the thread about nothing...

What's the issue at your gig bruh? Regardless, I'd advise putting more positive vibes out into the universe and express your dissatisfaction about the current situation less.
No growth, no raises. Worked hard to get to know the culture and work with the current management team but still feel underappreciated. When I covered for them how many times during our major project (No one was supposed to go on leave from April to June, my two counterparts did and I didn't have a day off till July :smh:, when I asked my boss about it, he couldn't give me a straight answer) I feel like I'm under-utilized daily. I am trying to look at the positive at the fact I have a good paying job, my medical coverage is good and will be set when baby #2 arrives in December.

But for me,it's time to move on and go somewhere to advance my career or start somewhere fresh.
Today I’ve been really relaxed with taking breaks in between calls that my day has gone by fast :lol: I need to chill and realize today is just my cheat day for the month
I've become a bat. When I'm at home I spend so much time in the basement. When I come up I'm surprised that it's daylight out :lol:
Really in the mood to dance Mexican music.
Closest Mexican club is 30 minutes away and full of Narcos.
Nothing but flashy dudes but the womenz are A1
I went to get my medicine at the pharmacy.
The lady at the register says "This stuff is over the counter"
So im like "Where is it" and she points me straight.
I'm looking for it and she notices im lost so she screams out
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