the thread about nothing...

If you mother knew you will turn out to be the lowest IQ individual on the face of this Earth, she would've swallowed you even if it tasted like Horseradish.
Why you mad for? this is what you life path has taken you to. Mother jokes? Thought you were better than this?

Cool joke though good enough for robtoofresco robtoofresco to laugh at and post a head emoji.


Whoo, had to wipe all this dust off of me after being mentioned twice by the dusty dope himself within 1 min. Boy’s hurt HURT.
Like I said and like you've shown.

"Cool joke though good enough for robtoofresco robtoofresco to laugh at and post a head emoji."

Your Too predictable. Eventually you'll get corny, dry up and sizzle into abyss of nothingness.
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