posted that Link. Now the Nay Sayers are back again!!! I'm hitting my outlet this weekend with head held high.
Everyone going this weekend or this week let us know the results. Won't get there till next Wednesday at the earliest. Plan to grab everything I can Black Friday if it's a go
Just to let people know, if a cashier sees a coupon with a 4 digit number, they aren't going to examine it with a magnifying glass to see if it's photoshopped. If your info is in the system, they're gonna type the number in and it's gonna go through because the computer takes any number you put in.

If the coupon is fake, AP is going to notice that a bunch of unauthorized 50% discounts are going through and folks are gonna potentially lose their jobs because they don't play about this ****.

I just hope it's real. I'm gonna call and ask myself in a little bit
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Yeah calling isn't going to help. Just take the chance when you go, "I got this coupon via email from you guys, can I use it on this item?" They're either going to say yes or no, pretty simple. It's not like you gonna get locked up :lol:

Hell one of the employees working on the floor sold my dude his 50% off coupon for $5. Granted I had mine on the phone but we were RACKING up so having that extra physical copy came in handy.
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