The Penn State Child-Sex Abuse Scandal Thread...Hammer dropped on PSU...sanctions galore.

Those students are really disgracing themselves.  
Penn State is going to be remembered not just as the school where this terrible scandal happened, but the school where most of the student body thought football was more important than what happened to those kids.  I can't even imagine how ashamed I would be if my son went there and was 'rioting'.

Just another example of the college football culture- what makes these coaches such "amazing people" anyway?  I read that entire ESPN article about Paterno's legacy and the only thing the man really did was win alot of football games.  Whole Penn State campus really looks like a bunch of creeps right about now...
[h1]Penn State Students Clash With Police in Unrest After Announcement[/h1] [h6]By NATE SCHWEBER[/h6][h6]Published: November 10, 2011[/h6]

STATE COLLEGE, Pa. — After top Penn State officials announced they had fired Joe Paterno on Wednesday night, thousands of students stormed the downtown area to display their anger and frustration, chanting the former coach’s name, tearing down light poles and overturning a television news van parked along College Avenue.

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[h6]Richard Perry/The New York Times[/h6]
People gathered on the Penn State campus after Coach Joe Paterno was fired.


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[h6]The Once-King of Penn State[/h6][h6][/h6]

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[h6]Gene J. Puskar/Associated Press[/h6]
Joe Paterno and his wife, Susan, talked to well-wishers outside his house after the announcement.

The demonstrators congregated outside Penn State’s administration building before stampeding into the tight grid of downtown streets. They turned their ire on a news van, a symbolic gesture that expressed a view held by many that the media exaggerated Mr. Paterno’s role in the Jerry Sandusky pedophilia scandal.

“I think the point people are trying to make is the media is responsible for Joe Pa going down,
Originally Posted by StillIn729

I'm hearing about another big allegation that is about to come out; for the love of god...if they killed Ray Gricar (the missing DA) then I don't even know what to say; I will in my life for the first time wish I never went to Penn State. I followed that case so closely because I was a student in 2005; never did I think 6 years later I would find out this could potentially be linked.
My dad brought this up, these guys are like the mafia, "not enough evidence" and his laptop is found in a river with the drive missing...
Dude really thought he would stick around for the rest of the year lulz shows how arrogant this old fool is.
Originally Posted by 10027

Those students are really disgracing themselves.  
Penn State is going to be remembered not just as the school where this terrible scandal happened, but the school where most of the student body thought football was more important than what happened to those kids.  I can't even imagine how ashamed I would be if my son went there and was 'rioting'.

Just another example of the college football culture- what makes these coaches such "amazing people" anyway?  I read that entire ESPN article about Paterno's legacy and the only thing the man really did was win alot of football games.  Whole Penn State campus really looks like a bunch of creeps right about now...
are you serious?  stop with that non sense; Paterno has done A LOT of good but that doesn't dismiss his absence from doing more in this case and that will now be his ultimate legacy.
for the hundredth time; do not let those students rioting change the overall good of the PSU students.  There were about 38,000 sitting in their dorms and apartments agreeing with the Joe Pa decision but the media is going to make it what they are going to make it.  There is NOTHING that can be said to defend the actions of the people involved in this case but I can defend my fellow alum, current students, faculty and employees who have done amazing things for people.  

but my thoughts on Penn State will forever be different now; I hope once this all clears that the new powers can make some positives out of this.  The only thing worse that I have lived through in my life is 9/11. 
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Maybe it's because I went to school in a bigger city, but I'm still flat out amazed by the lengths Joe Paterno was coddled at Penn State. My jaw dropped after I heard the reaction from the "press" last night when the BOT was speaking. I just can't wrap my mind around the fact as to how much Joe Paterno was protected within the confines of Penn State. It's not like I haven't been around a living legend....shoot, Lou Carnesecca was still a huge presence on campus even after his retirement. I guess that's who I have to comare to Paterno, but NYC media is VASTLY different from that in State College. If anything like this happened while Lou was coaching, best believe the NY media would have raked Lou over the coals. This dude, Paterno is in a dream-world. It's almost like an alternate universe. How does he (and those who support him) not understand the magnitude of the situation at hand? This is what is so infuriating to me. I've lost ALL respect for Joe Paterno. All of it. Records and football be damned....these were CHILDREN. SMH.

*Also, as it was said last night....why don't these students who "rioted," aim some of their anger towards Sandusky? He's out on bail and still living in close proximity to the school. He single-handedly brought down a storied football program, school, and biggest of all...RUINED lives. But nope, let's raise hell on Joe Pa's behalf.
The anger is TOTALLY misguided and it goes to show how out of touch some people are in that part of state.

I agree with all this. I have no respect for Paterno and the fans rioting. Why are people supporting this man? He is a coward too.
paul posluszny was on Mike & Mike and said Sandusky was still a steady figure on campus while he was there.

these are years 2002 - 2006

Mike McQueary is NOT cut out to be a leader of men. he needs to find a desk job somewhere.

How can someone look him in the eye and respect him after running away from a little boy being raped.

Dude was 28 years old.

Get him the !!%% outta here. Yesterday!
Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

paul posluszny was on Mike & Mike and said Sandusky was still a steady figure on campus while he was there.

these are years 2002 - 2006

Mike McQueary is NOT cut out to be a leader of men. he needs to find a desk job somewhere.

How can someone look him in the eye and respect him after running away from a little boy being raped.

Dude was 28 years old.

Get him the !!%% outta here. Yesterday!
Paul Poz is legit; he is one Penn Stater I can really respect right now and I can't even believe the Joe Pa apologists right now
McQueary is a coward; if he was an 18 year old freshman I would give him a little bit of slack but he was a 28 year old grown man who had been in NFL training camps prior to returning to PSU
Do you guys not remember college (maybe some haven't been yet)? Students gather and 'riot' over anything, it isn't about rational thought. He'll we used to take to the streets due to daylight savings and the bars not being open an extra hour. These kids aren't logically thinking about the ramifications of their actions nor the message it portrays. They are drunk, their coach is gone, they are bored, and 'everyone is doing it'. But this small segment of students supporting Joe should not result in blanket statements about the University or youth in general
Bout time Penn St made a right decision.

How that coward McQuerry still has a job is a joke. I am sure they will dismiss him soon enough.
Originally Posted by StillIn729

but my thoughts on Penn State will forever be different now; I hope once this all clears that the new powers can make some positives out of this.  The only thing worse that I have lived through in my life is 9/11. 
give me a break
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Originally Posted by JPZx!/SPORTSbyBROOKS

If what I was told tonight about the details of the new allegation in Sandusky child sex case is true, it will horrify the public.
This might have been lost in the shuffle last night, but I'm quoting it again....

Holy $+!!

I can't even imagine what it is...

The new allegation is that they were using the Second Mile to procure young boys for rich PSU donors. That's what Mark Madden, the guy who covered all this to begin with, said on WEEI.

If that is true, man.

Once I read that, I had to close out and log out of everything.
This is like a movie now

And I'm with others in that I'm shocked McQuery didn't intervene right then and there. I look the other way on most things that don't involve me but that is one instance where human nature is to get physically involved and stop it no matter what. Glad PSU is FINALLY acting and chopping heads, needs to be done

apparently investigative journalists are investigating that Sandusky pimped out kids to the wealthy
Originally Posted by The Wizard

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

This might have been lost in the shuffle last night, but I'm quoting it again....

Holy $+!!

I can't even imagine what it is...

The new allegation is that they were using the Second Mile to procure young boys for rich PSU donors. That's what Mark Madden, the guy who covered all this to begin with, said on WEEI.

If that is true, man.

Once I read that, I had to close out and log out of everything.
It makes a lot more sense now. I think it would take more than the AD, Joe Pa and a G.A. to keep something like this under wraps....a lot of people with POWER had to know to keep this under wraps, and if they were participating in all this debauchery that would give them even more incentive to keep it under wraps. Sandusky is going to be way under the jail if all this is true, mad people are going down and that whole school might go up in flames...
Originally Posted by Jello B Afro

Originally Posted by StillIn729

but my thoughts on Penn State will forever be different now; I hope once this all clears that the new powers can make some positives out of this.  The only thing worse that I have lived through in my life is 9/11. 
give me a break

I'm sorry did I offend you are saying this is the 2nd worst even I've been apart considering I went to Penn State?
Originally Posted by StillIn729


apparently investigative journalists are investigating that Sandusky pimped out kids to the wealthy

Originally Posted by The Wizard

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

This might have been lost in the shuffle last night, but I'm quoting it again....

Holy $+!!

I can't even imagine what it is...

The new allegation is that they were using the Second Mile to procure young boys for rich PSU donors. That's what Mark Madden, the guy who covered all this to begin with, said on WEEI.

If that is true, man.

Once I read that, I had to close out and log out of everything.

I'm at a loss for words.
Originally Posted by fraij da 5 11

Originally Posted by StillIn729


apparently investigative journalists are investigating that Sandusky pimped out kids to the wealthy
I'm waiting now; my friend just texted me with that
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