the thread about nothing...

I bought a case & holder for my phone 

Also, Men Of Honor is a great film  
Originally Posted by Tr1ll

Originally Posted by solarius49

Originally Posted by BishopStrongBow

Fock it 

Bathroom is right by the kitchen, I only do it when the OG is in there cooking or fam is in the kitchen.... Other then that I let it ride

Lol, I'm talking %+#$, but in the last 4 years ive had multiple experiences with my own feces

Wait, wat?!
Originally Posted by WitnessMyCalm21

I bought a case & holder for my phone 

Also, Men Of Honor is a great film  

I'm tired of my case especially the rubber material, thinking about just leaving it OG
Originally Posted by shortyoscart

Originally Posted by WitnessMyCalm21

I bought a case & holder for my phone 
I'm tired of my case especially the rubber material, thinking about just leaving it OG
I stay away from those.. way to tackie/grippy... 
I went with a Smooth Matted Material case.. I like it alot..Its a Platinum Series Case.
Originally Posted by Young Handsome

Originally Posted by Ballahb

Ever hear a song and wish you wrote it?

Dawg... If I could... I would take some of the greatest songs ever, go back in time, and release a few albums...????? PROFIT

Sell about a hunnid million records, win a few grammys, cash out and sit courtside at NBA games
Man what
Originally Posted by WitnessMyCalm21

Originally Posted by shortyoscart

Originally Posted by WitnessMyCalm21

I bought a case & holder for my phone 
I'm tired of my case especially the rubber material, thinking about just leaving it OG
I stay away from those.. way to tackie/grippy... 
I went with a Smooth Matted Material case.. I like it alot..Its a Platinum Series Case.
going 1 year strong 
Just wanna vent something into written words real quick.

My personal opinion on the matter of marriage is that it is a job, with contractual obligations, an institution also. And for that reason I feel I will never get married.

I view the world in my own obscure sense, and I really believe at the core of it all, we're not destined to be with one mate for a lifetime.

Our primal instincts want us to fly from flower to flower, in a bee like sense, planting seeds. I understand that in this civilization, this time in history, it is customary to engage in marriage. You know, it helps with paying taxes and kids and such.

I don't know if I'll live to be that old guy who isnt married. It's only weird to us because society has conditioned us to believe in marriage and unity as the norm. What's so sacred about marriage if we could divorce the next week and file it under "irreconcilable differences" in the paperwork.

Don't get me wrong man. I think the idea of families and raising children is beautiful and all that. I love children. But the scariest thing to me in the world (and call me immature or insecure), is finding "the one", falling in love, getting married and raising children and waking up one night, realizing that she wasn't "the one". It happens all the time.

Well I guess, what I'm trying to say is, as humans we aren't perfect. We're always growing and changing, and what you thought was dope last week could be lame as hell tomorrow. To make a decision about who you're going to spend the rest of your life with is condescending to the human spirit. It's a lack of foresight. We're so drunk in love we make these decisions that seem beautiful and amazing at the time. And as many of you guys know, end in bitter divorce. I may be pessimistic in this sense, but I really don't know many marriages nowadays that are 100% faithful. I always find out this guy did this while she was out with that dude and all that mess. We take eachother for granted. Man it just hurts to think how meaningless those "I Do's" were huh.

It feels like nowadays, choosing to marry someone is like choosing a major for college. Once you dive in too deep with either, you're "stuck" in that life, until you decide to ditch the old way, and find a new path. It's just unfair to people to have to make a decision on what to do for the rest of their lives, without truly experiencing the world. It's an institution man.

As humans, can we agree that familiarity breeds contempt? In the sense that the more we do something, the less we respect it. The more we know about things, raises the likelihood of us finding a fault in it. We're creatures of change. We crave the idea of "new". You drop a male mouse in a cage with a receptive female, and they will F like crazy for a period of time. Those encounters begins to gradually decline until the male finally ceases to react. Replace the female and the process repeats itself. We're not rats, but this is a metaphor for us as well. We will get tired of the oosy. Girls will seek new D.

When I think of Heaven in the biblical sense of blue skies and clouds and angel wings and all that, I'm not impressed. If during our life, we dread tediousness, then floating among the clouds all day with goody-two shoes and family is gonna get boring as well. Best believe I'll eventually get curious as to what the honeys in hell are up to.

Sometimes I feel like I am The Savage living in Brave New World's London. Am I the only #$%%^ not crazy? Everyone seems happy to just live their daily lives, in fear of disturbing the order. Has it ever occured to anyone besides myself that maybe, just MAYBE, we're as domesticated as the animals we pet, eat, ride, and tame?

/end angst filled rant.
Originally Posted by Tr1ll

Had a scary moment at the gym yesterday.

We're playing ball and one of the younger guys says, "ahh $@!% that!". Turns and looks at me and says, "Oh I'm sorry, sir. Excuse me." I'm like, really??

Originally Posted by Tr1ll

Originally Posted by solarius49

Originally Posted by BishopStrongBow

Fock it 

Bathroom is right by the kitchen, I only do it when the OG is in there cooking or fam is in the kitchen.... Other then that I let it ride

Lol, I'm talking %+#$, but in the last 4 years ive had multiple experiences with my own feces

Wait, wat?!
quit playin B, I know you've seen the "worst thing thats ever happened to you" thread....if not...
experience #1:  When I was still a junior Marine, we were out in the field for a week long op.  The 1st day out, I ate something that made me super sick, and I had to poop really bad.  It was night time, and it just hit me like a ton of bricks, so I took a poop next to this tree.  In the field you are supposed to dig a hole to poop in, but I didnt have enough time.  When I was down I reached down to cover it up with dirt......but I put my hand in the wrong place 
, and came up with a handful of my own poop.  Thankfully somebody had some hand sanitizer, bc I wasnt actually able to wash my hands until 5 days later

experience #2:  When I was on deployment in Jordan, they fed us some food that made 278 Marines deathly ill.  When I was taking a tour of the River Jordan, it hit me (once again), and I had to find a porta-john.  After a long hearty bout of diharrea,  I realized there was no toilet paper on the roll.  The only TP in sight was this balled up stuff on the ground.  Once I picked it up, i realized that it had already been used.....and I proceeded to use it again 
Originally Posted by solarius49

Originally Posted by Tr1ll

Originally Posted by solarius49

Lol, I'm talking %+#$, but in the last 4 years ive had multiple experiences with my own feces

Wait, wat?!
quit playin B, I know you've seen the "worst thing thats ever happened to you" thread....if not...
experience #1:  When I was still a junior Marine, we were out in the field for a week long op.  The 1st day out, I ate something that made me super sick, and I had to poop really bad.  It was night time, and it just hit me like a ton of bricks, so I took a poop next to this tree.  In the field you are supposed to dig a hole to poop in, but I didnt have enough time.  When I was down I reached down to cover it up with dirt......but I put my hand in the wrong place 
, and came up with a handful of my own poop.  Thankfully somebody had some hand sanitizer, bc I wasnt actually able to wash my hands until 5 days later

experience #2:  When I was on deployment in Jordan, they fed us some food that made 278 Marines deathly ill.  When I was taking a tour of the River Jordan, it hit me (once again), and I had to find a porta-john.  After a long hearty bout of diharrea,  I realized there was no toilet paper on the roll.  The only TP in sight was this balled up stuff on the ground.  Once I picked it up, i realized that it had already been used.....and I proceeded to use it again 

HA oh yea, I remeber that...

Still, the way you worded it(or maybe the way I read it), tho
Originally Posted by Ballahb

Originally Posted by WitnessMyCalm21

Originally Posted by shortyoscart

I'm tired of my case especially the rubber material, thinking about just leaving it OG
I stay away from those.. way to tackie/grippy... 
I went with a Smooth Matted Material case.. I like it alot..Its a Platinum Series Case.
going 1 year strong 
Yea, it's a pain trying to take your phone out. Time to read up on all the previous iPhone case threads, thanks for help though
Originally Posted by GRideBounca11

Just wanna vent something into written words real quick.

My personal opinion on the matter of marriage is that it is a job, with contractual obligations, an institution also. And for that reason I feel I will never get married.

I view the world in my own obscure sense, and I really believe at the core of it all, we're not destined to be with one mate for a lifetime.

Our primal instincts want us to fly from flower to flower, in a bee like sense, planting seeds. I understand that in this civilization, this time in history, it is customary to engage in marriage. You know, it helps with paying taxes and kids and such.

I don't know if I'll live to be that old guy who isnt married. It's only weird to us because society has conditioned us to believe in marriage and unity as the norm. What's so sacred about marriage if we could divorce the next week and file it under "irreconcilable differences" in the paperwork.

Don't get me wrong man. I think the idea of families and raising children is beautiful and all that. I love children. But the scariest thing to me in the world (and call me immature or insecure), is finding "the one", falling in love, getting married and raising children and waking up one night, realizing that she wasn't "the one". It happens all the time.

Well I guess, what I'm trying to say is, as humans we aren't perfect. We're always growing and changing, and what you thought was dope last week could be lame as hell tomorrow. To make a decision about who you're going to spend the rest of your life with is condescending to the human spirit. It's a lack of foresight. We're so drunk in love we make these decisions that seem beautiful and amazing at the time. And as many of you guys know, end in bitter divorce. I may be pessimistic in this sense, but I really don't know many marriages nowadays that are 100% faithful. I always find out this guy did this while she was out with that dude and all that mess. We take eachother for granted. Man it just hurts to think how meaningless those "I Do's" were huh.

It feels like nowadays, choosing to marry someone is like choosing a major for college. Once you dive in too deep with either, you're "stuck" in that life, until you decide to ditch the old way, and find a new path. It's just unfair to people to have to make a decision on what to do for the rest of their lives, without truly experiencing the world. It's an institution man.

As humans, can we agree that familiarity breeds contempt? In the sense that the more we do something, the less we respect it. The more we know about things, raises the likelihood of us finding a fault in it. We're creatures of change. We crave the idea of "new". You drop a male mouse in a cage with a receptive female, and they will F like crazy for a period of time. Those encounters begins to gradually decline until the male finally ceases to react. Replace the female and the process repeats itself. We're not rats, but this is a metaphor for us as well. We will get tired of the oosy. Girls will seek new D.

When I think of Heaven in the biblical sense of blue skies and clouds and angel wings and all that, I'm not impressed. If during our life, we dread tediousness, then floating among the clouds all day with goody-two shoes and family is gonna get boring as well. Best believe I'll eventually get curious as to what the honeys in hell are up to.

Sometimes I feel like I am The Savage living in Brave New World's London. Am I the only #$%%^ not crazy? Everyone seems happy to just live their daily lives, in fear of disturbing the order. Has it ever occured to anyone besides myself that maybe, just MAYBE, we're as domesticated as the animals we pet, eat, ride, and tame?

/end angst filled rant.

I swear I feel the exact same damn way. I love my girl. About to have our second child and first baby girl. But damn, if I don't get pressured every day from someone in my family to "man up" and get married. Like supporting her and our son and giving them everything the need plus a whole lot more isn't being a man? I think marrige is a dated and unreasonable concept. I'm not saying this because two months from now I might want to sleep around on her or something but I just feel there isn't a need. Oh wells...
I feels you man. Congrats on the behbehgurl.

Why is it so taboo to be unmarried? Why do we look at single people as having some personality defect? Is there something wrong with that alternative lifestyle? And why is it even viewed as an alternative lifestyle? Isn't the point of living to discover our own truths and perspective? Can people truly think for themselves or are the majority of us just.....sheep?

As I breath a deep sigh, I can only attest it to how our society was built. The infrastructure of marriage is thousands of years old, and since it's not a physical piece of architecture, we can't knock it down in a day. It's embedded in the people.
I went to pay my high cell phone bill today.. The worker was trying to charge me extra $.. because I was paying my bill..
How do you quote someones post?

I strained my knee playing basketball. First time I've been injured in any way. I went one way and my knee went the other.
It has been about a month. I still feel the pain occasionally when i make certain movements.
Originally Posted by SoCalKid

How do you quote someones post?

I strained my knee playing basketball. First time I've been injured in any way. I went one way and my knee went the other.
It has been about a month. I still feel the pain occasionally when i make certain movements. the "quote" button next to reply or..[*quote] blah blah blah[*/quote]

if you wanna be official looking <*blockquote*><*strong class="quote-title"*>PERSON' SN HERE wrote:<*/strong*><*hr*> blah blah blah<*/blockquote*>

Just take out the stars.
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