the thread about nothing...

You're not obligated to hang with colleagues but they will look down on you if you never go out with them
You're not obligated to hang with colleagues but they will look down on you if you never go out with them
True, but I think it depends on the workplace environment. If it's a startup or some tech company in a City, I'm sure they make sure candidates fit that culture.

But some places are simply, work straight and go home.

I've been trying to explore during the weekday after work, not to get in the routine of doing the same thing everyday. So far it's paid off and have been able to check out parts of DC without having to deal with crowds or bad traffic.

Only thing is, I need to drink coffee after work to not feel tired lol
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I like work, go straight home. I see these people for 8hrs a day...thats already too much for some of them
Yall think this line will work on her :nerd:
"Hey Z**, the reason I approached you the last time it's because with all due respect,
I think you're cute. I was hoping if you don't mind if I can get your number or fb so we can in
touch during the summer."
Yall think this line will work on her
"Hey Z**, the reason I approached you the last time it's because with all due respect,
I think you're cute. I was hoping if you don't mind if I can get your number or fb so we can in
touch during the summer."
Bought some 541 jeans and it is kinda different for me since I'm used to rocking only 501stf. Kinda paranoid thinking that they're hella tight but I know it's just me being paranoid
Yall think this line will work on her :nerd:
"Hey Z**, the reason I approached you the last time it's because with all due respect,
I think you're cute. I was hoping if you don't mind if I can get your number or fb so we can in
touch during the summer."

No, I don't think it's cool at all. You can't talk to her like she's better than you

Don't make up lines, just talk to her man to woman and pretend last time didn't happen
Yall think this line will work on her :nerd:
"Hey Z**, the reason I approached you the last time it's because with all due respect,
I think you're cute. I was hoping if you don't mind if I can get your number or fb so we can in
touch during the summer."

Remember... YOU the prize, not her.
If you got a better line, recommend me one.

Be assertive but not demanding
You giving her too much room to reject you/control the situation

Girls don't like that

Say it more like "i wanna take you out this day" or "when are you free so we can go ____"

Basically as if she's missing out on a good time w/o you but don't come off cocky either if that makes sense
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Yall think this line will work on her
"Hey Z**, the reason I approached you the last time it's because with all due respect,
I think you're cute. I was hoping if you don't mind if I can get your number or fb so we can in
touch during the summer."
Bro, be confident in what you're saying to her. Don't tell you 'hope' to get her number, just be straight forward and politely ask for her number.

Ask her to go get some brunch or something. Cmon man!
Like I want the best for you rob but damn man it's getting sad. Just talk to the ***** if she cool run with it, if not move on. That's it
Yall think this line will work on her :nerd:
"Hey Z**, the reason I approached you the last time it's because with all due respect,
I think you're cute. I was hoping if you don't mind if I can get your number or fb so we can in
touch during the summer."

This gif popped in my head as soon as I read it :lol:

Rob, just be yourself, talking to girls is like talking to guys. Make her smile being you.
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You couldn't pull this girl in 4 months of class, you think you're clutch enough to hit a game winner on the last day of school?

She let you know she doesn't wasn't too enthused by you when she said she was busy.

Unless you flip the switch, the same thing is going to happen tomorrow
If you got a better line, recommend me one.
Be assertive but not demanding
You giving her too much room to reject you/control the situation

Girls don't like that

Say it more like "i wanna take you out this day" or "when are you free so we can go ____"

Basically as if she's missing out on a good time w/o you but don't come off cocky either if that makes sense

@ROBPZEE612 -- don't disappoint us.

Edit: Wait, you already approached her and she said she was busy? Forget it, fam.
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