The Walking Dead - Official Thread

Overseas promo for Episode 4

apparently a officer at the hospital is trying to rape Beth in episode 4 and she escapes
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Rumored Cliff notes for Episode 4: Slabtown :smokin

Because the videos are being removed, this is a full transcript of the clip where Beth is in the hospital.
Beth is standing at a tall window looking out from an upper level hospital room. It is daytime and the clock in the room shows about 5:20 pm. (One hand is on the “5” and the other is on the “4”. Episode 5.04, get it?) She is in a gown with her wrist splinted and an IV bag is hooked up to her left wrist. Beth has a large scratch on her left cheek. She turns and goes to the door to find it locked.
“Hey! Help! Hey!” Beth yells, pounding on the door.
Beth hears noise in the hall and slowly backs away from the door. She reaches down to her wrist and yanks the IV needle from her arm and holds it out in front of her like a weapon. The door opens and in walks a female, uniformed police officer and a tall, slender man in a white lab coat with a stethoscope around his neck.
The man says, “Everything is okay.”
The cop notices the needle and tells Beth, “Put it down. Drop it right now,” in a very matter-of-fact voice.
White lab coat guy tells Beth, as he puts his hands in his pockets, “I’m Dr Steven Edwards. This is Officer Dawn Lerner. How are you feeling?”
Beth is still very frightened and confused and answers, “Where am I?”
"Grady Memorial Hospital in Atlanta," says Dr. Edwards.
Still confused, Beth asks, “How did I get here?
“The officers found you on the side of the road surrounded by rotters,” says Officer Lerner.
“Your wrist was fractured and you sustained a superficial head wound,” explains Dr. Edwards. “Can you remember your name?”
“Beth,” Beth answers quickly.
Beth stands there for a moment and glances down at the floor while the officer looks her directly in the eye with some intensity as a couple of seconds go by. Beth looks up at her….
End of clip.

Here is a transcript of the video with Beth and Rape Cop.
Perv cop is walking Beth backwards, rubbing up against her. Beth looks scared to death. The room is a bit dark
"Mumble-mumble, "It's a win-win for both of us," molester says.
He leans down to kiss Beth's neck as she turns away.
The camera pans down to the floor where there is a pair of bloody scissors lying there. It appears that Beth is looking right at them. There is a hand hovering over the scissors with fingers slowly moving around, as if the person on the other end of the hand is deciding whether to pick them up or not.
Beth turns back to creepy guy and he says, (there is practically no space between them now), "So how 'bout it Beth? You wanna work something out here?" Beth looks him in the eye and tentatively nods her head yes.
Cop says "Good girl," as he manhandles her forward, practically onto his body parts
Camera pans down to cops hands slowly trying to lift Beth's shirt. (She's in scrubs.)
Cop says, "Mumble---" (he's saying somebody's name here, but I can't make it out.) "She's not such a team player."
As he says this, the camera pans down to the woman from the trailer (Keisha Castle Hughes) with her arm being cut off lying on the floor. Her eyes open. She is zombified.
End of clip.

Transcript of Daryl/Michonne video. This was a short clip. It is night time and only Daryl and Michonne are present. Best guess is that they are surrounded by woods as there is some green visible in the background. Too difficult to be sure. Daryl is incredibly dirty and disheveled. Michonne says in a soft voice, "Where's Carol?"
Daryl pauses, shuffles just a bit from side to side, then turns his head and grumbles in his growl voice either, "Bring 'em out!" or "Come out!" (My personal guess is that Daryl is mumbling again and it's actually "Bring 'em out!" but don't hold me to it.)

The last clip that has been floating around is a short scene at the end of an episode. There is a soundtrack song playing in the background and Beth is looking down at an unconscious Carol being carried by on a stretcher. Then the episode ends. If you recall, we posted back in July about the filming of the scene where Carol was struck by a car, passed out, and then was taken by the white cross people/creepy police offers. So they are taking her back to the hospital. Carol is NOT dead in this scene, and Beth is very much alive at the end of this episode. The episode that this is in is not confirmed. I think we'll have to take gimples "messing with time" promise seriously and not read too much into who was filming where and when.


1. What groups will we see in the episode?
Hospital Group.

2. Is this the episode where Carol is seen at the hospital?

3. Do we find out what the group is doing in the hospital and what the system is? If yes, what is their purpose?
It is unclear. Seem to be just surviving inside the hospital

4. Will we see what actually happened when Beth was kidnapped?

5. Does Noah escape the hospital and if so, is Beth instrumental in Noah's escape?
Yes and Yes

6. How many hospital "cops" are there?
About 4 or 5 seen

7. What is Noah's role at the hospital?

8. When Beth is seen running out of the hospital with Noah, what stops her from escaping?

9. When Beth wakes up, has it been days or hours since she was taken?

10. What is the group doing to the woman, when cutting off her arm? Was she previously bit or something else?
Assumed bitten.

If you see the promo vid it looks like the Cliff notes are spot on. The person who wrote them actually had the 3 leaked episodes.

and this pic was taken this month

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The homie paid his dues plus he is a warrior when needed. They make the newbies risk their lives. glen is to be trusted. You dont want to lose him. Trust and loyality over everything.. but you wouldnt know that. Why risk him when he is a asset,proven

That's what I'm saying, few people Rick would actually listen to, Michone, Darryl and Glenn, everyone else he undermines, Rick tried to tell Abraham he can't take Glenn and Maggie, Glenn put the brakes on him quick, "that's not your call" Glenn earned his spot, just like Rick tho, the writers putting his character through a slump, to give others more shine, last year YA all wanted Rick dead :rofl:
Wait she back in ATL

that must be a decent distance from where everyone else is at
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