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Not interested in Days Gone?
I'm a vagina when it comes to zombie/horror games. Only reason I can handle The Last Of Us is because I just melee runners and shoot the clickers. Even then, you probably encounter those maybe 5 at a time. Days Gone has hordes, so. :lol:
I finished all the worlds

I want to say it's called stairway to something
Damn how are you only 33 then :lol:

I played on Proud so maybe that causes you to level up faster? I know I have at least 2 worlds left.
You should always be within 3 levels of the recommended level of the world you’re going to in KH3. I didn’t die once or need the Kupo Coin the entire game.

On proud mode i think the level recommendation is 46 for the final world. Leveling up is always the best option.
I pretty much have to start the final mission of the game, but I'm doing everything BUT that.
Got that ancient Armor, and then did all the side missions and errands, lol then I decided to start the Frozen Wilds last night.

I'm thinkin this might be my first PS4 game I want to try to platinum

Speaking of the ancient armor I’m just learning about this.. will i just naturally get it or is it some king of secret mission type thing?
Speaking of the ancient armor I’m just learning about this.. will i just naturally get it or is it some king of secret mission type thing?

Its half and half TBH
Somewhere in the beginning of the game I acquired an item and because I like to explore kept acquiring them without really knowing what they did, eventually the game will take you to the place you need to go. It is story based because some of the places you get these items are main story based missions.

I don't mean to be cryptic but I have no idea where you're at in the game and this is honestly the last game on the planet that anyone should have spoiled for them because of how layered and great it is.
Ok cool yea i need to explore more. I just be running around fighting machines trying to get stronger. I’m moving slow though. I'm off this weekend so really trying to put a dent in the game. At 50% now trying to be atleast 70% by Monday. I got GOW waiting and i want to play the newest tomb raider.
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Reviews already saying Sekiro's difficulty is brutal. :smh: I am probably passing.
If Sekiro plays like Bloodborne I’ll just tell you guys who are turned off by difficulty again that the fact there are levels means that you can grind up to a level that suits your skill

It’s not ideal, but if you really want to play the game and that’s the one thing keeping you from doing so, it’s a solvable problem imo

And in a game that has no difficulty options, it isn’t cheating to use walkthroughs and guides. Gaming is about your own personal experience, enjoyment, and satisfaction. Not about bragging to gatekeeping neckbeards on the internet.
Shouldve gotten those black friday psn one year deals now im out of psn. Any deals around i should know about
I may pick up Bloodborne since it's $20. I'll start it up with an open mind, but as soon as it frustrates me, I'm shutting it off only for it to be put it in the collection and never seeing the light of day again. :lol:
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