The people that appear in your dreams that you don't know: Do they exist? in real life?

Originally Posted by sifupooh

welcome to the matrix

What's crazy is when somebody appears in your dream and you see them in real life for the first time the next day or a few days later.  Be having me stuck with the
Originally Posted by amel223

Originally Posted by SpeakUp23

I wonder if those people are actual people in real life.

Also have you ever made up a face/person in your head? Do they really exist somewhere?

Or they could just be images of random people I've seen and forgotten about. But I like to wonder and make it more complicated than that

I feel like this could be a movie lol. 
or....ya'll be daydreaming about the "perfect chick" and that's why you're seeing girls you've never met before...

which is actually what's going on...

we dream about what we think about.
Yeah I had a dream I was dating a chick and I've never seen her before. I knew it was a dream though...
Originally Posted by 651akathePaul

Originally Posted by enlightendespot

Also when I was younger I could picture attractive women in my mind while awake. But it was very hard.
You have a gift.

To bad I haven't been able to do it in the last 10 years.

The girls were

Anybody ever have dreams, where your in a predicament, theres always that one person who always gets you out of it, but you don't know them?
Then few months later that same person is there getting you out of the predicament?
I'm not explaining it correctly i know but it's like a guardian angel?
Believe it or not I had dreams about 5 "random" people the night before my SAT's.... we would constantly hangout and i would wake up every morning wondering who these people were. It was crazy, we would play basketball, eat lunch and the dreams would constantly continue from the last. this lasted about a week until I finally had to take my SATs. I walk into my class and I take my seat and you won't believe what I saw walking down the aisle. All in different parts of the room, those 5 random people are sitting there. chills. I have no idea if i was just going crazy but i did horrible during the SATs because i seriously was freaked out. I just sat there wondering if they had the same dreams.
That face is the face of some guy HELLA people see in their dreams (kinda creepy, actually).

Can't recall ever seeing him in any of mine, though.
I think dreams can be about things that have deep meaning to you, or completely new things that mean nothing.  My range of dreams is pretty wide, from normal to completely ridiculous; I personally feel that you can't read too much into dreams though.  

As to the original question, yeah, I have dreams about people that I've never seen before.  I'm pretty amazed that our minds can make up faces of people; I can't make up the face of a person I've never seen before in my mindconsciously.  
your brain subconsciously remembers every face you may have seen throughout your days. Example, Ive had a dream about some people I knew when I was 5 but I cant remember their faces when im actually awake. So where as you may not notice guy in suit walking down the street, your brain has seen him and records his face. Also your mind blends different people together. Ex. I remember having a dream but the girl in my dream was really familiar, excpet she was white. You get the picture. We are creative, but has anyone ever tried to create or draw a unique person? Alot of times, mine turn out to resemble other people even though im not trying
Last night i dreamt that I broke up a fight between my cousin and a grown up version of his infant nephew. Real weird
They are real people. Your mind is an amazing thing. They are people maybe you glanced at randomly on the street but didn't pay any real attention too. And during your sleep your mind recalls that face and puts it in a dream. It's pretty simple ofcourse when yor awake your mind doesn't have the capacity to let ou recall every face because you are constantly bombarded with stimuli. Man phsyc really paid off lol
Originally Posted by INS

Its been proven that the mind cant make people up... so the people in your dreams are people from your past and could even be someone you hip checked on the train, to seeing a picture on line.

Source please? 

I'm really interested.

Originally Posted by buggz05

Originally Posted by Dead Stokc

Sometimes ur mind projects things, and they
become future depictions of what u seen. At
least thats what happens to me. Mad de ja vu son
This. It's damn near like a calendar that's a few months ahead. There is definitely a certain level of communication there.

Pretty much everyone from my dreams are people in my life.

This has happened to me on numerous occasions.
I would always experience deja vu all the damn time. 

My friends start to get creeped out by it since I always tell them when I'm experiencing it. 

It's weird as hell at first but 
 after. I hope to find out more about this phenomenon some day. 

?????? If we don't know them, I think you answered your own question..................moving along now 
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