UPDATE: world's first sneaker game has finally arrived Sneakerheads

WOW Will you guys beat me to the news "Sneaker Match Mania"  has arrived Download it FREE
The sneaker world is going apples & bananas right now.  We still have improvements to make but stay tune for future updates and  Android and iPad  versions coming soon. I'm glad you guys enjoy it, I won't be able to come back on the NT today because I have to talk to the press and continue with all the marketing. Man I'm working like a virtual slave, haven't ate food all day but I love what I do and this is fun for me. I want to thank everybody for your support and  the haters the back button is always there for you 

Some of the shoes look too similar/small which makes it hard to play, or maybe I'm just blind.
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Some of the shoes look too similar/small which makes it hard to play, or maybe I'm just blind.

yup can be frustrating with all the black/red shoes....woulda been cooler to incorporate the newer lebrons, kobes, kds since they have more colors

anyway, congrats OP for reachin ur goal amidst the dreadful comments in this thread (like really? at some of these comments :lol:)

edit: game froze lol, stuck on ads and can't exit out
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havent tried it yet, but from your preview, all the shoes look very similar.
I'm having fun with this so far. I like that the game is geared towards actual sneaker sayings and models. The squeaking noise when moving the kicks around is a nice touch.

My only gripe is, the 3's and 4's look a like, and I wish the sneakers were a TAD bit bigger, but it's still cool man. Very nice job on this.
would putting [Sneaker Match Mania - Jordan Edition] get you in any trouble?
a game for sneakerheads is as corny as can be

I think Spot has it right. It's inherently corny. I can't think of any scenario where I would play a sneaker game. And I play a ton of video games.

That just sounds boring. 

Go back to sleep.

Try again

OP's forreal?

yea i actually think he is serious :smh:

As if sneaker game wasn't corny enough now you want a game about it

wt F this is the type people I hate :x , asking NT for ideas :lol: f oH

sneakerplay was basically a game though 8)


That's corny b

You are still taking this seriously?


OP gonna lose mad money. Stubborn :lol:

I am embarrassed to have clicked on this thread...

Stuff like this is why sneakers suck in 2013.

A game? About sneakers?

Get the entire **** outta here.

I know you really want this to happen OP, but it's not a good idea. end goal is ALWAYS to make money.

why not develop a game that won't necessarily only appeal to a small market? games like angry birds can be played by any and everyone. you've got little kids, teens, and even adults playing it to kill time which is why it's so successful and popular.

a game targeted toward "sneaker heads" will never be successful. seriously think about it...you're already basically advertising it directly to your target market by making this thread and you've gotten minimal interest (if any at all). it is not going to be a successful project no matter how much you want it to be.

My G asked his immediate market about an idea and virtually everyone said it was a bad idea/concept... And dude still won't listen. :lol:

post this on ISS/NSB etc. I guarantee they will say the same thing. We're trying to save you hours of your life OP :lol:

Reevaluate your life

I think OP's game would be about as relevant as Pretty Ricky

screw it. we tried to show OP reason, but let him learn on his own. hopefully he knows how to make his own app and doesn't need to pay someone tens of thousands of dollars to do it.

I want to admire his belief in himself, but it's pretty clear this is never going to work out for him and he absolutely refuses to hear any of that.

*Mase laughing .gif*

this thread is spam. your game sucks. you suck.
please leave.

Cancelled the PS4 & Xbone order! My kids are getting the sneakerhead game.

i've been a member since 2004. i've leaked pics of shoes, hooked a bunch of people up with shoes and information, given away free supplements, donated money and often click on the ads. you, on the other hand, have been a member for less than a year and have contributed exactly what to this site? and now you're spamming it with this game that is looking like crap so far. plenty of people on here know me and my life is fantastic; getting married soon, beautiful son and a great career. that wont stop me from pointing out things like this that pollute a community that i enjoy so much.

Not to be a negative nate but just stop while you're ahead homie.

Great initiative but terrible concept/idea.

i agree with Mike OP is nothing but a parasite idk why you guys are tryna "support" him when he clearly DGAFs about us
OP just joined a bunch of forums just to spam his corny game so he can exploit the community for some $

NT is about being fam and contributing in a positive way not exploiting members for a monetary gain (check the SB thread S/O to John holding it down for real NT community)

OP is nothing a but a scumbag tryna cash in with a stupid app/game


I sense a cease and desist in your future.

^ lol back to the drawing board.

I like how you threw in "finally" like it's something we've all been waiting for lol

:lol: @ the notion of catching the vapors over a "sneakerhead" game.

Successful doesn't meant not corny. A lot of wack **** gets love these days.
:lol: @ the notion of catching the vapors over a "sneakerhead" game.

Successful doesn't meant not corny. A lot of wack **** gets love these days.

I know that but as grown men we all know the difference between constructive criticism and just flat out tryna break a N spirit. A lot of y'all did the latter and you know it.

Dudes saying stuff like "go to sleep", "reevaluate your life", "OP gonna fail miserably and lose mad money :lol:". SMH

The nerve of y'all N's to tell someone that they can't do something, must be really feeling yourselves.

Inb4 I'm "slurping" :rolleyes
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^ No matter how ridiculous I think the game concept is, the hard work to make it a reality is appreciated. I even said that but of course you missed that quote. :lol:

All that said, the end product is still more bastardizing of the sneaker culture IMO. Just a scheme to make money off of the hot trend of being a "sneakerhead".
^ No matter how ridiculous I think the game concept is, the hard work to make it a reality is appreciated. I even said that but of course you missed that quote. :lol:

All that said, the end product is still more bastardizing of the sneaker culture IMO. Just a scheme to make money off of the hot trend of being a "sneakerhead".

Nah I caught that quote, but still.

And bruh the "sneaker culture" is already bastardized beyond repair, you damn well ain't no slightly cheesy video game app gonna make things much worse. :rofl:
:lol: @ the notion of catching the vapors over a "sneakerhead" game.

Successful doesn't meant not corny. A lot of wack **** gets love these days.

I know that but as grown men we all know the difference between constructive criticism and just flat out tryna break a N spirit. A lot of y'all did the latter and you know it.

Dudes saying stuff like "go to sleep", "reevaluate your life", "OP gonna fail miserably and lose mad money :lol:". SMH

The nerve of y'all N's to tell someone that they can't do something, must be really feeling yourselves.

Inb4 I'm "slurping" :rolleyes

If corny = getting paid, I want to be corny for the rest of my life.

Kudos to OP. I am to an app developer (me and my partner) and a lot of my friends thought our game (first ever game) is stupid / corny till it rank 43 out of 250 in newest games on Google Play in 3 days.

OP do your thing, you can't satisfy everyone, and don't let NT judge or knock your hustle.
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^ No matter how ridiculous I think the game concept is, the hard work to make it a reality is appreciated. I even said that but of course you missed that quote.

All that said, the end product is still more bastardizing of the sneaker culture IMO. Just a scheme to make money off of the hot trend of being a "sneakerhead".
Nah I caught that quote, but still.

And bruh the "sneaker culture" is already bastardized beyond repair, you damn well ain't no slightly cheesy video game app gonna make things much worse.
Truth be told, the state of the culture isn't THAT big a deal to me.  At the end of the day, they're things I wear on my feet.  And I'm gonna do what I do regardless of what the kids are doing.  Yeah it sucks that things aren't how they used to be, but I have much more important things in life to worry about now.  

But that doesn't mean I can't call stuff as I see it, right?  You post your stuff on NikeTALK, get ready to get talked about and commented on.  Am I supposed to sit silent if I'm not in love with the idea of the game and using NT to profit off of?  
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