Urgent Help Needed ! ? WinPC Defender Spyware ?

Mar 11, 2003
O.K. so I turn my laptop on today and this winpc defender thing pops up with virus scan messages and says i need to remove these viruses, so at first i'mthinking this is a aprogram that came with my lap-top so i follow the directions and it sends me to a bill-payment, so I guess a program that IS on my computerblocks it and lets me know that its not a safe site...

I just did a search about this program and it says that this is a spyware that tells u your computer is at risk to get u to make a payment or atleast give theinformation for payment credit card info etc.

Anybody have past experience with this or know about this and have any info for me to help getting this off my comp. ?
Can't let this get to page 2... this urgent error message continues to pop up every couple minutes.

Please help me out.
I tried to google it, but I wanted to see if anyone dealt with this before, before I choose which way to deal with it....

I buy my porn on the streets of NY by the way. 5 for $20.
Originally Posted by GaBeGRaMz

I tried to google it, but I wanted to see if anyone dealt with this before, before I choose which way to deal with it....

I buy my porn on the streets of NY by the way. 5 for $20.
even worse bruh, you dont pay for porn, what do you think the internet is for?
who the hell buys porn.... smack ya self.

just download a trial version of eset nod32 ant get rid of it.

MR MONDAY-I came across that site, but I'm on some real scketchy shiesh right now, have you used this before...
this virus stuff is why i drop the 20 spot like every couple months... rather do that then have this happen. But now look.
man. if you can't find virus-free porn on the internet, you deserve this to happen to you.

I know someone can help... ya dudes got personal problems when someone is genuinely effed up in the game and asks for help and all you can say is "goodfor you" "smack yourself"

Wild child abuse victims... Might as well kill yaself living like that...

Originally Posted by GaBeGRaMz


I know someone can help... ya dudes got personal problems when someone is genuinely effed up in the game and asks for help and all you can say is "good for you" "smack yourself"

Wild child abuse victims... Might as well kill yaself living like that...

naw, i think you should kill yourself for catching the clap off dirty porn
MONDAY-Good looking boss man... I trying the first link, but like I said I'm on some real petro stuff right now... trynna get someone with experience withthis in here... feel me ?
Originally Posted by GaBeGRaMz

MONDAY-Good looking boss man... I trying the first link, but like I said I'm on some real petro stuff right now... trynna get someone with experience with this in here... feel me ?
I do this for a living b
$@$....are you slow or something boy.

upgrade to dsl. stop using netscape navigator. download firefox.

go download eset nod32, it's gonna be a trial version but it will get rid of it. pm me and I'll give you a full license.



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