the thread about nothing...

Yes and no. I like to be silly and joke around. My dumbass just wanted to be lazy today . After I realized what she did though I didn’t feel right being a bum. Had to get up and do something.We do a lot for each other. We balance each other. I usually clean on Friday out of boredom because I work a 4/10 schedule and that’s my day off. I just expected her to make a small roast but apparently she went above and beyond. She does so much for me it’s insane. She does it because she loves me and it makes me feel good. I like to joke around but she is the best. Hope all you dudes find a woman like her.
You’re a lucky man. It’s not easy finding a good woman.

Anything under 3 weeks is no bueno. That should be the minimum.
Got the OG soccer squad back together tonight. Had high hopes. We played horribly. First touch was off, chemistry wasn’t happening, played bad overall.
We lost 5-3. I really hope no one got discouraged and we get to finish the season strong.
Got the OG soccer squad back together tonight. Had high hopes. We played horribly. First touch was off, chemistry wasn’t happening, played bad overall.
We lost 5-3. I really hope no one got discouraged and we get to finish the season strong.
Ain't messed with it in years, yet somehow, I feel like I'd whoop some *##.
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