The Wolverine - Movie Thread (07/26/13) - Trailers on page 7

Sly is good build-wise, he is 5'10" but looks stocky.
I am not sure how he talks would work though.
Sly is good build-wise, he is 5'10" but looks stocky.
I am not sure how he talks would work though.
Would be a lot more wolverine growling and one liners. I don't know...... Could be interesting though. A lot more "savage beast" than biker boy
Why are people obsessed with him being played by an actor 5'3? Do you know how weird that will look onscreen? They could've just did the same effect they did in the LOTR movies to make him look really short but then people would complain and ask why he looks like a hobbit. Just realize it's one thing that would not translate well in a movie.
it isnt that jackman is too tall, hes just kinda lanky. Somebyd like statham has the perfect body type in my opinion. hes not short, but looks stocky
Why are people obsessed with him being played by an actor 5'3? Do you know how weird that will look onscreen? They could've just did the same effect they did in the LOTR movies to make him look really short but then people would complain and ask why he looks like a hobbit. Just realize it's one thing that would not translate well in a movie.

thing is Jackman is not even average height, isnt dude over 6ft?....thats really my only problem and is beyond his control, other than that the man does an amazing job, i dont know who would knock him...
Angela Bassett should be Storm, but thats another story.

I think Jackman is pretty good as Logan, Russell Crowe would've been better, IMO.
it isnt that jackman is too tall, hes just kinda lanky. Somebyd like statham has the perfect body type in my opinion. hes not short, but looks stocky

Acting caliber won't be there though, I am not even sure I've seen him in a film w/o his accent. :lol: Plus a wig would just look weird on him and I don't think he can grow his own hair anymore.

Even though Jackman is a bit lanky and not that stocky, he still looks like a beast especially in this film. Not many can match that, he really does look like a drawn comic book character. Gerard Butler might give him a run for his money from 300 but that is also isn't on par acting-wise.
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Halle as Storm is definitely an eye candy, they had nothing for her in the films, even more evident past X1. She was just there putting clouds in the atmosphere and removing fogs. :lol:
Good thing she'll have a small part in DofP due to her pregnancy.
Angela Bassett should be Storm, but thats another story.

I think Jackman is pretty good as Logan, Russell Crowe would've been better, IMO.

bro... Crowe??....HELL

hes been in shape in a few movies, but he would have to be in TOP shape to play Logan, he just doesnt have the body to play that role.
bro... Crowe??....HELL

hes been in shape in a few movies, but he would have to be in TOP shape to play Logan, he just doesnt have the body to play that role.
They would've had to CGI crowe's muscles.

But correct me if I'm wrong, I remember reading they originally wanted Russell Crowe for the part.

Edit- Yeah originally they wanted Crowe. He turned it down and helped Jackman get the part. You can google the story.
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movie was cool, seen it last night, looks like da source material getting butchered as usual but we already knew that was gonna happen..

so from im getting is this chronology of x-men is gonna be separate from X-men last stand series thats gonna play out in da theaters

parallel to eachother?
Went to the Fan Event/Premiere at AMC on Tuesday, figured I'd share a few pics I took from it here as well for those interested. I loved the movie, this is the Wolverine people have been waiting for. It's not without flaws, but what movie isn't. It stands on it's own and the scene after the credits roll build up even more hype for Days of Future Past. Here's the gallery from Tuesday: 
Halle as Storm is definitely an eye candy, they had nothing for her in the films, even more evident past X1. She was just there putting clouds in the atmosphere and removing fogs. :lol:
Good thing she'll have a small part in DofP due to her pregnancy.

Halle's part is gonna be small? No :frown:
That shirt is nice that you got.

I enjoyed the movie. That train scene was so one of the better scene I have seen in any movie for a while. I wish that ninja scene was done better.
Halle as storm is not "African" enough LOL. They should use the real mom from fresh prince LOL
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seen it last night. liked it. train scene was dope, thouggt it was gonna be whack sinced SHH was crushing it. i didnt watch that scene when it leaked cuz i aint wanna spoil it

this def could use some more blood tho

i was 50/50 on viper

the new trailer for elysium looks sick!!!!!! think they mighta showed too much tho
for those who have seen both which do you like better? the wolverine or pacific rim?
The Wolverine easily. Pacific Rim was all action and no substance. Once the action sequences were over and people actually started talking, it was terrible. Dialogue was awful the whole way through. The action sequences were cool to look at, but that's about it. I wouldn't pay to see it, I snuck in to it after The Wolverine was over.
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