Things you learned the hard way

you can't change anyone. think about how much effort it takes for you to change yourself and it should help you realize how little control you have over someone else's actions.
I'll add a few more related to my experiences trying to get a job and having interned.

-The key to success on the job is communication, way more than actual technical skills, how hard you work, etc. Those things will let you do alright, but if you want to stand out...and these days, if you want to have a stable job and move up, you have to be able to communicate effectively.
-Don't expect anything to be handed to have go out and seek the work you do. You have to be the one talking to the managers, you can't expect them to give you assignments. Everything at work, unlike school, is more open-ended and you have to be the one initiating your responsibilities.
I'll add a few more related to my experiences trying to get a job and having interned.

-The key to success on the job is communication, way more than actual technical skills, how hard you work, etc. Those things will let you do alright, but if you want to stand out...and these days, if you want to have a stable job and move up, you have to be able to communicate effectively.
-Don't expect anything to be handed to have go out and seek the work you do. You have to be the one talking to the managers, you can't expect them to give you assignments. Everything at work, unlike school, is more open-ended and you have to be the one initiating your responsibilities.
To get at females you must have some type of game and mouthpiece.
If you really want something, put in work to get it.
Know your rights.
To get at females you must have some type of game and mouthpiece.
If you really want something, put in work to get it.
Know your rights.
Originally Posted by BK201

Originally Posted by whyhellothere

backing up the stuff on your computer is very very important & should be done often


My mbp won't turn on. Didn't back up nothing.
They said there might be a problem with the power but I'm afraid they will set my mac back to factory settings.
Anyone ever been in this situation?

You can access your harddrive from another computer by going into target disk mode.
Originally Posted by BK201

Originally Posted by whyhellothere

backing up the stuff on your computer is very very important & should be done often


My mbp won't turn on. Didn't back up nothing.
They said there might be a problem with the power but I'm afraid they will set my mac back to factory settings.
Anyone ever been in this situation?

You can access your harddrive from another computer by going into target disk mode.
Education is the key to obtaining personal goals in your life. I.e. if I want to live on South Beach, send my kids to college, have that luxury car, not live paycheck to paycheck, I better bust my butt in school. Seeking immediate gratification is the devil and can cause you to lose sight of the task at hand. Hard work and patience goes a long way.
Education is the key to obtaining personal goals in your life. I.e. if I want to live on South Beach, send my kids to college, have that luxury car, not live paycheck to paycheck, I better bust my butt in school. Seeking immediate gratification is the devil and can cause you to lose sight of the task at hand. Hard work and patience goes a long way.
Pay your bills on time. Credit score is one of the biggest things in this lifetime take care of it like its your baby.
Pay your bills on time. Credit score is one of the biggest things in this lifetime take care of it like its your baby.
Getting what you want is easy but maintaining it is the problem

The girls that seem innocent are the 1's that do the most trifling things

Never put too much trust in human beings they have their own agendas

You cannot be a have lot around those that have not

The 1's closet to you will F you over quicker then strangers

Girls are as intimidated by good looking guys as we are of good looking girls

Too much liquor will have you thinking a 5 is a 10 and be very mad come morning time
Getting what you want is easy but maintaining it is the problem

The girls that seem innocent are the 1's that do the most trifling things

Never put too much trust in human beings they have their own agendas

You cannot be a have lot around those that have not

The 1's closet to you will F you over quicker then strangers

Girls are as intimidated by good looking guys as we are of good looking girls

Too much liquor will have you thinking a 5 is a 10 and be very mad come morning time
Brains x Beauty x Availability = Constant.
This constant is always zero.

Every kind action has a not-so-kind reaction.

The more beautiful the woman is who loves you, the easier it is to leave her with no hard feelings.

Left to themselves, things tend to go from bad to worse

Every solution breeds new problems.

You have to look where you lost it.

If it jams - force it. If it breaks, it needed replacing anyway.

The fish are always biting....yesterday!
Brains x Beauty x Availability = Constant.
This constant is always zero.

Every kind action has a not-so-kind reaction.

The more beautiful the woman is who loves you, the easier it is to leave her with no hard feelings.

Left to themselves, things tend to go from bad to worse

Every solution breeds new problems.

You have to look where you lost it.

If it jams - force it. If it breaks, it needed replacing anyway.

The fish are always biting....yesterday!
Don't fall in the credit card trap and get reckless with them. You're just digging yourself into a hole.

Never think you NEED a female. I was gone off my ex from 16-19 years old and she had total control of our relationship. Finally when I got over her after we broke up I realized how much of a #++$% I was the whole time and I'll never let any chick treat me like that again.

Try everything out before you lock yourself into one career/major. Whether that's taking an intro class or just doing some research on the net. I've changed my mind a good 5 or 6 times in 3 years and because of that and being lazy I'm gonna be in school for a lot longer than I expected.
Don't fall in the credit card trap and get reckless with them. You're just digging yourself into a hole.

Never think you NEED a female. I was gone off my ex from 16-19 years old and she had total control of our relationship. Finally when I got over her after we broke up I realized how much of a #++$% I was the whole time and I'll never let any chick treat me like that again.

Try everything out before you lock yourself into one career/major. Whether that's taking an intro class or just doing some research on the net. I've changed my mind a good 5 or 6 times in 3 years and because of that and being lazy I'm gonna be in school for a lot longer than I expected.
Dont ever give someone your everything 

Play your cards right in the beginning of a relationship; let them show your cards before you do yours
Go out Solo at times; youl realize how much you dont really need anyone in life, if you can control this youl be good in life
Work out; it can really catch up to you later on in life
Dont ever give someone your everything 

Play your cards right in the beginning of a relationship; let them show your cards before you do yours
Go out Solo at times; youl realize how much you dont really need anyone in life, if you can control this youl be good in life
Work out; it can really catch up to you later on in life
Don't let your anger lead to bad decisions. No matter how bad you want to knock out that loud mouth tough guy DON'T DO IT. Its not worth it. Jail is not fun and court costs and having a record is no worth showing some guy how tough he really isn't. be the bigger man and walk away.
Don't let your anger lead to bad decisions. No matter how bad you want to knock out that loud mouth tough guy DON'T DO IT. Its not worth it. Jail is not fun and court costs and having a record is no worth showing some guy how tough he really isn't. be the bigger man and walk away.
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