The Penn State Child-Sex Abuse Scandal Thread...Hammer dropped on PSU...sanctions galore.

Originally Posted by MonopolyMan630

Originally Posted by asianplayer

Originally Posted by MonopolyMan630

Yeah, ESPN's coverage is lame.
Just curious, whats so bad about it?

Just the way the coverage is now focused on the rioting more than anything. Who cares if they riot? Or if rocks are being thrown at police. Or asking if the students seemed like they have been drinking.

What the hell else do you want them to cover, tomorrow's Social Studies test? I'm more upset though that these kids are going to a Top 50 in the world university and very few seem to be able to put together a coherent sentence. It's probably no coincidence the only one who they have interviewed thus far who was able to, was also the only one (aside from the few reporters say were scared to speak on camera for their safety) who agreed with the decision.

Originally Posted by af1 1982

I will not walk away. I will continue to defend this school for as long as someone challenges the morality of the student body and its teachers. I will make it known that the work (or lack therof) of 5 monsters DOES NOT represent a university that I am so damn proud of. I will stand up for what I believe is right, something 5 cowardly men in positions of power failed to do. 

af1 1982... I'm sorry but it is a losing battle. Many people on my FB have said, "if you don't life in Penn State or didn't go to Penn State, you won't understand." At some point you just have to quit trying to convince people what you feel is right because there will always someone trying to say you're wrong. People aren't going to understand no matter what is done or said. They are going to continue to twist your words and say the exact same thing in every post. It is not worth your time
That would be tight to win a National Championship for that school. Buns for days.
I guess football is 100 x more important at Penn State that some are more worried about the firing of their football coach much rather the sexual assault of young boys on their campus. Clowns. Every single one of them.
Originally Posted by DaG311

af1 1982... I'm sorry but it is a losing battle. Many people on my FB have said, "if you don't life in Penn State or didn't go to Penn State, you won't understand." At some point you just have to quit trying to convince people what you feel is right because there will always someone trying to say you're wrong. People aren't going to understand no matter what is done or said. They are going to continue to twist your words and say the exact same thing in every post. It is not worth your time
I guess you're right. Since I don't life (sic) in Penn State, it's hard for me to understand why football is more important than the many children that were molested. These rioters are idiots, period.
Originally Posted by AndrewLuck

I guess football is 100 x more important at Penn State that some are more worried about the firing of their football coach much rather the sexual assault of young boys on their campus. Clowns. Every single one of them.

Easy to sit back and point fingers, but if you are being attacked by a nation, as a student body you get closer together, and have to rally around some ideal. 
But nobody is attacking the students. Hell, nobody is really attacking Penn State. It's a select individuals who are under scrutiny. And can you really say "attack"'s more like revenge if you ask me. Revenge for being silent when these heinous crimes were being committed. What you call an attack is really what these individuals had coming.
I'm back from the riots. I'm literally disgusted. No words. I've been defending the student body all day and this #%#% happens. I'm disgusted and I'm so embarassed. There's no excuses for the way the students handled this. None whatsoever. I'm not defending anybody anymore, I'm just so disgusted right now. In so much shock. This could have been a peaceful protest and some good and unity could have came out of a bad situation. But once it turned violent, all bets were off.

I witnessed a reporter get hit in the head with a large rock. Yes, students were throwing rocks at people who were doing their job. Even after a reporter got hit, the kid next to me decided to throw an even larger rock into a crowd of students. Just throwing rocks for the hell of it? SMH. I SCREAMED at the dude. I SCREAMED at the bastard trying to throw rocks.

I am so disgusted and sick to my stomach right now. Theres too many emotions going off right now that its hard top function right now. Just had to let my NT fam know what went down. No more defending the students anymore. Rip them apart.
Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by AndrewLuck

I guess football is 100 x more important at Penn State that some are more worried about the firing of their football coach much rather the sexual assault of young boys on their campus. Clowns. Every single one of them.

Easy to sit back and point fingers, but if you are being attacked by a nation, as a student body you get closer together, and have to rally around some ideal. 
Stop. Who exactly was attacking the student body before they started these dumb ++@ riots? No one. These students are rallying around a man who harbored a child molester. Would you say the same if thousands of people were rioting to support a cardinal who covered for a pedo priest?

Originally Posted by af1 1982
This is how Penn State students SHOULD feel. They should be disgusted. I'm sorry that it went down like that, but I'm glad you have some perspective.
I've witnessed a lot of disgusting things tonight but one thing I AM SO %@%#$%@ ANGRY about is that the university has yet to reach out to the victims. They have yet to reach out to charitable organizations or say anything along those lines in press conferences. All they have said is basically "Our condolences" and left it at that. No attempt to do anything right except worry about the Penn State brand.

Disgusted. Embarassed. Ashamed. Those feelings don't describe what is going on in my head right now. But I am not happy with the actions of the University, the police, the students, and everyone involved in this. SHAKING MY %@%#$%@ HEAD
Statement from Joe:

"I am disappointed with the Board of Trustees'decision, but I have to accept it.

A tragedy occurred, and we all have to have patience to letthe legal process proceed. I appreciate the outpouring of support but want toemphasize that everyone should remain calm and please respect the university,its property and all that we value.

I have been incredibly blessed to spend my entire careerworking with people I love. I am grateful beyond words to all of the coaches,players and staff who have been a part of this program. And to all of our fansand supporters, my family and I will be forever in your debt."

We did exactly the opposite of what he asked us to do. That right there is a slap in the face to the man that we adore so much and care so much about. 

I am so sorry that you guys had to witness went down tonight. I'm so sorry to the alumnis for disgracing the Penn State name. I'm sorry for the people who support PSU through thick and thin. None of this should have happened. It's funny how one man's inaction to speak up and stand up for what is right turns into this mess we have here. People severely just lack common sense on multiple levels. 
Originally Posted by Animal Thug1539

This is one big, ugly, disgusting mess. 

Seriously. I find it hard to believe that this story broke (I think) during halftime of the Bama-LSU game and now it's gotten this crazy.
Plus the rioting? Wow....
Originally Posted by an dee 51o

Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by AndrewLuck

I guess football is 100 x more important at Penn State that some are more worried about the firing of their football coach much rather the sexual assault of young boys on their campus. Clowns. Every single one of them.

Easy to sit back and point fingers, but if you are being attacked by a nation, as a student body you get closer together, and have to rally around some ideal. 
Stop. Who exactly was attacking the student body before they started these dumb !%! riots? No one. These students are rallying around a man who harbored a child molester. Would you say the same if thousands of people were rioting to support a cardinal who covered for a pedo priest?
Whoa whoa whoa, relax 

I was simply highlighting the fact, that the students are reacting to the fact that all eyes are on the university they attend, and in a negative light, a lot of denial, some just looking to start @*%*, but to say The university hasn't been attacked is ridiculous, burning ACADEMIC diplomas, people calling for the erasing of sports programs from Penn State, in this thread people asking to get rid of the athletics department 
. Lets not act like the protestors are the only illogical group here. 

I admittedly was a little vague, but to say that I agree with the protestor is a little bit of a reach, even with my vagueness I was pretty clear, I understand their constitutional right to speak out/protest in the midsts of the whole nation looking at their school, and villainizing it's figurehead. Wrong or right, I understand. 
Originally Posted by JPZx!/SPORTSbyBROOKS

If what I was told tonight about the details of the new allegation in Sandusky child sex case is true, it will horrify the public.

What could possibly be worse than anal sex with a 10-year old?

I just watched a Youtube of this guy because I've never heard him speak and he definitely looked like a creep. I know that's after the fact but his mannerisms were awkward and he really sounded like a big creepball.
Originally Posted by Bean Pie Slanga

Originally Posted by JPZx!/SPORTSbyBROOKS

If what I was told tonight about the details of the new allegation in Sandusky child sex case is true, it will horrify the public.
What could possibly be worse than anal sex with a 10-year old?

I just watched a Youtube of this guy because I've never heard him speak and he definitely looked like a creep. I know that's after the fact but his mannerisms were awkward and he really sounded like a big creepball.

Only thing worse would be Paterno actually involved in the rape cases 
Originally Posted by Wings90

Originally Posted by ehh

ESPN's reporter in Happy Valley said she can't find a single student out there that supports the BOT's decision to fire JoePa.  

Tom Rinaldi just said the same thing.

Kids told one of the reporters that they agreed with the boards decision but they wouldn't say it on camera in fear of getting beat up.
Originally Posted by kix4kix

I admittedly was a little vague, but to say that I agree with the protestor is a little bit of a reach, even with my vagueness I was pretty clear, I understand their constitutional right to speak out/protest in the midsts of the whole nation looking at their school, and villainizing it's figurehead. Wrong or right, I understand. 
They stopped being protesters and turned into rioters several hours ago. Did you not read the post from the PSU student who said they were throwing rocks at reporters and just randomly into the crowd?
af1 1982.....

Would you mind just giving us the rundown/play-by-play of what you saw tonight? Where you went, etc? Details would be appreciated if you could take the time to do it.

We all saw everything on TV, but I'm real interested in hearing from someone who was in the thick of it. Looked pretty messy.

Any insight and summary would be appreciated.
Originally Posted by an dee 51o

Originally Posted by kix4kix

I admittedly was a little vague, but to say that I agree with the protestor is a little bit of a reach, even with my vagueness I was pretty clear, I understand their constitutional right to speak out/protest in the midsts of the whole nation looking at their school, and villainizing it's figurehead. Wrong or right, I understand. 
They stopped being protesters and turned into rioters several hours ago. Did you not read the post from the PSU student who said they were throwing rocks at reporters and just randomly into the crowd?

Did you not read my post 3 posts back about how some were just looking to start $!*@? 
Originally Posted by sole searchin

Originally Posted by Bean Pie Slanga

What could possibly be worse than anal sex with a 10-year old?

I just watched a Youtube of this guy because I've never heard him speak and he definitely looked like a creep. I know that's after the fact but his mannerisms were awkward and he really sounded like a big creepball.
Only thing worse would be Paterno actually involved in the rape cases 
That would be......
10% of the students protesting are legitimately upset with the decision. The other 90% are just bored and see an opportunity to riot. Its really sad the sheep mentality in action.

I normally can take a firm stance on how I feel about a story, but this one really bothers me. I feel absolutely terrible for the victims and wish them the best in the future. No amount of money or jail-time for Sandusky can compensate for what happened to them. I am dumbfounded as to how Mcqueary still has a job and wasn't fired before Paterno.

But my feelings towards what happened to Paterno conflict each other. On one hand I felt he neglected the kids who were abused by not reporting the incidence to the police. On the other hand I cant help but feel sympathy for him because of what he did for the community. He himself did not abuse the kids, and I disagree with people saying what he did was as bad as Sandusky. He did what he was legally obligated to do, he is only guilty of "questionable morality". If anything Mcqueary should have been fired first and foremost.

I havent been this interested in a story in a long time.
This is my last post for tonight, I'll be back tomorrow. Here's my play by play to the best of my memory

-Ending my night class when I got a call from my mom saying Paterno had been fired.
-I walked out of the Osmond building which is right across the street from the HUB, the university student center
-Thousands flocking to the HUB on their way to Old Main which is the Administrative meetings you've been hearing about in the news
-Ran back to my dorm in West Halls to meet my roommate to go to the riots
-Went back to Old Main
-Thousands and thousands of kids chanting Joe Paterno and @%*+ Sandusky and the We Are Chants
-That goes on for about 10 min then we all charged Beaver Avenue which is two blocks away. Beaver avenue and College avenue run parallel to each other and are the two main streets downtown
-We go there and you couldn't even move, the riot spanned 5+ blocks. I don't think any photographs can show how many people were there
-Life Size Paterno poster figure thing (Fat head?) being passed through crowd
-People crowd surfing, climbing lamp posts, shaking lamp posts
-Riot police pass back and forth through crowd to "intimidate" students
-Fireworks started going off...into the crowd
-The fireworks and the lamp posts is where it starts to turn violent
-This goes on for at least an hour before we all rush back to Old Main
-We stand outside doing our chants, yelled at the media on our way back
-Fire erupts on the lawn and police put it out.
-+#!$!$% kid tries to light another fire right in front of the police, he gets the hitstick from him with no regard for human life
-After that happens, people rush College avenue which runs right in front of the Old Main lawn
-That news van gets tipped over
-Kids finally bring down a lamp post
-Decorative rocks that lie along the dorms on College Ave are being thrown at police smh
-Rock hits a reporter and he is down. Police surround him to protect him
-This is where I witnessed Police opening pepper gas on the crowd. I was very close to it but luckily I was able to get away
-Cars that are parked along College are ruined
-+#!$!$% students continue to throw rocks at police
-Fire truck comes
-I watched as police opened up the trunk of a Nissan Altima and refueled their pepper gas
-Kids throw more rocks at fire trucks
-I proceed to scream at one of the kids
-Throws the rock anyway
-I walk away in disgust because I couldn't be a part of it anymore

I agree with supporting Paterno and even a peaceful protest like what happened Tuesday night that the news failed to cover. The news only showed what happened at Paternos house but there was thousands of kids rallying outside Old Main, Beaver, College, and the stadium. That is a detail that is left out. One night of rallying, one night of riots. I was all for chanting Paternos name and allowing him to coach at least this weekend. I was chanting @%*+ Sandusky, I was chanting the We are. I was down for that stuff. But once the fireworks and lamp posts came down, #!@! got serious and real. I student organized protest led to mass hysteria and thousands of savages. I cannot believe what I witnessed tonight. I'm done for the night NT, I'll be back tomorrow to answer questions. Feel free to PM me or ask in this thread if you have any questions on what went down tonight. I will try to answer them to the best of my ability. Good Night.
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