the thread about nothing...

Jealousy is honestly worthless. You get jealous which makes you express it to your significant other...which makes them mad/uncomfortable. If the person was thinking about cheating on you and thats why you got jealous, expressing the jealousy just drives them into the arms of that other person. "Oh my gf/bf is crazy all sorts of jealous". How often does some one say oh my bf/gf is jealous i should change my interactions with the other sex so they don't feel that way.

The most one should do is maybe some joking around about it to kind of let the other know they are spoken for. But constant questioning and actually getting upset doesn't do anything. It creates a void/problems in the relationship. So if you just are ignorant and happy regardless, the outcome will most likely be the same what ever that is, except you won't be angry and jealous. In fact if you are happy the whole time there is a better chance your relationship won't feel the strain that makes people stray. If that person is going to cheat they will do it regardless if you are jealous or not.


morning tan

Could've said it any better , you & your girl good ? Don't mean to be in your business .


Story for tan :lol:

So we are out clearing out my girls art studio. My phone is in my car. My friend Jen texts me and says "are you going to watch the left overs tonight" I was busy literally all day so i responded to her at night like 7 or 8 ish.

My girl texts me asking me if i talked to any "girlfriends" today. She jokes because i have a fair amount of female friends. I was like no not recently i texted jen at like 730 about the leftovers thats it why. She is like "are you sure" i was like uh...what? Knowing this was a trap but not knowing what i was dealing with. So she tells me she saw my phone go off in my car and it was Jen. She was like you are a liar. I kinda lost it. I was like 1 who cares if it was jen? 2 we didn't talk she texted me and i didn't respond until night...which i just told you about. She was like oh ok trying to get off on a technicality. I was like if i wanted to cheat on you with a girl i have been friends with for 5 years i would have. I would have smashed Jen when we were both single if I wanted to.

So all that got me thinking about how worthless jealousy is. As she is making me so angry im thinking about texting girls just for some one to say "oh she is crazy what are you up to later". So i was like its funny how jealousy is literally completely backwards. She has no reason to be jealous i am actually crazy about my girl but the only time it crosses my mind even for half a second is when she is accusing me of being shady when im not at all. Then im like hell i might as well be shady since its already assumed i am.

I was single for 5 years and still getting used to "relationship" life. Not in a monogamy type way but a how to not be selfish how to think about some one else other then myself and how to handle these types of situations like an adult. I am also still trying to handle a female who has been nothing but hurt by ex's. Cheated on by her last 2 dudes. The most recent ex asked her dad if he could marry her and they were picking out rings. Then cheated on her with his best girl friend. So there is a lot of scar tissue there

But women :smh:
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Sad to see some desperate nt'ers post 10-20 gifs in a single thread just to get some laughs. If they don't get one they'll keep posting more.
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