They're shooting at Cops in Dallas, Eleven Officers Shot, Two Civilian Injured ,Five CONFIRMED DEAD-

I know the reason already, but isn't it funny how Joe Walsh can basically make a barely veiled terrorist threat against the president and black people and get away with it? Imagine if some Arab dude wrote "Watch out America, we're coming for you" Dude would have the feds at his door ASAP :lol: :smh: The double standard is disgusting

Crazy isn't it ? It'll be forgotten about in a few days ... if it isn't already. The same people who are so jumpy about terrorism from other countries, most like agree with his tweets about black people anyway.
Serious question (again, as always when I step into these political/race-based conversations, I'm open to arguments and opinions)

Is it fair for me to say that these type of people:
View media item 2095002

are similar (on opposite sides) to those who support/defend racist, white police officers?

If I'm wrong, that's fine. Call me out. Just want to hear opinions.

My point is this: Someone needs to step up and be the bigger person. If we continue to add fuel to the fire and feeding the cycle, these issues will never stop and only get worse. 

**** that.

Blacks have done enough "turning the other cheek", "being the bigger person", etc.

Don't leave it ambigious. It is what it is. Change needs to happen within the government and police force, black people are doing nothing wrong.

if language like those tweets aren't denounced as vigorously if it was in reverse then ya no better then they are...

I don't feel we're putting our race above others. 

everyone knows that all lives matter. 

but minorities need the support the most. 
But White america doesn't see it that way. Pro-black means anti-white to them because Pro-White means anti-black.

major key. it creates tribal strife under race banners...

You don't even believe in racism so keep it moving

heh i see where this thread is headed.

i aint gonna stand in front of da "blame all whites for _______" run away bus.
Like I said keep it moving then [COLOR=#red]@daninjahood[/COLOR]

Go post about how all these events will make it easier for da donald to win. Oh wait you got called out before you had a chance to work that angle.

No wonder you're upset.

"Lying" Rusty (whatever dumb name you, rico and your recently banned fellow trump supporter blco calls him) already checked your tap dancing self.
I think we're old enough to separate music from reality though
EYE am old enough to not be influenced by the non-sense fairy tales that rappers spew....

EYE can shake my head at it... 

but there's an entire generation that look up to this **** and inspire to be like these dudes....  they want to be "bout that life" 

but the entire point of the post was the fact that the person writing these lyrics turns around and gets on TV talking about he's upset at the loss of black life

THIS guy of all people.... it's pathetic
EYE am old enough to not be influenced by the non-sense fairy tales that rappers spew....

EYE can shake my head at it... 

but there's an entire generation that look up to this **** and inspire to be like these dudes....  they want to be "bout that life" 

but the entire point of the post was the fact that the person writing these lyrics turns around and gets on TV talking about he's upset at the loss of black life

THIS guy of all people.... it's pathetic
agreed man.
EYE am old enough to not be influenced by the non-sense fairy tales that rappers spew....

EYE can shake my head at it... 

but there's an entire generation that look up to this **** and inspire to be like these dudes....  they want to be "bout that life" 

but the entire point of the post was the fact that the person writing these lyrics turns around and gets on TV talking about he's upset at the loss of black life

THIS guy of all people.... it's pathetic

I'll agree that music does effect the impressionable youth. But we can't get mad at game doing something positive now either.
Literally not what I said at all.

"Someone" does not mean "black people."

I don't give a damn who steps up. Just someone needs to and stop feeding the cycle so it stops.
This. Like 25 pages back people were placing friendly bets on if he was white or not. It doesn't matter.

That's the cycle. Looking to see what the race of the sniper was at a feverish pace was downright weird.

That dude Rusty called everybody on making assumptions about the color of his skin. Cuz that dude gets it.

It has no bearing on the situation at all. No matter what color he was obviously its somebody perturbed with the ongoing treatment of civilians by Law enforcement. The cycle will persist as long as we have those who participate in the hypocrisy of wondering what color somebody is and jumping to judgements all the time.

Somebody dead *** said "I bet it's a neo nazi tryin to incite a race war." y'all are some spooky *** dudes on here.
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EYE am old enough to not be influenced by the non-sense fairy tales that rappers spew....

EYE can shake my head at it... 

but there's an entire generation that look up to this **** and inspire to be like these dudes....  they want to be "bout that life" 

but the entire point of the post was the fact that the person writing these lyrics turns around and gets on TV talking about he's upset at the loss of black life

THIS guy of all people.... it's pathetic
agreed man.
100% agree. If you don't see how that music has a negative effect on society, then you'll never see it, no point of a discussion. Music reflects a certain society's attitude.

Game doesn't speak up when hundreds of blacks are killing each other in Chicago, because he doesn't have an issue with it and he promotes black on black crime.

Like I said earlier, people care more about the race of the killer than they do about the victim.
100% agree. If you don't see how that music has a negative effect on society, then you'll never see it, no point of a discussion. Music reflects a certain society's attitude.

Game doesn't speak up when hundreds of blacks are killing each other in Chicago, because he doesn't have an issue with it and he promotes black on black crime.

Like I said earlier, people care more about the race of the killer than they do about the victim.
it's so hard to talk about this man.... 

when it comes up, people say its a "deflection" on the real issue.... as if the issue of blacks being treated like trash has one layer 

there are so many levels to this problem and our fascination for violent, degrading music is definitely one of them
100% agree. If you don't see how that music has a negative effect on society, then you'll never see it, no point of a discussion. Music reflects a certain society's attitude.

Game doesn't speak up when hundreds of blacks are killing each other in Chicago, because he doesn't have an issue with it and he promotes black on black crime.

Like I said earlier, people care more about the race of the killer than they do about the victim.
All murders are bad, state sanctioned ones are worse.
Need to know this also.

Are they just selecting a random black man walking with an assault rifle during a protest who had camo on?
Yeah thats exactly what they did, and he wasn't the only one.

They pulled a dude out of a crowd of people and arrested him just because of how he was dressed.

Dude had been standing their with his friends for about 45 minutes.

Dallas Police Department immediately started racially profiling black men after the shooting happened.

Extremely disappointed in our Chief of Police.

Stood on national TV and ignorantly implicated an innocent man that was exercising his right to bear arms.

White dudes down here protesting every weekend about their gun rights and never get arrested or harassed.

As a matter of fact they give the white boys with guns unlimited air time on the news to speak their hate rhetoric and flash their guns around.
Can somebody explain how we go from "4 suspects triangulating the area" to "Micah Johnson was the sole shooter killing 5 officers"??

EYE am old enough to not be influenced by the non-sense fairy tales that rappers spew....

EYE can shake my head at it... 

but there's an entire generation that look up to this **** and inspire to be like these dudes....  they want to be "bout that life" 

but the entire point of the post was the fact that the person writing these lyrics turns around and gets on TV talking about he's upset at the loss of black life

THIS guy of all people.... it's pathetic
agreed man.
100% agree. If you don't see how that music has a negative effect on society, then you'll never see it, no point of a discussion. Music reflects a certain society's attitude.

Game doesn't speak up when hundreds of blacks are killing each other in Chicago, because he doesn't have an issue with it and he promotes black on black crime.

Like I said earlier, people care more about the race of the killer than they do about the victim.
Like I said keep it moving then [COLOR=#red]@daninjahood[/COLOR]

Go post about how all these events will make it easier for da donald to win. Oh wait you got called out before you had a chance to work that angle.

No wonder you're upset.

"Lying" Rusty (whatever dumb name you, rico and your recently banned fellow trump supporter blco calls him) already checked your tap dancing self.


checked me tap dancing? first off id be embarrassed if i was shown swinging on da next man da way u is.

second, u sound like you'd rather protect your politics & ideology then da actual murder of da innocent police who got sniped.
(there another thread for that)

third, this is why ish hittin da fan, cuz cats like u perpetuate racial litmus test like if all minorities posed to engage in group think and when someone from da grivence side decides to kill "a bunch oh white cops"

ya somehow surprised it happened.

like i said, da "blame whites for ______" run away bus meme feels good till its reversed, then its da jessie jackson & al Sharpton show.

im sleep thou.
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