The Penn State Child-Sex Abuse Scandal Thread...Hammer dropped on PSU...sanctions galore.

Just when you think it can get uglier. This could be mind blowing how deep and disgusting this runs. I hope it isn't true
RT @ChrisSedenka: Mark Madden on WEEI about peeps investigating Sandusky possibly 'pimping" 2nd Mile kids to donors. 
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if thats the case then thats why Sandusky was still allowed on Campus - He had %@+* hanging over EVERYBODY!

Im sick
DoubleJs, there was A LOT of anger towards Sandusky but the media might not choose to show you that because Paterno was the big story last night. Yes it was disgusting and embarassing last night but the media will try and paint a picture that we were only out there because of Paterno because that is certainly not the case. Last night, a lot of people got their anger out. About Paterno, about the University, about Sandusky, about McQueary Curley and Schultz, and about the entire situation. Still, no excuses can be made for the behavior.

And to whoever is saying all Paterno did was win football games is just plain dumb. He made this University what it is today. He gave students the opportunity to excel here. Fact. Whether you like him nor not afer this, to say that he did nothing that win football games is a slap in the face to him, every alumni, every current student, every teacher, and every faculty member.

And to whoever is saying I don't know what a riot is and that I shouldn't be disgusted, if you read my post I clearly stated multiple times that I was hoping for a peaceful rally and protest and became disgusted when it turned into a violent riot. Tuesday night saw a peaceful protest. I was hoping for the same Wednesday. Wrong. Reading is fundamental.

What I don't understand is how do McQueary still have a job. Both him and Joe fulfilled their legal obligation of telling who they needed to tell and yet Paterno is out. Having McQueary on the field is just as big of a disgrace as if you had Paterno on the field.

We are going to hear more about the DA situation, I can promise you that. That will not go away
Originally Posted by bkmac

Originally Posted by StillIn729


apparently investigative journalists are investigating that Sandusky pimped out kids to the wealthy


if true, Sandusky should be thrown under the jail and castrated
I don't even know what to say anymore; I literally feel like I am going to throw up right now...this isn't just one of the worst scandals in college history, I would put this up there in US history

This dudes going to prison and never getting out.

Unless he somehow cuts a deal and gives up these PSU donors...

I dont know what to say.
Originally Posted by WallyHopp

What a crazy world college sports are.

Does anyone else remember the Baylor basketball scandal? Abar Rouse, an assistant at the time recorded Bliss stating his plan etc.. Long story short, he was fired, and has basically been blacklisted from the coaching ranks. He snitched on his boss

Now in no way am I comparing Sandusky to a schools top head coach, like Bliss was, and McQueary as an assistant.. But had anyone said anything, life ruined.. It's either ruined then, or when it all came out days ago.

Neither case is too off base. I bet so many are withholding so much crazy and twisted info to protect themselves.. This may only be one of many

i had no idea about this ... and as a BIG DUKE FAN ... i'm disgusted that coach K would say that regarding what coach rouse did ... @!+@*$% disgusted ... how is that crossing a line ... so it would have been cool to just to quit and not say anything and let the a dead student athlete be depicted as a drug dealer

 ... he did the right thing ... i wish the price he had to pay wasn't so steep ... this is what happens when u do the right thing ... and we wonder why so many do the wrong thing !!
Like I said before, you have to get ALL these people away from the program.

How is Bradley fit to lead this team? All these coaches have been around PSU for forever!!

Al Golden better watch out. He was the successor to Sandusky, and he played for PSU under Sandusky. He doesn't ask why he gets that position after Sandusky???

In the end, I think we find out that Paterno knew of everything, but said nothing because to him, the most important thing was being able to coach the Penn State team and putting a stop to it would probably end in what's happening now.
Originally Posted by StillIn729

this reminds me of the movie Hostel but with young boys 
Same with Taken

Until the public is more educated on child molestation, prostitution and trafficking, it will only get worse. 

I went from

Thanks for the reports af1-1982 - I find your posts more insightful and better than most of the reporting on TV.
It's hard to take anything good away from this, but hopefully people in positions of power will be more authoritative and quicker to report crimes (hopefully as not as heinous as theses).
This is bad. Real bad. Teams like Miami, USC, etc paid of a player or 2. But they've never been accused of something like THIS.
The Federal Government is NOW involved in the investigation.

This is big problems for the entire University
Originally Posted by JCH3

Thanks for the reports af1-1982 - I find your posts more insightful and better than most of the reporting on TV.
It's hard to take anything good away from this, but hopefully people in positions of power will be more authoritative and quicker to report crimes (hopefully as not as heinous as theses).
 No problems, I feel I owe this to my NT fam who has gave me so much information. If anybody has any questions, I'll try and answer them to my best of my ability. 
I'm praying that these pimping allegations are not true. I was expecting a murder and coverup type deal but this is far far more disgusting. Words cannot describe. Speechless
Now it all makes even more sense. As i stated before, this was all about money. Without PSU donors, the university is nothing. Sandusky had free reign because he had the money guys in his pocket.

And Joe Pa is the scapegoat essentially.
Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

The Federal Government is NOW involved in the investigation.

This is big problems for the entire University

Yup. Once the feds get involved, it's over.
Serious question that Ive been trying to track down the answer to.....

With all the info coming out, I'm trying to find out, WHAT triggered the story breaking? What caused it to suddenly come to light?

We all know about the GA and what he did and didnt do, and Joe and what he said, but this was all years ago.

What was behind the story breaking now?
Two Rumors from Mark Madden:
-Sandusky pimped out kids to rich PSU donors
-The University cut a deal where Sandusky was told to retire in exchange for a coverup

Originally Posted by blackredxiiigoat

Serious question that Ive been trying to track down the answer to.....

With all the info coming out, I'm trying to find out, WHAT triggered the story breaking? What caused it to suddenly come to light?

We all know about the GA and what he did and didnt do, and Joe and what he said, but this was all years ago.

What was behind the story breaking now?
grand jury had finished its investigation and released the info on Saturday
Sandusky's indictment.

He has been under investigation for 3 years.

But, timed perfectly tho, as to allow Paterno to break the Wins record.

I dont want to believe the "pimping out" story.
I just dont want to believe people are that slimey, perverted  & Vile
When these dudes start singing to the feds, I wonder how much they'll dislose about what Joe Paterno REALLY knew? I find it hard to believe (with the new accusations about pimping out kids) that all of this went on w/o Joe Paterno knowing.

This is %###$$% awful.

But, timed perfectly tho, as to allow Paterno to break the Wins record.

Give it back to Eddie. 
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