There should be world laws for animals that can and can't be eaten.

Dec 20, 2000
What makes it okay to eat a cow but not a Kangaroo?

Animal Discrimination FTL!

PS- I've never eaten Kangaroo, but more power to those that do,
Originally Posted by WaveyJonesLocker

I love meat. Of all varieties.

Word up homeslice. Big meat, little meat, short meat, long meat, soft meat, hard meat. I love it all
Originally Posted by jumpman247


OP u are not thinking straight by making this thread. meat is meat animals are animals. if u were on a abandoned island and u had to eat a dog or a cat oranything other domesticated animal to survive u would. but then again there should be laws on regulating hunting so animals species dont go extinct ie.dolphins, sharks, endangered species etc.
^ really? reaching.

Exactly, who are we to decide which animals are ok to eat? We eat some nasty stuff.
In India, I'm sure they're also talking about how westerners are immoral whenever they eat a burger (cow). Muslims and Jews probably also findwesterners disgusting when they see them eat an animal that has been known to eat its own feces (pig). Every culture has its own traditions. Personally, Ishiver whenever I think about that they eat dogs and snakes in some Asian countries, but I also realize that it's part of their culture. Eat the type ofmeat you want to it and live your life (until cancer gets you).
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