the thread about nothing...

Originally Posted by yngSIMBA

Originally Posted by whyhellothere

What happened to these?
use to be soo

They still make drinks, this flavor is�

nah them joints aint the same tho
i need those & the sprite remix back asap


but this

makes me want to smash
Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

Originally Posted by Dunk These

when will females realize that guys and girls have different shopping initiatives??

as a dude, i know what im going to the mall for. ex: black top
i go into the store, look around for like 10 minutes. if they got it, imma cop it. if they dont, lets roll.

females are content to look at every section of the store, rummage through every freakin rack, all while takin their sweet ol time. all of a sudden, they got like 7 things they want to try on.. never having the intention to buy anything. these females be trickin themselves into thinking, "yeh, maybe i do need this jacket??!!" or "this is cute, imma buy it!"

to make a long story short, NO I DONT WANT TO GO TO FOREVER 21 WITH YOU!!

Dont see why girls go shoping with they dude anyways(other than to make them pay) you guys are whiny and complain about standing as if it is more athletic than playing ball.
Shopping is an adventure, you never know what you can find.

ehh, i guess I just like to shop. I can spend an hour or 2 in a store going back and forth with myself on what to buy. I usually dont go into a store with a plan because for the most part if I need shoes, Ill buy them online and I dont need any jeans. So the rest of the time is just an adventure to find something that I can use
whyhellothere wrote:
Vice guide to mandingo is hilarious. 
the dj 

You just made me watch this. 
That dude is a clown.
 @ the videos overall though. I seriously cannot wrap my head around that
Originally Posted by blakep267

Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

Originally Posted by Dunk These

when will females realize that guys and girls have different shopping initiatives??

as a dude, i know what im going to the mall for. ex: black top
i go into the store, look around for like 10 minutes. if they got it, imma cop it. if they dont, lets roll.

females are content to look at every section of the store, rummage through every freakin rack, all while takin their sweet ol time. all of a sudden, they got like 7 things they want to try on.. never having the intention to buy anything. these females be trickin themselves into thinking, "yeh, maybe i do need this jacket??!!" or "this is cute, imma buy it!"

to make a long story short, NO I DONT WANT TO GO TO FOREVER 21 WITH YOU!!

Dont see why girls go shoping with they dude anyways(other than to make them pay) you guys are whiny and complain about standing as if it is more athletic than playing ball.
Shopping is an adventure, you never know what you can find.

ehh, i guess I just like to shop. I can spend an hour or 2 in a store going back and forth with myself on what to buy. I usually dont go into a store with a plan because for the most part if I need shoes, Ill buy them online and I dont need any jeans. So the rest of the time is just an adventure to find something that I can use

You're cool.

You cant rush shopping, I use to do that and you just end up at the return line a week later.

But I get why guys dont want to go, I just really think girls make them go so they can pay.
Originally Posted by Antidope

whyhellothere wrote:
Vice guide to mandingo is hilarious. 
the dj 
You just made me watch this. 
That dude is a clown.
 @ the videos overall though. I seriously cannot wrap my head around that

yeah that nicaraguan escort thread reminded me of that vbs doc. they did on the dudes that would loose their virginity to donkeys & there other wild videos
Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

Originally Posted by J2Legend

Go to GOOGLE search field and type in "do" and press the Space bar. It will auotfill to "do a barrel roll". See what happens. 


Yo $$* its not working when I do it

Downloading season 4 of Sons of Anarchy from the D right now. I'm truly in a great place right now being a fangirl for Jax and Juice. NAh but forreal I love this show like how I love Spartacus season 1.
EDIT: It finished. My body is ready.

Some girl in one of my classes keeps saying I look like Ratatouille. All I can do is smile and shake my head, it's weird and mad awkward. I'm thinking I should go back to being blunt, and roast the pigment off her skin.
Originally Posted by BLinK

Some girl in one of my classes keeps saying I look like Ratatouille. All I can do is smile and shake my head, it's weird and mad awkward. I'm thinking I should go back to being blunt, and roast the pigment off her skin.

that's really rude of her.
Originally Posted by yngSIMBA

"google gravity" then I'm feeling lucky
"google chuck norris" - I'm feeling lucky

'google elmer fudd"  - I'm feeling lucky
How do you stop google from searching what you're trying to search before you click search?
I can't click I'm feeling lucky because google is already searching what I'm typing before I'm even done typing what I'm trying to search.
Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

Originally Posted by blakep267

Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

Dont see why girls go shoping with they dude anyways(other than to make them pay) you guys are whiny and complain about standing as if it is more athletic than playing ball.
Shopping is an adventure, you never know what you can find.

ehh, i guess I just like to shop. I can spend an hour or 2 in a store going back and forth with myself on what to buy. I usually dont go into a store with a plan because for the most part if I need shoes, Ill buy them online and I dont need any jeans. So the rest of the time is just an adventure to find something that I can use

You're cool.

You cant rush shopping, I use to do that and you just end up at the return line a week later.

But I get why guys dont want to go, I just really think girls make them go so they can pay.

Yea. I return so much stuff to stores its crazy.
cap1229 wrote:
Downloading season 4 of Sons of Anarchy from the D right now. I'm truly in a great place right now being a fangirl for Jax and Juice. NAh but forreal I love this show like how I love Spartacus season 1.
EDIT: It finished. My body is ready.


ehh, I wasnt a huge fan of the latest season. It was ok, but alot of times it was just dumb
Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

Originally Posted by blakep267

Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

Dont see why girls go shoping with they dude anyways(other than to make them pay) you guys are whiny and complain about standing as if it is more athletic than playing ball.
Shopping is an adventure, you never know what you can find.

ehh, i guess I just like to shop. I can spend an hour or 2 in a store going back and forth with myself on what to buy. I usually dont go into a store with a plan because for the most part if I need shoes, Ill buy them online and I dont need any jeans. So the rest of the time is just an adventure to find something that I can use

You're cool.

You cant rush shopping, I use to do that and you just end up at the return line a week later.

But I get why guys dont want to go, I just really think girls make them go so they can pay.

< I agree with this whole exchange but what's wrong if he wants to pay?
#nogolddigging just saying
Originally Posted by cap1229

Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

Originally Posted by blakep267

ehh, i guess I just like to shop. I can spend an hour or 2 in a store going back and forth with myself on what to buy. I usually dont go into a store with a plan because for the most part if I need shoes, Ill buy them online and I dont need any jeans. So the rest of the time is just an adventure to find something that I can use

You're cool.

You cant rush shopping, I use to do that and you just end up at the return line a week later.

But I get why guys dont want to go, I just really think girls make them go so they can pay.

< I agree with this whole exchange but what's wrong if he wants to pay?
#nogolddigging just saying
 Nothing wrong but when its over and ppl start saying "give this back, give me that back,", you gonna wish you bought it yourself.
ehh I don't give +@!+ back. I'll wear what he bought me around him while on the arm of another dude just to make my point if he asks. If its a gift its mine. I wouldn't expect him to give back what I gave him so yeah.
 No one ever gives it back
They don't really want it back, they just want to have a reason to keep speaking to you.

*not from personal experience, havent gotten past the more than $20 purchase phase* 
I was walking into Chipotle and this white woman locked her door when I walked passed her car as she was sitting in like I couldn't hear the power locks. Smh I was pissed
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