The Thread That Makes Fun Of All Other Threads: South Park of NT

May 11, 2004
General here has changed/evolved...whatever you wanna call it. The subscribe feature is great, gives notifications and keeps things going continually


it's also taken its toll on General in making it a clutter of the same **** i don't care about over and over

I'm not being nostalgic, but there was a different feel to the fast-paced consistently fresh General of old that I preferred to the current one.

So why not just make fun of everything here that I don't care to see every time I come here :lol:

And not with an undertone of hating and being malicious, or an overly cynical possibly angry/depressed kind of way.

Just funny and at least semi-intelligent and clever social criticisms within our message board's 'society.'

It can be making fun of a thread, making fun of trends you notice in NTer behavior, roasting an NT celeb or NT famous figure, etc. It doesn't even necessarily have to be something that's found only within NT either. It can just be things pertaining to society that you happen to find in here as well. It can even be making fun of something that you're guilty of being/doing.

People can feel free to put their own take on this thread as well. Just follow the criteria of attempting to be funny and at least semi-intelligent. Kind of like stand-up comedy I guess.

And I know it's hard for people to not do on this board, but seriously, try to avoid arguing in here :lol:

Lets see how the experiment works :D main inspiration for this thread is....the No Fap threads (and I'm almost ashamed to say I was inspired by that thread for ANYTHING :lol:)

I'm sure these points have been made before...but there's really a bunch of dudes there discussing not jerking off as if it's an accomplishment and something to be proud of? Like of all the things you can do to increase your discipline and self-control for the betterment of your life, the one you choose is not jerking off? You can have a super clean and healthy diet, start being very active, stop watching TV, limit your NT/Social media time, stop playing video games, stop drinking, stop smoking, stop using your phone in public all the time, be more willing to talk to women in public, sleep earlier

but instead you have a cult ring leader in there every month recruiting people to stop jerking off to improve their lives and give them a sense of fulfillment? the man has his own Jonestown in there with false promises of not fapping making you into an ALPHA MALE?! Yes, by not jerking it YOU will become the dominant and assertive man that all the women in the tribe will want to be impregnated by in order to strengthen the gene pool.

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Since you guys are obviously very open about playing with ur junk, bring up a porn convo with an alpha homie and you'll get an idea very quickly that he faps just as much as anyone else. I have an alpha homie who stays getting yambs that won't watch a football game with me so he can fap at halftime :rofl:

And then you have testimonials in there talking about how they used to be addicted to busting a nut. Yes...and thankfully so was your caveman ancestors up until your own pops, otherwise you wouldn't be alive :lol:

I mean, if it's for religious reasons or because you really have a chronic need and a REAL addiction, it's one thing. but seems like there are just regular *** people in there getting lured in because they need to feel like they're doing something

Benefits of fapping:
Not feeling compelled to smash ratchets
The same benefits that go with abstinence, like not getting a disease, or making a thread titled..."So NT...Im gunna be a father."
Avoiding headaches and dealing with ******* you want nothing to do with
Satisfying a basic human need
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The bot thread = high school girls.

I'm glad the Breaking Bad thread is gone.

The "Did I break your conversation..." thread annoyed me for some reason. 
I actually popped into the breaking bad thread earlier asking wtf they were still talking about :lol:

I loved breaking bad but come on, its over. They gotta get on with their lives they're just sitting there posting vids :rofl: :smh:
Interesting idea OP.
I think things might feel a little stale because of all the "official" threads. Before we would have half a dozen threads on a similar (but not identical) topic. Each one would reach a few pages long than get buried. Now we have one thread about a broad subject matter and it will last like a year and get a few hundred pages.

It's not only in general. W used to have a thread for every release. Now we have a LeBron thread, a kobe thread, Roshe, etc.
The thread of the week right now is probably the Bikers vs. Range rover thread. It has a lot of wonderful NT cliches, including Ninjahood dissenting, police unappreciation, strong KSteezy presence, and Washington Heights making a cameo. The thread shows that if you capture something on video, it becomes quite interesting.
 I have an alpha homie he stays getting yambs that won't watch a football game with me so he can fap at halftime
Your boy got a real problem. Who faps during football?
Btw no fap is the business b

+1 for not turning it into an argument. its the only way this thread has a chance at surviving and ironically becoming one of the never ending NT threads that it was made in opposition of. people gotta be able to take a joke and criticism.

The thread of the week right now is probably the Bikers vs. Range rover thread. It has a lot of wonderful NT cliches, including Ninjahood dissenting, police unappreciation, strong KSteezy presence, and Washington Heights making a cameo. The thread shows that if you capture something on video, it becomes quite interesting.


gunna have to check the thread out
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I wonder how long this thread will last. Eventually someone will either get flamed and then report to method man and lock this thread.
TAN duh

it's sucking da life outta general

i havent been in there in weeks cause its so hard to keep up with.

there is material in there that is thread worthy but most people miss it cause the thread is so big
I'm glad the Breaking Bad thread is gone.

breaking bad thread was next on line for me :lol:


im coming out of the breaking bad closet. in the sense that i have never seen a single eps, so ib4 the 'WHAAAAT' or "YO SHOW IS CRAZY YOU DON"T KNO WHAT UR MISSING'...or 'OFF YOURSELF THEN GO WATCH BB NOW'

don't taze me bros. im behind on a lot of shows, including walking dead lol...thread has potential btw.
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I'm glad the Breaking Bad thread is gone.
breaking bad thread was next on line for me

im coming out of the breaking bad closet. in the sense that i have never seen a single eps, so ib4 the 'WHAAAAT' or "YO SHOW IS CRAZY YOU DON"T KNO WHAT UR MISSING'...or 'OFF YOURSELF THEN GO WATCH BB NOW'

don't taze me bros. im behind on a lot of shows, including walking dead lol...thread has potential btw.
I agree with OP those no fap threads are lame as hell not surprising that a bunch of guys would spend time talking about not jerking off with each other though. That it has been going on for so long is weird to me.

As other threads, I just ignore it.

I don't get the hate for TAN but I rarely post in there to see how bad it is. Just seems to me a place to free post and carry on random conversations.

I can understand the BB thread still being on the 1st page. Don't get the hate for it. Still plenty vids, pics, articles, and gifs related to the show that'll be posted.
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