To the nt'ers who used to indulge in the herb, when did y'all stop messin with the kush?

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Smoked in my teens and early 20s then stopped. Tryed again in my late 20s, and it was horrible, I got nothing. It was more than likely mid/Reggie.
[QUOTE name="Fontaine" url="[URL][/URL]"]
Any advice for those who started smoking late?

I rarely drink.. (Only pour up with my lady... Maybe once a month)

I'm thinking about blazing for my 30th bday...

I don't think I'm the type to get addicted...

What's it like for those who start smokin' late?

:nerd: :nerd:


if you are gonna start at 30  theres honestly no point
terrible comment

I didn't start until recently in my late 20's and it has been very positive for me

Has helped me immensely with anxiety.  For me it has been lightyears ahead of any anxiety medicine I have ever tried in every aspect.  Also has been incredibly helpful with working out and running. (motivation, energy and results)  

Unfortunately I live in WI, where it isn't legal in any aspect and due to my late start I do not have the connects to have it available to me consistently.  I pray for the day when its at least medically available.

Advice for Fontaine - IMO it depends on what your looking to get out of it; relaxation, medicine, recreation, etc. But, take it slow just to be safe.  Even though it will probably be a positive experience, I would try a small amount and see how you react to it.   Then make adjustments.  

wouldn't mind looking into this again. I think im hypersensitive to certain things that randomly increase my heart rate, wouldnt mind an alternative to exercise.
smoking was more of a social thing for me that turned into a crutch for the **** I was going through at the time
^I know the feeling famb

Any advice for those who started smoking late?

I rarely drink.. (Only pour up with my lady... Maybe once a month)

I'm thinking about blazing for my 30th bday...

I don't think I'm the type to get addicted...

What's it like for those who start smokin' late?

:nerd: :nerd:

Start with very small doses
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Maybe once or twice monthly from teens until sophomore year in college...Then stopped before applying to pharmacy school and haven't tried again since. I do miss it, but its not worth the risk with random drug tests.
Quit to pass the drug test for my internship.

Still staying away from it. If my internship offers me the position full-time ill have to pass another and then its smooth sailing for a very long time.

Use to smoke every single day.. Last year at this time me and my boys was knocking down 2-6 grams every single day after class (one of my boys use to push heavy so he always had crazy surplus).

So ridiculous I can hardly even remember anything from last spring. You know you smoke too much when you can last in a session indefinitely. Tapping out just wasn't even necessary anymore. Could probably blow through an ounce and still be standing.

I remember trying to go to the library and study after one of the sessions... Stared at the firefox main page for 15 minutes before I realized what I was doing. Just went home
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Good help from nt stoners.

My girl used to bake in college heavy and stopped for work... Hadn't smoked in 4 years. She said she's going to blow the dodey with me for the first go round.

Its going to be her, and my two best friends.

Thinking about inviting my dad. :lol:

You're in a thread about asking how to stop, and you are asking how to start......

I guess I didn't read "To the nt'ers who used to indulge in the herb, when did y'all stop messin with the kush?" As

"NT, can you help me stop smoking weed

My b

terrible comment

I didn't start until recently in my late 20's and it has been very positive for me

Has helped me immensely with anxiety.  For me it has been lightyears ahead of any anxiety medicine I have ever tried in every aspect.  Also has been incredibly helpful with working out and running. (motivation, energy and results)  

Unfortunately I live in WI, where it isn't legal in any aspect and due to my late start I do not have the connects to have it available to me consistently.  I pray for the day when its at least medically available.

Advice for Fontaine - IMO it depends on what your looking to get out of it; relaxation, medicine, recreation, etc. But, take it slow just to be safe.  Even though it will probably be a positive experience, I would try a small amount and see how you react to it.   Then make adjustments.  
purely for relaxation...

I'm not stressed or anything... I just want to see what's good.
I use it as a pre workout. Makin all kinds of gains.
I leaned this mad late. My stamina was through the roof when I went to gym elevated, still dont understand it. It's like it took twice as much effort for me to hit complete muscle fatigue, where I usually was just about at complete fatigue when I wasn't high by the time I finished my sets for the day.

Definitely plan on taking advantage for this when im in the clear to get back to it.
Any advice for those who started smoking late?

I rarely drink.. (Only pour up with my lady... Maybe once a month)

I'm thinking about blazing for my 30th bday...

I don't think I'm the type to get addicted...

What's it like for those who start smokin' late?

you better take that day off bruh. Bout to go night night at least 5 hrs
Word.... You burn through one blunt of high-grade and you might as well just clear your schedule.

Sounds like you'll be in good company too. Try eating the best food you can get your hands on and listen to your favorite songs/albums.

You'll have newfound appreciation for all of it.
Any advice for those who started smoking late?

I rarely drink.. (Only pour up with my lady... Maybe once a month)

I'm thinking about blazing for my 30th bday...

I don't think I'm the type to get addicted...

What's it like for those who start smokin' late?


You're in a thread about asking how to stop, and you are asking how to start......
Let him inquire on da almighty herb mami.
I feel like it's time to put my favorite past time behind me. I feel like to be a better me I have to make some sacrifices, and giving up the mj is a step in the right direction. It's been causing me to make some bad choices and be around questionable people lately so I feel like it's time to give it up. So I'm asking all the former smokers to give me some tips on how to stay sober while on the path to self improvement.
Elevate your atmosphere fam. I quit to make gains in my chosen career path, and that was more than enough motivation I needed to go cold turkey in a moments notice and I was a heavy daily chiefer.

Try to ween yourself off over 2 weeks and then take a month break, or however long you need. Since I haven't been smoking, I honestly don't even think about it anymore unless someone brings it up or my boys hit the group chat setting up a session (that I cant take part in

Since it's not addicting, just a habit, its not very hard to quit at all. It's social reinforcement that makes it difficult from my experience. Even when I was trying to quit and let people know they STILL hit me up to match/smoke out.
I've smoked for about a decade now. Started in college. Made the Dean's List while supervising a restaurant. Excelled while chiefing more than probably needed in all actuality. I'm more mature with it now. Still enjoy it after work but never before. It really helps my restless mind. As for my wife she had a bad stomach illness last year and what she was prescribed didn't help for ****. The green alleviated a lot of the nausea she had and was helpful in her recovery. I've quit when needed to get better job opportunities and it isn't that difficult. I'm currently 31 if anyone is curious as far as my age.
I didn't start smoking until I was 21...I'm 25 now,I face 2 backwoods a day, hopefully I can quit soon. I know I NEED to stop but I just don't want to. It's just too much **** going on in my life for me to stop right now. It's defintely a crutch for me
It was cool reading about everyone's experience with Mary Jane.

Mine started when I was 13. Hit my first joint in middle school. Started really smoking heavy my sophomore year in high school. From that point I have been smoking everyday for almost 20 years. I am 33 now. I agree with most points made here. If you can control it, and not let it control you, you should be good. Meaning if you can't function without it, or cant do things while high. It is holding you back.

As for me. You might say it hindered me or slowed my progress in the beginning, but didn't stop me. I graduated college. Held down several different jobs and am now in a career job/path. I too use it to wind down from a long day or use it for "medical" purposes. I.e. stomach ache, diarrhea, anxiety, loss of appetite, or trouble sleeping. I've tried several times to quit but always found myself coming back to it. Probably because I've always had good experiences with it and for me, I look at myself and see that I have a beautiful loving wife, 2 awesome smart kids, and fat ***** house, I nice car, lots of toys. So what exactly was smoking "holding me back from?"
have stopped for weeks at a time but never forever... i started smoking pretty late 22 - 23. it has had its ups and downs. 9 years later and i still see myself smoking in the foreseeable future. about to start a web series thats a bit of a long shot but im going to have to curb my smoking to a minimum if i want to become proficient at what i want to do. But i will also need it to create. Must find balance
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SInce the subject has already been broached..... Im 44 and have never smoked weed. I was an athlete growing up and thought is was stupid and wrong, a sign of weakness. But as Ive gotten older and looked into the actual benefits of mj, I see that I was scared into thinking its bad for you - now I know better.
SO now I want to, and I will, it's just a matter of working things out. Ive been on anti-anxiety meds for damn near 10 years now and from what I have learned, mj sounds like a better alternative to me. Not legal in my state (yet) but Im hoping things could change in the next year.
I want to smoke it for the relaxtion and the chill, - would love to hear some good advice on gettting started.
never understood the hype around backwoods

reg swisher sheets or garcia vegas  all day

didn't think too many folks used the garcia vega.. use to roll it up keeping the outside leaf intact. no newbies would last the whole thing after that lil harshness hits em.
Only thing worse than Garcia Vegas are those harsh *** backwoods that grimy NYC cats smoke. Y'all know who you are
Had to cut back on my wax consumption, all I did was dab, eat, and sleep... gained like 30 lbs in 6 months

I'm never gonna stop using flowers tho, the key is moderation.
Serious question no troll,

But when people smoke weed everyday, or even 2-3 times a day, why do they act like they don't have a serious issue and that they can quit anytime?
started senior year of high school. Only on rare occasions. By sophomore year of college I was smoking everyday.
Heavy user for 3 years. Cut cold turkey may 2013 when i graduated college. Next month will be 2 years clean. I was definitely addicted to it. Mind over matter.
Im the only brother that works in this architecture firm out of 150 people in my office alone. If im getting fired its because I cannot perform the tasks given to me not a substance.
Religion and taking a year to find out who i was/ who i wanted to be helped. I still get urges but they are easily repressible. The first few months going cold turkey was extremely hard. Headaches, couldnt fall asleep among other things. Mind over matter fellas.
started senior year of high school. Only on rare occasions. By sophomore year of college I was smoking everyday.
Heavy user for 3 years. Cut cold turkey may 2013 when i graduated college. Next month will be 2 years clean. I was definitely addicted to it. Mind over matter.
Im the only brother that works in this architecture firm out of 150 people in my office alone. If im getting fired its because I cannot perform the tasks given to me not a substance.
Religion and taking a year to find out who i was/ who i wanted to be helped. I still get urges but they are easily repressible. The first few months going cold turkey was extremely hard. Headaches, couldnt fall asleep among other things. Mind over matter fellas.

Good for you man.
Serious question no troll,

But when people smoke weed everyday, or even 2-3 times a day, why do they act like they don't have a serious issue and that they can quit anytime?
i burn 2-3x a day. Sometimes I run out til payday and stop for days. I'm pretty chill though and it's not a serious issue
i burn 2-3x a day. Sometimes I run out til payday and stop for days. I'm pretty chill though and it's not a serious issue

But why do you smoke 2-3 a day is my question. I mean, I imagine that you don't do it because it is fun.

Is it used to help with life? And if so, how is that not a serious issue?
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