the thread about nothing...

Remember how we grew up wanting a "dime piece?"

Well, I'm content with my 8/8.5. Never been happier.
I love that feeling when you're craving a certain song or album and you're not sure or not if it's on your music player, and then come to find out it is. Clutch!

160 GB iPod Classic FTW! John Mayer *%$!@!


A classic album in every sense of the word.
Originally Posted by Wraith aka invincible

i'm so emotionally absent from alot of things, from what i've been reading i need to go to a therapist the fix this issue. The biggest problem I had though, was no sensation "down there". I was hammering away an then she said it's not in anymore, in my head i'm thinking to myself ''I can't even tell the difference'' i have such a strong desire to do it yet i never enjoy doing it

Yeah, sounds like something going on upstairs with you. Sometimes I stop caring about things, but it doesn't affect me in all areas and but that's usually when a few things don't go my way in a short amount of time. Talk it out with a friend or someone close first. You may just need to get some things off your chest.
Originally Posted by balloonoboy

I love that feeling when you're craving a certain song or album and you're not sure or not if it's on your music player, and then come to find out it is. Clutch!

160 GB iPod Classic FTW! John Mayer *%$!@!


A classic album in every sense of the word.
Dudes entire catalog is
Man what happened on here 20 mins ago. I couldn't access any forum and it said that I didn't have permission to access the server with a 403 error. Thought I got IP banned for a sec
Oh and there seems to be an anti-white women movement on here...
Originally Posted by Rolaholic

There seems to be an anti-white women movement on here...

Tis true

Its more of a pro minority movement 

Same thing with the athiest movement

Since people are forced fed white beauty people come here and dont want to hear that.

We are all beautiful though(especially chris evans)
Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

Originally Posted by Rolaholic

There seems to be an anti-white women movement on here...

Tis true

Its more of a pro minority movement 

Same thing with the athiest movement

Since people are forced fed white beauty people come here and dont want to hear that.

We are all beautiful though(especially chris evans)

I understand that society has rather eurocentric standards of beauty but that doesn't mean that we should be anti-white woman. Why can't we view every race the same and just admire beauty no matter what the race? 
I'm human, if that matters.
Originally Posted by Rolaholic

Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

Originally Posted by Rolaholic

There seems to be an anti-white women movement on here...

Tis true

Its more of a pro minority movement 

Same thing with the athiest movement

Since people are forced fed white beauty people come here and dont want to hear that.

We are all beautiful though(especially chris evans)

I understand that society has rather eurocentric standards of beauty but that doesn't mean that we should be anti-white woman. Why can't we view every race the same and just admire beauty no matter what the race? 
I'm human, if that matters.
True, but SO much easier said than done.
I thought I was the only one that got the server forbidden warning. I thought I got banned. Had me all mad at the world for a minute.
Originally Posted by FuzzyRobot

I'm going to miss my girlfriend while she studies abroad.
I know that feel. My GF was gone for 2 months in Japan last summer. Just Skype whenever you guys can and it will make it easier.
I get out of my car and walk through the parking lot to the front door of the gym. I get to the door, open it and say wassup to the workers and check in. This is where it gets good. I put on my headphones and play Genesis. At this point in time, there is no one at the gym. It is me walking down the isle leading up to the weight room and the bar awaiting me. I get there. I take off my sweater. A quick stretch before loading up the bar. 45's on each side to start my warm up. I look at myself in the mirror, I know I came in here today to do one thing and one thing only: Set a new PR. It is me now and the weight facing each other. I am the bar. I am the weight. I inhale and exhale slowly. Inhale once more. Get under the bar and get it off the rack . The music keeps playing. I warm up. I load up more weight. I keep going. I am the weight. There is no one like me. More weight. Lets go. More weight. It's time to set that new PR. I go off to the restroom releases some urine. On my way back, I look around and then get my mp3 player out. I play Hacker this time. The song gets me even more pumped for some reason. I walk slowly.The sweat is dripping from my forehead. I speed my walk to the rack once I enter the weight room. This time it is time to summon my inner strength. If I don't manage to lift this weight, I might as well die in the process. I say to myself. I'm on the rack. I switch the song one more time because I know this is the moment I've been waiting for all week. Quarantine plays. Blasting my eardrum. The sweat keeps pouring. I wipe it off. Close my eyes. Time freezes. I know what I came for, I know what I came for. I think to myself. Inhale once more, open my eyes, exhale, get under the bar and lift it. Inhale once more. Manage to get one rep out. I'm the zone. Who's going to stop me?! I go in for my 2nd rep, the bar is holding me down. I start to panic. My balls shrink because I'm in the danger zone now. I've never lifted this much weight before. I hope someone can come and rescue me. No ones comes. I try my hardest to pump out that rep. All of a sudden, someone comes over to spot me, they put their hands under the bar and I yell "NO! I GOT THIS. I GOT THIS!" He stares blankly, but doesn't try to help. I'm almost all the way up... everyone at the gym is watching now. Everything is happening so fast, yet so slow. Out of nowhere.... my body gives out. The bar lands on my neck. Everybodys on the floor.... everybody walk the dinosuar....
Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

^You're kidding right?
Didnt someone posted something like this already...

EDIT: Found it

Originally Posted by Sleaze Jar Omens

Originally Posted by INS

I find guys attractive, but i am not attracted to guys
feel like this is normal, just not something people are comfortable admitting.

there was this girl I was in love with for years. she was beautiful man. in every way possible. trusted her with everything I had. she sat me down for a talk one day and I knew something was wrong. that look on her face
she starts that whole "I love you so much baby" @$!#, I knew something bad was coming but I didn't know how bad. it's so hard even typing this right now.

so she tells me she went to her doctor for her routine checks and found out she had something. turns out it was HIV. she had known for 2 weeks and didn't say a #@%+!+% word to me. I find this out after we had sex probably 5 times in that 2 week span. you know when you get so mad you black out? I punched her in her face as hard as I could. I watched her fall to the ground with a look of shock on her face. yeah I was still pissed.

I kept punching. and punching. and punching. like it got to the point that there was just blood. I had blood all over me. everywhere.

kept #@%+!+% punching.

realized what I was doing, ran my ++* outside and dipped.

fast forward a month or so, she's all bandaged with stitches everywhere. she told her parents someone tried to rob their house and that's what they did to her. she didn't want me to go to prison because she understood why I reacted the way I did. I wanted to go apologize somehow, do something to show her I regretted how I let my emotions take over, but I found out from a friend she had slipped into a coma from the trauma.

I got some things together and started the drive to the hospital to speak to her and hope that she could hear me, that she'd show me a sign of forgiveness. I remember walking down that hall with tears in my eyes wondering what was going to happen next. elevator stopped on her floor, I step out. walk down the hall. open the door. get on the floor. everybody walk the dinosaur.
Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

Originally Posted by bay1591

Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

^You're kidding right?
Didnt someone posted something like this already...

EDIT: Found it

Originally Posted by Sleaze Jar Omens
Honestly I was saying "you're kidding right" to the two 45 plates being able to kill someone. 
Thats 135 and it can def crush someones windpipe
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