the thread about nothing...

Heard another random story about my psycho neighbor. At the garage to get something checked, my neighbor drove by so I told the story about him threatening me etc to the garage owner and it turns out he’s a client there too.

The owner responded “Oh damn he’s your neighbor? Yeah that dude is ****ed in the head. Some days he walks in here pretty calm but on other days he’s in here screaming and waving his hands at everyone over some nonsense”
Stay safe family, a lotta weirdos in the world and you never know when they will snap and lose it
The Bapsta was one thing. Once Nigo left IT group went nuts, wasn’t a fan of any of the new shoes they started putting out.
Is Telegram getting a sudden boost in popularity in the US or something?
Just in the past few week alone I've gotten more random messages asking to buy my username (@Notorious) than the whole previous month. There's dozens of them now.
One dude offered $850 :lol:
It seems to be on the rise here in the last couple years. With money gifting groups and porn :lol:
Why is it always one mfer who refuses to get in line in the employee parking lot? You see everyone parks in the same spot. “ItS nOt AsSiGnEd PaRkInG dOe”. Same person be looking crazy when you take their spot…formally known as MY spot…back when they’re gone to lunch.
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