the thread about nothing...

Originally Posted by Uptempo kid

Originally Posted by StackJaxx

Originally Posted by Uptempo kid

Don't forget the full color versions are dropping soon 
I haven't played the game, yet.
Shout outs to bryan lee o'malley, follow him on tumblr if you get down with tumblr.
The game is a 2-D brawler. Its pretty good. And yea I already follow him

This dude uptempo kid...
I've seen screenshots of the game, it reminds me of X-Men for reasons, but I haven't got around to playing it.
Originally Posted by StackJaxx

Originally Posted by Uptempo kid

Originally Posted by StackJaxx

I haven't played the game, yet.
Shout outs to bryan lee o'malley, follow him on tumblr if you get down with tumblr.
The game is a 2-D brawler. Its pretty good. And yea I already follow him

This dude uptempo kid...
I've seen screenshots of the game, it reminds me of X-Men for reasons, but I haven't got around to playing it.


it was posted on NT before but what are some ways clear/clean up memory on your PC.. like old temp files and stuff
Originally Posted by cbrooks3

What movie is that GIF from?! The double high-five double chest-smack GIF.

It's a show that comes on NBC called Community. The first two season were on Netflix, I don't know if they still are. The guys are Troy and Abed from the show. Good show btw.
Originally Posted by Grimey

Originally Posted by cbrooks3

What movie is that GIF from?! The double high-five double chest-smack GIF.

It's a show that comes on NBC called Community. The first two season were on Netflix, I don't know if they still are. The guys are Troy and Abed from the show. Good show btw.
I thought the Black guy was Childish Gambino
Originally Posted by Uptempo kid

Originally Posted by SoVerSoTowel

Originally Posted by StackJaxx

Scott Pilgrim is fantastic. The books, the movie, and the soundtrack are each flawless. If you are at all a nerd, i suggest all three to you.

Im a big fan of the movie and the game.i dl'd all of the books as well but I haven't read them yet.The games soundtrack is
Don't forget the full color versions are dropping soon 
Mother of god...thanks for the heads up,i'll just wait and get those. 

edit : hey Lu i hit request,good luck.
I damn near opened the BOOTY thread at work. I can't help myself, but I'll save it for home
Originally Posted by Grimey

Originally Posted by cbrooks3

What movie is that GIF from?! The double high-five double chest-smack GIF.

It's a show that comes on NBC called Community. The first two season were on Netflix, I don't know if they still are. The guys are Troy and Abed from the show. Good show btw.
Or you can go to Hulu and watch all of it. New episode tonight at 8pm EST
And what you mean "Gamers" Cap?
Gamers = men. Deal with it ladies. Ya'll played dress up, and still do, we do the same.

Julianne Moore's Boston accent on 30 rock makes me wicked hahd.
Originally Posted by Dok

Originally Posted by Grimey

Originally Posted by cbrooks3

What movie is that GIF from?! The double high-five double chest-smack GIF.

It's a show that comes on NBC called Community. The first two season were on Netflix, I don't know if they still are. The guys are Troy and Abed from the show. Good show btw.
I thought the Black guy was Childish Gambino
it is Gambino. his name's Donald Glover, he plays Troy.
Originally Posted by Mark Antony

Gamers = men. Deal with it ladies. Ya'll played dress up, and still do, we do the same.

I wasn't hating man.
I had this long convo with group of co-workers one day who were trying to get me to understand minecraft and I just couldn't get it but I let them live.
Originally Posted by cap1229

Originally Posted by Mark Antony

Gamers = men. Deal with it ladies. Ya'll played dress up, and still do, we do the same.

I wasn't hating man.
I had this long convo with group of co-workers one day who were trying to get me to understand minecraft and I just couldn't get it but I let them live.

yea minecraft isn't for everyone... This one included.
You play anything Cap?
Originally Posted by cord15

Originally Posted by Wraith aka invincible

i'm so emotionally absent from alot of things, from what i've been reading i need to go to a therapist the fix this issue. The biggest problem I had though, was no sensation "down there". I was hammering away an then she said it's not in anymore, in my head i'm thinking to myself ''I can't even tell the difference'' i have such a strong desire to do it yet i never enjoy doing it

Yeah, sounds like something going on upstairs with you. Sometimes I stop caring about things, but it doesn't affect me in all areas and but that's usually when a few things don't go my way in a short amount of time. Talk it out with a friend or someone close first. You may just need to get some things off your chest.

it's not conistent sometimes an orgasm may feel like i'm urinating or i won't have one at all. mood wise i've been feeling like the guy from office space i'm planning a vacation soon though

craiglist best of is hilarious
Originally Posted by ErickM713

KFC gave me an extra chicken strip


thats the comp up

its like finding an extra onion ring mixed in with your fries

or just extra food in the bag by mistake

once ordered a 20 piece at McDonalds, had 23

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