Things you hate about summer.

Word up on the bugs. I live somewhere where when it rains, the waterbugs come out to play and them ***** are HUUUUUGGEEE. It doesn't help that my family is like a bunch of hoarders so there is always some place for them ***** to hide smh.
getting sick just because it is too hot

is there anyplace that just has nice mild weather? no extreme summers or winters?

im from nj if it matters
Besides the heat waves and humidity:

1. The smell of BO on the subway/bus. Absolute murder and in some cases you can't blame people like dude that works construction all day going home but it's still rough.

2. Seeing everyone's feet. Every crusty, crooked-toed, bear claw havin person wants to rock flip flops all summer. Even if it just catches your eye for a seconds some images just get burned into your brain.

3. Fighting with wifey over the AC temp or whether to turn it on at night. ***** grabs blanket, I can't sleep when I'm hot.

4. Watching people in your city on summer vacation just being so carefree. Reminds me when I was still I'm HS and some summers through college when I could just chill the while summer, take trips, visit family in another city for a week or two and just enjoy it. When you're a working adult you don't get that same kinda vacation time (depending on the job)

5. Chicks orders at Starbucks and dunkin donuts take like 5 minutes longer cause they gotta get a caramel vanilla bean venti whipped cream frap with 4 pumps caramel, etc, etc...
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