[| -- The one feature about BLACKBERRY MESSENGER that I hate! -- |]

im thinking about deleting certain people on my BBM, people be hitting my up at like 2 AM and it gets annoying
since most BB messages arent't that long, i set it so it show in my message list. that way, i can go into my email messages, and read the BB messagewithout showing that i've actually read it.

I rarely use BBM...I have unlimited Texts, so im good
Cmon now, I know some of you dudes stay on BBM watching and waiting for jumpoffs to read your messages and get back at you. Quit acting like its all oneway now
This is why I only BBM with the gf. Really I don't need to talk to anyone else that much or that regularly. Wholly aside from the whole messages being reador delivered issue.
hahah this girl who always trys to talk to me always gets at me for reading her bbm's but not responding....so I convinced her that R stands for receivedand not read
Originally Posted by KwestMajik

Originally Posted by lurkin2long

hell yea thats wack.

kind of like myspace messages it shoes if the other person read it or not yet. other person sees you read but wonderin why you didnt write a message back.

and Iphone FTW.

@ me and Tdot joining NT the same day.

nah dude.. i rather have this BB "drawback" than iPhone's txt messages that pop-up out of the blue..
no privacy nowadays.
well damn i didnt know that
*signs out of blackberry messenger* they aint getting me! NOPE
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