the thread about nothing...


"I got 5 on it bby..."

*grab crotch*

The same principle applies. With the grain will give you less irritation but not as close of a shave. Against the grain will be the closest, but if you're prone to irritation in certain areas, it might not be advised.

Just depends on your skin. Certain spots I can go against the grain with no issues, but if I try doing it on a certain spot on my neck... NOPE :smh:

When I was in high school and shaving, I didn't realize this, so I would shave before big events where I wore a suit and dress shirt, and I shaved against the grain on my neck. End of the day, take a look at my neck and it's straight COVERED with razor bumps. Definitely could have used my dad's advice on that one :lol:
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Didn't realize it wasn't the TAY. Didn't bother deleting.

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No faith for my Anthro exam tomorrow.

On the last exam, the highest score in the class was a B- :x
No faith for my Anthro exam tomorrow.

On the last exam, the highest score in the class was a B- :x

Know that feel. Orgo exam the avg was a 63. I need a 90 to even pass. No curve. Shoulda dropped when I had the chance. SMH! L on my part.
nothing like going doo doo in your own toilet and sleeping in your own bed after a weekend getaway 
Rustle your jimmies or any variation of that saying is such a brutally lame phrase...

Ick.. Rustle your jimmies... ooOOOOOooOOo got me there
So lame. No idea what made that popular. Im guessing /b/ or Misc or someone on twitter but yeahh


Now the cliche thing to do for any NTer is to say "Your jimmies rustled?" or "Who rustled your jimmies brah?"

Shh no tears.
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