Unpopular Opinion(s) Thread

Rick and Morty isn't funny at all.
just terrible
Meh..... AMs in the 90s was tight with white tee, khakis or 501s out west.
I always associated am1 & kinda 90's (b/c they're shaped similar) w/ the west. 90's are more universal, but yeah, am1's. I almost never see them on this side of the country.
Okay this isn't an unpopular opinion, but it is a undermined facT. The reggaeton sound & origins comes from Panama. Puerto Rican's coined the term "reggaeton" popularized it globally.

Mad Jamaican's n other groups came over to build canal & influenced the country's culture. Dudes was rapping over reggae & dancehall beats (in Panama) & the sound evolved from that (in Panama).
There is a reason that an entire continent of people, and those who were stolen from that continent, do not suffer the consequences of constant exposure to the sun. It's also pretty funny that the people who thought that they were superior, then avoiding the sun due to skin cancer and sun sensitivity, are now are suffering from vitamin D deficiency, at a global level.
There is a reason that an entire continent of people, and those who were stolen from that continent, do not suffer the consequences of constant exposure to the sun. It's also pretty funny that the people who thought that they were superior, then avoiding the sun due to skin cancer and sun sensitivity, are now are suffering from vitamin D deficiency, at a global level.
No coincidences in this world Brother Khufu.


(I know you know this)
I dont like when he gets too pop sounding, though he has some hits I like that are poppy. My list of fav CB def aint the poppy tracks though.
That's all his songs. The r&b is poppy too. He just makes so much that something is gonna stick since his platform is so big.
Seth Fowler has no absolutely swag. If you've ever seen one of his on-foots or fits & was inspired by it then something is wrong.

Listen, he does good reviews. I don't think they warrant his subscriber count, but the reviews are objectively good & we share the same size (that's important). Whoever, something about his crippling blandness just irritates me & I think I would dread being left him alone at a dinner table or something. He epitome of an extravert not having any type of charisma.

His camera is very clear & he has great lighting though. And I trust his reviews as far as sizing & stuff.
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