the Pet Peeve thread


Yall boys slippin tho. Ain't nobody mentioned when people lick their fingers before giving you a paper/money/etc???

Lady at this grocery store across from campus did it FOUR times before issuing change the other night...:x :x :smh: :stoneface: :lol: :stoneface: :x :smh:
:x Hate that too
she tryna get that baby with good hair b

ive become numb to that 
When people add the ever so popular "S" to the end of a teams name, I ******* lose it 

"The Magics lost again last night." Even better was that NT'er that told the story about the Thunders game. 
Similarly, when announcers refer to a player as plural, "the Peyton Mannings, the Bradys of the leagues..."
Reply To All on work emails. [emoji]128544[/emoji]

That **** is BEYOND annoying.
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Chick at work: "What nationality are you?"

Me: American >D [emoji]128530[/emoji]

Her: I mean what are you mixed with?

Me: I'm black. :stoneface: [emoji]128528[/emoji]

Her: No you're not. You're mixed with something.

Me: Both my parents are black.

Her: No, you're mixed.


Not the first time and it's always sisters on this. :smh:

Honestly why do you care?

"You're not black, you're Jamaican" Dumbest thing ever said to me.
As someone that works at a toll bridge:

- when someone just sits there and stares at me after I take their money. Stop ******* staring at me and go :smh:

- when someone pulls into my lane at the end of my shift and decides to take their sweet *** time gathering up all coins for the toll >:

- when people insist on paying with a credit card when the sign clearly says Cash Only

- when people barely even extend their arm past the window to hand me money, expecting me to be Stretch Armstrong and ****

- when people roll down their windows and foulest smell just blasts me in the face :x
When dude revs up, passes you, and then hits the same red light as you pull up seconds later. :smh:
When someone goes to bed but is too lazy to throw away their empty water bottle/pop can or put their empty cup in the sink..I hate waking up to messes..

When I come in from the grocery store and everyone just watches as I unload the car by myself..

Or when I come in with groceries in my hands and instead of offering to take a bag or 2 they say "Did you remember to get me _______", knowing damn good and well your stupid *** never said anything about ______ before I left..

When my wife leaves the car with the needle almost in the red and I have to be the one to get gas..

We have an older car so it requires a few extra minutes for the heater to get the car warm..And even though we have a remote start, my wife refuses to turn the knob up to high before she gets out of the car..So that leaves me and my son to freeze our nuts off in the morning during the ride to school..

Yall need an emergency meeting.

The no help with groceries one would have me pissed.

I can overlook the water bottle thing, but you can't help me bring in food? Nobody's eating but me?
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