Tila and Ben Baller?

Originally Posted by ashleythetall

Originally Posted by derryj3

Originally Posted by purplehazze96

Originally Posted by ThrowedInDaGame

Dude post cars, shoes, clothes....

Has he ever posted property?

A lot of people who didn't have to pay mortgage could drive an m5 as well.

Please stop riding this dude.


you sound salty son, you're just as lame as they are, it looks like you're concerned with his possessions too

Really, you do sound salty as hell...Let ben live...he aint no different than none other NT'er...you the one hating on him. If I got the chance to poke Tila....you damn right I would...jeesh i could see ben smashing her in my face than he say, "your turn" and im still going hard@!!

stop hating,,

Originally Posted by ashleythetall

i hate tila. she gives bisexual women a bad name. and she's beat. booooooooooooooo

Lets be real though...Bisexual women give bisexual women a bad name. How you gonna be that greedy, yall the only species who thinks they can be gay and not at the same time and get away with it?? naw, not here sonny

whoa guy. i hear you...bisexual women are a big pain in the #!#, we all know. i am one, i know, but i'd like to separate myself from their messy shenanegans.
but she exploited it more than the everyday bisexual.
i'm just still a little salty she didnt pick dani on the shot of love.


Well damn, i gotta agree with you there ashleythetall, cause dani was the better choice IMO....I see we agree...well dont take my comments the wrong way thanplease
....Yeah, Tila is a trash ho, I'd still beat...but yeah, ho,and the spinoff show...Double shot?? OMG I wont waste two seconds watching that trash

Im prolly just still a little salty that your GF looks better than where im at right now
Originally Posted by derryj3

Originally Posted by ashleythetall

Originally Posted by derryj3

Originally Posted by ashleythetall

i hate tila. she gives bisexual women a bad name. and she's beat. booooooooooooooo

Lets be real though...Bisexual women give bisexual women a bad name. How you gonna be that greedy, yall the only species who thinks they can be gay and not at the same time and get away with it?? naw, not here sonny

whoa guy. i hear you...bisexual women are a big pain in the #!#, we all know. i am one, i know, but i'd like to separate myself from their messy shenanegans.
but she exploited it more than the everyday bisexual.
i'm just still a little salty she didnt pick dani on the shot of love.


Well damn, i gotta agree with you there ashleythetall, cause dani was the better choice IMO....I see we agree...well dont take my comments the wrong way than please
....Yeah, Tila is a trash ho, I'd still beat...but yeah, ho, and the spinoff show...Double shot?? OMG I wont waste two seconds watching that trash

Im prolly just still a little salty that your GF looks better than where im at right now
no offense taken and thanks for the gf compliment. double shot is so whack. those two chicks are way gross. are they even famous?
Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't Ben smashing a few years ago? I remember him posting about 5-6 years ago that he was smashing at the time and heposted pics of him and Tila. This was when Tila was your typical import car chick. Before all this reality show crap.
Originally Posted by ashleythetall

Originally Posted by derryj3

Originally Posted by ashleythetall

i hate tila. she gives bisexual women a bad name. and she's beat. booooooooooooooo

Lets be real though...Bisexual women give bisexual women a bad name. How you gonna be that greedy, yall the only species who thinks they can be gay and not at the same time and get away with it?? naw, not here sonny

whoa guy. i hear you...bisexual women are a big pain in the !+$, we all know. i am one, i know, but i'd like to separate myself from their messy shenanegans.
but she exploited it more than the everyday bisexual.
i'm just still a little salty she didnt pick dani on the shot of love.

Glad you see and acknowledge that, but real talk let the dude live haha!
Originally Posted by mjbetch

10000000 pages. hahaha
And thankfully, nobody cares if there's pics or not.

NT really doesn't need anymore Tila or Ben Baller pics. (but Ben being a NT member, infamous or not, can post pics just like anyone else here)

Just hope we don't get "Ben Baller sitting next to Tila on the last America's Best Dance crew show on MTV OMG!!!!" thread.
lol and smh, I don't know what to say really because there is a lot of personal ++$% and etc, etc, people hitting tila's manager/publicist asking ifwe're dating. in short, NO. but yeh, in 2002 we dated and she was my girl right around the time "OH BOY" came out (Camron) thats how we met... Iwas one of the first people Tila met in L.A. She's a cool girl and we've been close ever since. we didn't break up on a bad note either.... believeit or not, I had just broke up with Meagan. lol. I know I must be crazy right? whatever.... I took her to go see Slumdog Millionaire since she had not seen ityet.

this is the Tila I met.....

Dude post cars, shoes, clothes....

Has he ever posted property?

A lot of people who didn't have to pay mortgage could drive an m5 as well.

Please stop riding this dude.
could they also drive bentley's, lambo's, range's and S63's? just curious? prolly so

as for the property, I made a bad purchase a year ago with a loft in a downtown highrise and thank god it's being subleased.... and my place I live inhasn't hit any loss in value because of the neighborhood I live in.... I rather live in my spot and have my R8, charger, m5 and other vehicles then be in ahuge house I will not keep up (landscaping, etc). but F property, my money's in gold and diamonds. btw, thats killing any real estate deal I've seenoutside certain commercial real estate. the key is being liquid, I don't go overboard like you think... I could be doin waaaaaay more dumb ++$% if Iwasn't responsible. my car notes and mortgages and are well over $10k and thats not mentioning rent at my shop, bills, gas, food, misc goin out money.remember, my entire life is a write off tax wise, so I lease most of my cars, I couldn't lease the r8 because my credit's not so hot, but I can sell ittoday for more than I paid for it easy.

p.s. Tila be on that lean as well, we used to get throwed right around the first season of shot at love. f.y.i. I never watched 1 single episode and I nevertalked about it with her.... I can't sip for a long time and I've been off it for a few months now ever since my severe strict training....

but yeh man, I'm an NTER since 2001, I ain't no better than any of y'all. I don't post as much and I did have an almost 2 year leave ofabsence from here.... man I miss .org. lol
my ex when we split decided she was big willy and took over the payments on the benz and didn't make 1 single payment for 4 months. they repo'd it.then there was small things like cell phone, culligan. I have to deal with all this now.

and for those who know Edison Chen's situation..... thank god for crazy hidden password protected HD's. cuz I'd be in waaaaaaaaay worse shape. lol.exposure would destroy these celebs. lol
Ben Baller post



Bad couple years for Real Estate anyway ruining the National economy into crisis-mode/economic "bail out" even if you wanted to snag a foreclosuredeal someplace.

CLuTcH 713 wrote:
now lock it up
Originally Posted by BENBALLER

and for those who know Edison Chen's situation..... thank god for crazy hidden password protected HD's. cuz I'd be in waaaaaaaaay worse shape. lol. exposure would destroy these celebs. lol
Or in airports, watch your back as in no Cheetah Girl expose after getting your laptop stolen then worked on/hacked despite a passlock HDD.

Good for internets though, better than that other Disney girl one.
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