They're shooting at Cops in Dallas, Eleven Officers Shot, Two Civilian Injured ,Five CONFIRMED DEAD-

him showing sympathy regarding that incident doesn't negate the fact that he advocates that behavior.

I can't take these guys serious when they speak on these issues.

It's like Chris Brown and trey songz having a symposium on abstinence. Like, get real B.
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checked me tap dancing? first off id be embarrassed if i was shown swinging on da next man da way u is.

second, u sound like you'd rather protect your politics & ideology then da actual murder of da innocent police who got sniped.
(there another thread for that)

third, this is why ish hittin da fan, cuz cats like u perpetuate racial litmus test like if all minorities posed to engage in group think and when someone from da grivence side decides to kill "a bunch oh white cops"

ya somehow surprised it happened.

like i said, da "blame whites for ______" run away bus meme feels good till its reversed, then its da jessie jackson & al Sharpton show.

im sleep thou.

Even don't you don't consider yourself black, I hope you have a ***** wake up call one day
Someone please enlighten me as to who the hell these random people are that stand behind speakers at press conferences?
540. Fredericksburg.

Home of monuments and schools and roads named after confederate generals. Where plantations are celebrated tourist spots. KKK flyers found out here last year too.
Another local :smokin

My boy said people were standing down in Massponax protesting and had signs.
Y'all believe everything y'all see.smh.

Everything that glitters ain't gold. Just how easy a Photoshop thread can turn into a classic roast of an individual. A racist post can turn into a war zone with casualties. You have to use your discernment and question things, don't just assume because you see it that it's true.

If that guy Joe Walsh actually said that **** he'd have more problems than he could handle from top to bottom. All these pics circulating with no source or reasoning, just the same old story.
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Y'all believe everything y'all see.smh.

Everything that glitters ain't gold. Just how easy a Photoshop thread can turn into a classic roast of an individual. A racist post can turn into a war zone with casualties. You have to use your discernment and question things, don't just assume because you see it that it's true.

If that guy Joe Walsh actually said that **** he'd have more problems than he could handle from top to bottom. All these pics circulating with no source or reasoning, just the same old story.
Maybe you should do some research of your own. He did tweet that but later deleted it. The tweet has been retweeted thousands of times when it was up.
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Y'all believe everything y'all see.smh.

Everything that glitters ain't gold. Just how easy a Photoshop thread can turn into a classic roast of an individual. A racist post can turn into a war zone with casualties. You have to use your discernment and question things, don't just assume because you see it that it's true.

If that guy Joe Walsh actually said that **** he'd have more problems than he could handle from top to bottom. All these pics circulating with no source or reasoning, just the same old story.

You can look at his little timeline and his pathetic little youtube channel and see that it is well within his character to say something like that
Like I said keep it moving then [COLOR=#red]@daninjahood[/COLOR]

Go post about how all these events will make it easier for da donald to win. Oh wait you got called out before you had a chance to work that angle.

No wonder you're upset.

"Lying" Rusty (whatever dumb name you, rico and your recently banned fellow trump supporter blco calls him) already checked your tap dancing self.


checked me tap dancing? first off id be embarrassed if i was shown swinging on da next man da way u is.

second, u sound like you'd rather protect your politics & ideology then da actual murder of da innocent police who got sniped.
(there another thread for that)

third, this is why ish hittin da fan, cuz cats like u perpetuate racial litmus test like if all minorities posed to engage in group think and when someone from da grivence side decides to kill "a bunch oh white cops"

ya somehow surprised it happened.

like i said, da "blame whites for ______" run away bus meme feels good till its reversed, then its da jessie jackson & al Sharpton show.

im sleep thou.

Shut up clown.

Stoop kid *** dude always trying to tell other Black folks how to act when you don't even leave your neighborhood and don't have any real world experience.

Leave your wash heights bubble first before you try telling Black people how to feel.
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This. Dudes always seem appalled when I ask them in travel threads if it's safe for me to go certain places.

That **** is a real concern. White racism has blanketed the globe and destroyed positive perception of us everywhere.

Bruh thats cool but it is not really safe to be travelling around lots places as a white guy too.
I also have a chinese gf.
Taking her certain places is actually very dangerous.
Im with people demanding better from cops but to pretend white people robbed you of safe global travel is crazy.
Other countries are not all on board with the liberal mindset and a mark is always a mark.
If they dont like you in saudi Arabia or china, perhaps just maybe they are racist too.
Its a possibility anyway lol
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Anyone else been getting strange looks from white people today?
I had one clutch her bag like I was trying to rob her a few days ago. This is while I was dressed in wingtips, pleated trousers and the whole nine. Funny thing is, I watched as she walked past a few rowdy white kids in their teens and she didn't even react nor behave in the same way.
Y'all believe everything y'all see.smh.

Everything that glitters ain't gold. Just how easy a Photoshop thread can turn into a classic roast of an individual. A racist post can turn into a war zone with casualties. You have to use your discernment and question things, don't just assume because you see it that it's true.

If that guy Joe Walsh actually said that **** he'd have more problems than he could handle from top to bottom. All these pics circulating with no source or reasoning, just the same old story.
Maybe you should do some research of your own. He did tweet that but later deleted it. The tweet has been retweeted thousands of times when it was up.

I personally saw it on his verified timeline before it was deleted. It wasn't some PS mock-up.
Can somebody explain how we go from "4 suspects triangulating the area" to "Micah Johnson was the sole shooter killing 5 officers"??

EYE am old enough to not be influenced by the non-sense fairy tales that rappers spew....

EYE can shake my head at it... 

but there's an entire generation that look up to this **** and inspire to be like these dudes....  they want to be "bout that life" 

but the entire point of the post was the fact that the person writing these lyrics turns around and gets on TV talking about he's upset at the loss of black life

THIS guy of all people.... it's pathetic
agreed man.
100% agree. If you don't see how that music has a negative effect on society, then you'll never see it, no point of a discussion. Music reflects a certain society's attitude.

Game doesn't speak up when hundreds of blacks are killing each other in Chicago, because he doesn't have an issue with it and he promotes black on black crime.

Like I said earlier, people care more about the race of the killer than they do about the victim.

Probably similar to how someone claims he got jumped by 5+ dudes all 6'3+ 210+ with 2 guns each when in reality he lost a fair fight with someone smaller than him.
Weirdest thing about ninjahood might be his Trump support. Still trying to figure that one out.
I'd say it's perfectly in line with his character. He thinks systemic racism is a fantasy constructed by the left to attract black voters, doesn't care whatsoever about social issues and has also said that "in 2016, nobody thinks of blacks as 2/5ths of a person"
He's the epitome of a stereotypical Trump supporter.

checked me tap dancing? first off id be embarrassed if i was shown swinging on da next man da way u is.

second, u sound like you'd rather protect your politics & ideology then da actual murder of da innocent police who got sniped.
(there another thread for that)

third, this is why ish hittin da fan, cuz cats like u perpetuate racial litmus test like if all minorities posed to engage in group think and when someone from da grivence side decides to kill "a bunch oh white cops"

ya somehow surprised it happened.

like i said, da "blame whites for ______" run away bus meme feels good till its reversed, then its da jessie jackson & al Sharpton show.

im sleep thou.
Good job Blackman Ninja.
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