The Truth Behind Bottled Water

Originally Posted by GTEK

Originally Posted by HOVKid

If there is one thing I absolutely do not give even one second of thought to its recycling and the environment.  I despise sustainability and ecological bs. 

Total waste of time.

HOVKid you're part of corporate America thats not only ruining the Country but the World. Thanks for caring. 
. .  I'm sure you litter as well. 
Originally Posted by thytkerjobs

Originally Posted by Diego

superblyTRIFE wrote:
thytkerjobs wrote:
why is everyone so anti HOVkid on NT? Always firing shots because he's not jumping for joy to give away his hard earned money? Yes- hard earned..because he has 2 kids that I'm sure he'd love to spend every minute with but he leaves them to go out and earn money. So don't come with the "he probably inherited it, he's never had to struggle, he's selfish" line. He has every right to feel the way he does IMO. Anyway, back to the bottled water thing.

I drink Aquafina BTW *shrugs*

This is an easy one.  Because he comes off as arrogant, pompous and only out for himself and his interests.  He presents himself as having no issues with anything until it affects his wallet, which is a sad way to view the world.  I'm not saying he IS that way b/c I don't know the dude.  But he presents himself that way and I'm obviously not the only one to notice. 

It has nothing to do with how he got his money, either.  He's a lawyer--he obviously worked hard to get where he's at. 

Let me see tinkjubs argue that.
Well I am not HOVkid nor do I know HOVkid, but idk, he doesn't come off as pompous to me. He seems like an OK guy who doesnt like to give away his hard earned money, and gets annoyed when people call him "arrogant" because of it. The only thing I've seen him complain about consistently is high taxes...(and fat girls, but thats not the point)...hence why I asked why the hate towards him...because I don't see what you guys see I guess.One day I hope to be in his income bracket, and I would be just as upset if someone told me i HAD to give my $ away...or that my life isn't hard so I should help those less fortunate...thats more of a choice that people should make...I'd gladly give money to charities and such, but who's to say HOVkid doesn't already do that?
anywho...I'm done with this topic, this thread is about water, not HOV...agree to disagree.

you sound ignorant. u should look into ethical theories in philosophy, specifically look for “Famine, Affluence and Morality,
I'm from cleveland, and there was a BIG difference betweeen tap water and spring water. I didnt buy the "designer" bottles, just the cheap kind. And I recycled.
Originally Posted by YouMadYouBad

Originally Posted by GTEK

Originally Posted by HOVKid

If there is one thing I absolutely do not give even one second of thought to its recycling and the environment.  I despise sustainability and ecological bs. 

Total waste of time.

HOVKid you're part of corporate America thats not only ruining the Country but the World. Thanks for caring. 
. .  I'm sure you litter as well. 

I wish.  I say all the tree huggers are ruining the world.  Making me give up bottled water now?  Really?  I actually don't litter.  It's like a karma thing to me or something.  Sometime I do it, then 2 seconds later pick it up cause I feel like something bad will happen to me if I leave it.

Sorry I was out for a busy at work.  back now but about to go home.  Later all ya'll. 
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

i need to cop a reusable bottle...what are some good ones...i remember a thread on them and they are not all created equally...

should i buy a brita type filter for my kitchen sink?

after i finish this case i'm done with bottled water...

I use a brita filter container in my refridgerator, I'd imagine the one for the faucet does that same thing. It does in fact remove a lot of the heavy metals that are present in tap water.. http://www.consumersearch...ucet-mount-water-filters
Originally Posted by HOVKid

If there is one thing I absolutely do not give even one second of thought to its recycling and the environment.  I despise sustainability and ecological bs. 

Total waste of time.
I feel like there are definitely more reasons than just the environmental factors.

-Many brands are simply filtered tap water.  So there is no real difference in quality.  That's all mental.
-It's a huge waste of money in the long run.
-It's not really more convenient, especially with the reusable filtered water bottles, where you can just fill up anywhere.
-There's a level of deception.  Don't you resent the fact these companies are lining their pockets because you're too misinformed to realize you can get the same product for much cheaper?
You people drink TAP water? Are you serious?

Every pipe in my house has a filter that is cleaned monthly... and I still wouldn't EVER drink Tap water..
Originally Posted by HybridSoldier23

I don't care about the environment. When the earth really goes to hell over all the crap we've done to it i'll be dead anyways.
Give me a break. I'll be dead 5 times over before any of this environmental garbage evenmatters (assuming it really is even true).  I got enoughproblems in my life.  I don't need to figure out the world'senvironmental issues, let alone feel bad about drinking PolandSpring.

Honestly, this kind of thinking is just selfish and sad.
I want the Earth to be a nice place to live for hundreds of years after I'm gone - you guys almost sound like you WANT things to go to crap. I don't want to even imagine a world without clean water, nice public parks, clean air, or blue skies. You don't have to dedicate your life to saving the Earth (although lots of people do, and I admire them for it), but easy little steps can go a long way when they all add up.


Which one looks better to you, HOVkid? Which one do you want your great-grandchildren to see? When people have attitudes like yours, the picture on the right happens.
i have been thinking of getting a britta filter for a while , tap water might be " ok " but it taste terrible here in fl for me . When i was living in ny drinking tap was alright though
i dont buy any of this bs coming from these bottle makers. first nalgene leaked stuff that supposedly is linked to cancer, then they tell everyone to use those stainless steel/alumninum or whatever bottles. then those bottles are linked to the same thing. who knows if the new stuff they use is any safer.
Originally Posted by DiPlOMaT007

i have been thinking of getting a britta filter for a while , tap water might be " ok " but it taste terrible here in fl for me . When i was living in ny drinking tap was alright though
don't drink the acreage water.
Originally Posted by In Yo Nostril

i dont buy any of this bs coming from these bottle makers. first nalgene leaked stuff that supposedly is linked to cancer, then they tell everyone to use those stainless steel/alumninum or whatever bottles. then those bottles are linked to the same thing. who knows if the new stuff they use is any safer.

Thats incorrect. SIGG bottles contained BPA or something similarly harmful in their old liners, but that has since been fixed. Klean Kanteen has been BPA free from day one, no problems whatsoever with those bottles. What bothered people about those bottles is that they weren't insulated, but they've introduced an insulated bottle now.
I drink it, #%*+ it. If you worry about everything and get technical people will end up like bubble boy.
Somebody poster this lol
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