The people that appear in your dreams that you don't know: Do they exist? in real life?

The most mind warping instance was when I had a dream of a new girl joining my 4th grade class, Next day....same exact girl was in the class. Chalk it up to a Nostradamus moment.

Interesting question though, do they really exist? Idk, could be individuals we meet later in life.
Originally Posted by Dagrandesoda

Sometimes its a flashback where I see people from when I was little. Its the craziest thing ever. I see chicks in my dream that i've never met, but I feel that I love them....

The worst. Waking up feeling like
How about when you have a dream about the person your with and your attracted to them way more in your dream and the sex is also way better . Blows my mind man
Originally Posted by robxdrew

Originally Posted by INS

Its been proven that the mind cant make people up... so the people in your dreams are people from your past and could even be someone you hip checked on the train, to seeing a picture on line.

Source please? 

I'm really interested.

Our dreams are frequently full of strangers who play out certain parts – did you know that your mind is not inventing those faces – they are real faces of real people that you have seen during your life but may not know or remember? The evil killer in your latest dream may be the guy who pumped petrol in to your Dad’s car when you were just a little kid. We have all seen hundreds of thousands of faces through our lives, so we have an endless supply of characters for our brain to utilize during our dreams[font=Georgia, 'Times New Roman', Times, serif][/font]
I wonder what people in remote villages dream about. The ones that have no idea about the technologies and world that we all currently live in.
Originally Posted by 10508 Cardo Jr Ln

So people born blind can only dream of faces they've touched..? 


Can blind people see in their dreams? I heard some are only auditory.
& on that note, can deaf people hear/talk?
Originally Posted by Lebronh8er

?????? If we don't know them, I think you answered your own question..................moving along now 

Between your dumb post and your stupid SN, I can say with all confidence that I hate you

moving along now
ive never dreamed about people i didnt know.. but ive dreamed about places ive never been. i have a lot of reoccuring dreams and the layout of the streets is always the same but theyre streets ive never walked down or ever seen pictures of or anything. i always wonder where the %+@! they came from and if they actually exist somewhere..and why my mind seems to know them so well
Think about this all the time but figure the faces are subconsciously stored from seeing people I don't know on the street.
Originally Posted by INS

Originally Posted by robxdrew

Originally Posted by INS

Its been proven that the mind cant make people up... so the people in your dreams are people from your past and could even be someone you hip checked on the train, to seeing a picture on line.

Source please? 

I'm really interested.

Our dreams are frequently full of strangers who play out certain parts – did you know that your mind is not inventing those faces – they are real faces of real people that you have seen during your life but may not know or remember? The evil killer in your latest dream may be the guy who pumped petrol in to your Dad’s car when you were just a little kid. We have all seen hundreds of thousands of faces through our lives, so we have an endless supply of characters for our brain to utilize during our dreams[font=Georgia, 'Times New Roman', Times, serif][/font]
Good read. Much appreciated.

Originally Posted by robxdrew

Originally Posted by buggz05

Originally Posted by Dead Stokc

Sometimes ur mind projects things, and they
become future depictions of what u seen. At
least thats what happens to me. Mad de ja vu son
This. It's damn near like a calendar that's a few months ahead. There is definitely a certain level of communication there.

Pretty much everyone from my dreams are people in my life.

This has happened to me on numerous occasions.
I would always experience deja vu all the damn time. 

My friends start to get creeped out by it since I always tell them when I'm experiencing it. 

It's weird as hell at first but 
 after. I hope to find out more about this phenomenon some day. 


It's always emotional when I wake up, and it's always a kick in the balls for me when it happens in the "real world".
Two things happen in my dreams on this level:

1) Communication of advice in current issues with life, that come in the form of dreams from my deceased grandparents.

2) Visions of future situations that won't be easy to deal with and/or I should try to avoid - i.e. gf cheating and becoming pregnant by my best friend, which is certainly not something you want to believe considering it came from a dream... But when you ignore it, and then later it comes to fruition -- the amount of anger/regret one feels towards one's self is tremendous, given that all you had to do was listen to yourself.

All of life's secrets are inside you. That is all NT.
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