Which team is most overrated? (Pick two)

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I don't really get what bev was saying either. You go on his twitter and there's a post about how basketball doesn't matter right now then a couple days later there's a post about getting revenge on harden and now this post about if he hooping I'm hooping. If bev wanted to boycott he could do that regardless of what LeBron or anyone else thinks. My first reaction was that it was shade but it almost reads like Bron sent a message and convinced him and others that they can make a difference even if they play
I don't really get what bev was saying either. You go on his twitter and there's a post about how basketball doesn't matter right now then a couple days later there's a post about getting revenge on harden and now this post about if he hooping I'm hooping. If bev wanted to boycott he could do that regardless of what LeBron or anyone else thinks. My first reaction was that it was shade but it almost reads like Bron sent a message and convinced him and others that they can make a difference even if they play
What makes you think that? Im intrigued by your thinking here :nerd:
I don’t think it was fair for Beverly to publicly put so much responsibility on Bron the way he did, but I think he’s right that LeBron is the singular player with enough power and influence that his individual decision could sway what the league does in either direction.

And I think Pat was trying to acknowledge that’s not all on LeBron - the league, ESPN, etc. have made it that way - but that’s the reality.
What makes you think that? Im intrigued by your thinking here :nerd:
I just feel like if you really wanna boycott nothing's gonna stop you. You're not waiting on the greenlight from anybody so to callout LeBron as if he has the final say doesn't really make any sense. And that recent tweet making it seem like he's itching to play. But I really don't know what he's getting at
I don’t think it was fair for Beverly to publicly put so much responsibility on Bron the way he did, but I think he’s right that LeBron is the singular player with enough power and influence that his individual decision could sway what the league does in either direction.

And I think Pat was trying to acknowledge that’s not all on LeBron - the league, ESPN, etc. have made it that way - but that’s the reality.

Heavy is the head that wears the crown and with great power comes great responsibility. The ball is LeBron’s court so it’ll be interesting to see how he responds.
money def a thing
if they don't play owners have all the leverage to shred the CBA and make a new one that will not favor the players
gonna be NFL 2.0 with low maxes and no guarantees
Who do you feel has more leverage in negotiations, players or owners?
Heavy is the head that wears the crown and with great power comes great responsibility. The ball is LeBron’s court so it’ll be interesting to see how he responds.

So true. Documentary about all this in 20 years (if the Earth is still here) going to be hotness...:pimp:
What exactly do you want him to say?

He can say whatever he wants. I’m just interested because he’s aware enough to know that no matter what his next move is, it will be dissected and analyzed by the world as a response to Patrick Beverley’s tweet.
I just feel like if you really wanna boycott nothing's gonna stop you. You're not waiting on the greenlight from anybody so to callout LeBron as if he has the final say doesn't really make any sense. And that recent tweet making it seem like he's itching to play. But I really don't know what he's getting at

I read that like, Bron (face of the league) says we’re playing, then we’re playing. Almost like a compliment. Didn’t takeit as any insult to bron.

But who knows. $1200 for 2 O’s.
pat bev.jpg
He can say whatever he wants. I’m just interested because he’s aware enough to know that no matter what his next move is, it will be dissected and analyzed by the world as a response to Patrick Beverley’s tweet.
Imo, a stronger move by him would be to cancel the season. And it's BECAUSE he's heavily favored to win, that the move would be so powerful. He is favored, no doubt about it. But if he were to say this is bigger than that, that'd be a loud statement. I think that decision would be less scrutinized that saying let's play regardless of the distraction to the protestors and regardless of what's happening in the world. I know what he says, but he can't actually do both, protesting and playing. You actually do have to pick a side in this situation.

Any NBA owners spoke up at all?

Besides Dolan saying a bunch of nothing.
Imo, a stronger move by him would be to cancel the season. And it's BECAUSE he's heavily favored to win, that the move would be so powerful. He is favored, no doubt about it. But if he were to say this is bigger than that, that'd be a loud statement. I think that decision would be less scrutinized that saying let's play regardless of the distraction to the protestors and regardless of what's happening in the world. I know what he says, but he can't actually do both, protesting and playing. You actually do have to pick a side in this situation.

Any NBA owners spoke up at all?

Besides Dolan saying a bunch of nothing.

This is an interview Ballmer did a few days ago with CBS. I haven’t watched it yet. If he says something ridiculous, feel free to let me know about it.

^^^ I watched the whole thing. I’m impressed with Uncle Steve said because he really seems to be listening to what his players are telling him. Doesn’t want to be referred to as the “owner” of the Clippers anymore.

Again, you can never know what guys like him really think and are doing just based on interviews, but he’s saying the right things.
This is an interview Ballmer did a few days ago with CBS. I haven’t watched it yet. If he says something ridiculous, feel free to let me know about it.

Good interview. Balmer sounds aware.

Doesn't sound like the league has a plan for reopening besides 22 teams and Disney bubble :lol:. Everything else is 'uhmm, your guess is as good as mine fam'
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